EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

The Beacon Archive 2000-2009

The Beacon, official newsletter of EAA Chapter 54 in Lake Elmo, MN

Jan Reflections on Korea: The Forgotten War; Remembering R. Bruce Abercrombie.
Feb A flight in a B-17; Larry Berg obituary
Mar A race to Sebring; chapter house expansion
Apr A flight for a former flyer; Richard Menz profile
May Clubhouse expansion
Jun History of the chapter house; Oshkosh work party
Jul  Paul Rankin profile Part 1
Aug Paul Rankin profile Part 2
Sep Paul Rankin profile Part 3
Oct  Fly-in breakfast; Bettie Seitzer profile
Nov Hugh Sontag's Titan Tornado; Bill Bjorum profile
Dec Randy Delfel profile

Jan Jill Wahl of Farnsworth speaks
Feb Benches for the chapter house
Mar Dan Bergstrom's Tailwind
Apr Marlon Gunderson's trip to Bozeman; new aircraft viewing area
May Call for volunteers
Jun Dedication of viewing area; a ride in Paul Hove's RV-7A
Jul  Preparing for Osh
Aug Making a wish come true; weekend in the Ozarks: Rotorways
Sep Oshkosh recap
Oct  Fly-in breakfast review; Clubhouse facelift
Nov Joey's 237
Dec Year-end review of chapter programs

Jan Civil Air Patrol; Young Eagles report
Feb Weight shifting aircraft
Mar Certification of experimental aircraft; Air Academy
Apr The AME speaks; Ground school
May Sun 'n' Fun report; accident prevention
Jun The Rotax 912
Jul  Lindbergh author speaks: DAR visits Paul Hove
Aug United Flight 232 review; aviation art
Sep Fly-in review; RV-7A first flight
Oct  Tom Halfpenny profile
Nov Art Edhlund on new ways at the chapter; surviving a forced landing
Dec History of Speed Holman

Jan North Side "Geezers"; Bill S
Feb Should the chapter get involved in politics
Mar 1943 WWII Aeronca L3B flies again
Apr Ray Lundgren's engine failure
May Chip's story
Jun Weekend work party
Jul  Saturday chapter house meetings
Aug (No issue)
Sep Fly-in breakfast
Oct  Air Academy recipient profile
Nov MAC chairman visits
Dec Mountain flying

Jan Hands-on aviation at Washburn
Feb Alex Newman, Air Academy nominee
Mar Tsunami relief
Apr Around 21D
May My life as a student pilot
Jun Weekend work party
Jul  RV-7A project
Aug AirVenture recap
Sep Mark Olson and Mike Pittelkow RV-7A First Flight
Oct  RV-10 First Flight
Nov Government affairs
Dec MSP Class B

Jan The first solo; National Air Tour
Feb John Schmidt as newsletter editor
Mar Arizona Adventure
Apr DaleRupp's first flight; Building RV fuel tanks
May Arizona Adventure; RV transition training
Jun Weekend work party
Jul  The B2
Aug A Kitty Hawk dream
Sep RV-7A work in progress
Oct  Spaceship One
Nov The amazing rusting aluminum
Dec Across the country in a titan

Jan Repowering the J3; The value of "why"; Dakota Hawk update; When bad things happen to bad builders
Feb Basic primer on sheet metal
Mar Planning a work weekend; a parade of Champs; ultralight absorption of paints
Apr Looking for inspiration; springtime awakenings; Aviation the Arizona way
May Remembering Gil Leiter
Jun Alaska dreams; residential encroachment at 21D
Jul  The RV assembly line; Day trip to Lindbergh's home
Aug Virtual flight briefings; Oshkosh recap; Dale Seitzer’s Titan Tornado II 
Sep John Renwick's Alaska adventure; An old eagle gets his wings
Oct  AOPA focusing on reliever airports
Nov A magnificent Skybolt; new FBO at 21D
Dec Don Carlson: Artist in the air; Listening to the voices

Jan Dale Rupp takes over as chapter president; How to lose a medical; Mick Supina's Swift
Feb Remembering Jerry Sarracco; 25 ways to be a better aviator
Mar Who's Jack Hickey? A plethora of biplanes
Apr Jack Doke from Florida; Carburetors, throttle bodies and fuel injectors
May Elmo AFB Flying Club; Jim Montague on generators
Jun Oshkosh work party; A Pitts stop in Mahtomedi
Jul  Flying in Europe; Paul Liedl’s Kitfox; Jim Montague on magnetos
Aug Oshkosh chronicles;  Reflections from Professor Bill Schanks; mag timing
Sep RV accident analysis; AirVenture with kids; pancake fly-in
Oct  Flying home with a Tailwind; Magneto timing and Bendix mags; KidVenture for 54?
Nov Wings of Mercy; Elvira the Taylorcraft; hand propping
Dec Al and Bill’s most excellent adventure

Jan State of the Chapter report from President Bill Schanks
Feb The chapter housing crisis; MSP Class B expansion proposed; Marlon Gunderson's book report
Mar Builder reports; Philips anti-rust oil
Apr Oshkosh work party tradition
May (Unavailable)
Jun  (Unavailable)
Jul  (Unavailable)
Aug  Fundraising begins to build Chapter House; Nick and Marlon's Oshkosh Adventure; Art Edhlund's education adventure
Sep Chapter House building underway; Jim Montague receives EAA Major Achievement Award
Oct The miracle of riding in a homebuilt airplane; Chapter House almost done
Nov Petition to change name of Lake Elmo Airport; Final appeal for building funds
Dec Bob Collins named newsletter editor, replacing Bob Waldron; why people don't fly; Bill Schanks' last president's column

Jan Chapter home gets microwave; building projects pick up
Feb Chapter enrollment passes 100; newsletter now online; half of chapter expenses is the newsletter; dues increase possible
Mar (Unavailable)
Apr (Unavailable)
May (Unavailable)
Jun Chapter hosts leadership conference; pancake breakfast organizational meeting; Flying start
Jul What's next after Young Eagles; pancake breakfast organizational meeting
Aug The resources for good pilots; pancake breakfast organizational meeting; Marlon Gunderson is chapter guest
Sep Storm decimates Lake Elmo Airport; pancake breakfast results
Oct The Concorde; storm losses
Nov Chapter finances in great shape; Paul Liedl's Kitfox flies
Dec Jerry Sarracco finds portable classroom for sale; the Fisher Classic story; 2000 budget


2020-Present editions
2010-2019 editions
2000-2009 editions 
1990-1999 editions
1980-1989 editions
1970-1979 editions 
1968-1969 editions


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