Annual Holiday Party
Monday December 16, 2024
6 pm
It was a full chapter house on Monday December 16 when the chapter celebrated the conclusion of the first year of the Marlon Gunderson - Jay Schrankler administration. Members enjoyed a filling dinner and many sugary desserts thanks to several members who brought good things to share. Chapter recognition awards were given out. Of those in attendance Jay was recognized for his work as vice president, Emma Hanson as treasurer, Scott Hanson as membership coordinator, Bill Schanks as events coordinator, Bruce Olson as Ray Scholarship director, Jeff Dale as education director, and Bob Collins as facilities director, newsletter editor, web editor and chapter MVP. President Marlon Gunderson also recognized a number of members who joined the chapter in 2024. Following dinner, Kevin Szalapski and Aaron Hoffman presented their film of flying Kevin's trike from Osceola to Sky Harbor Airport in Duluth, and along the coastline of Lake Superior. And the evening concluded with Jay Schrankler's excellent trivia contest, won this year by Gregg Adler, Jon Dekko, Hoffman, Szalapski, Jim Pearsall, and Carol Marsyla. Find more pictures from the holiday party here.
January 2024: 3D printing aviation applications (and Lake Elmo noise complaints)
February 2024: A fireside chat with Marlon Gunderson
March 2024: Mark Schaible, owner and president of Sonex
April 2024: Joe Harris, MAC director of reliever airports
May 2024: Sim pit design with Jeff Dale
June 2024: Annual picnic and hangar tour
August 2024: Your Oshkosh experience and fly-in breakfast debrief
September 2024: Dale Seitzer's Sky Ranger
October 2024: The Ups and Downs of Building an RV
November 2024: Former NASA flight director Paul Dye
December 2024: Annual holiday party