Thanks to the effort of EAA Chapter 54, anyone who likes watching airplanes has a comfortable front-row seat at Lake Elmo Airport (21D).
The airport viewing area, just north of the Chapter House (at the southern entrance off Manning Avenue), was created in 2008.
Enjoy your viewing while seated on benches or make a lunch date while watching airplanes come and go from the airport. A pergola provides plenty of shade.
Each bench can fold out to a table for use for those bringing lunch or dinner.
The project was completed with the valued assistance of Boy Scout Troop 114 from Stillwater in 2009. The landscaping and bench building were supervised by Scout member Kent Weyrauch. This community service project was part of Kent's Eagle Scout project, the BSA's highest award.
If you have a portable scanner, you can listen in to air-to-air communications on 123.075.
The observation area can be accessed via the south entrance to the airport. Drive straight ahead, past the EAA Chapter 54 House and park on the left, across from the mailboxes.
If the Chapter House is open, feel free to stop in and introduce yourself. We'll be happy to answer any questions you have about aviation. If you have questions now, please use the "Contact Us" link in the navigation menu. We'll respond quickly.
Who's Up There?
Current flight map (Lake Elmo Airport)
Listen to Air Traffic Control (Twin Cities via
Directions: Lake Elmo Airport (21D) is located on Manning Avenue in Lake Elmo.
From the South: From I-94, drive North approximately 3 miles on Manning Avenue. Just past the 30th Street traffic light, the first gate entrance takes you past the Chapter House. To the left of the MAC garage, you'll find the viewing area.
From the North: Take the second airport entrance (after you go past the runway).