EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

The Beacon Archive - 2020-Present

The Beacon, official newsletter of EAA Chapter 54 in Lake Elmo, MN

The last quarterly issue of The Beacon was published in March 2024. Subsequently, it was replaced by the semi-monthly emailed newsletter, eBeacon (since rebranded as "The Beacon") as more of the chapter's information moved to the website.


March 4 - Getting ready for Young Eagles; pancake fly-in planning; projects galore at the chapter house; Gregg Adler represents
February 11 - Keeping 21D safe and looking smart; Oshkosh camping sells out; An evening with Al; Gone West section debut on website
January 29  - Anna Chase passes checkride; the death of Paul Hove; President's Letter; Feb video magazine; January meeting recap
January 7 - Avoiding collisions in the pattern; John Ostrem's By the Numbers; Schanks takes over Events Calendar; Year-end financial report; Board of Directors minutes


December 17: Holiday Party photos, spin training, the Shanahan Zenith CH 750 Cruzer
December 3:  Full house expected at Holiday Party; do we need more fundraisers; VMC club returns; national EAA survey.
November 13:  Paul Dye speaks to packed house; Tom Gibbons attends Pulsar reunion; Meet our new members; November chapter video; Register for the holiday party
October 30: A matrimonial mission; President's column; Building an RV the hard way; Chapter Leadership Academy report; Holmberg's Vintage Bellanca
October 9: Dale Seitzer's SkyRanger project; Toy collection drive; Board of Directors tackles expired memberships
Sep 6: Post mortem on the fly-in; storm damage at chapter house; callout for Air Academy participants; loss of control accident avoidance
Aug 21: Oshkosh and fly-in debrief; helicopter day at the chapter house; volunteer awards; chapter anniversaries
Aug 1:  Group camping at Oshkosh; plans proceed for pancake breakfast; Saturday coffee now with Wings credit.
June 20:  Ray Scholarship recipient solos; President's letter on Rush City fly-in, pancake breakfast planning and more; free stuff at hangar; preparing for Oshkosh
June 4:  Board of Directors minutes; Young Eagles; Picnic planning; Anniversaries
May 16: Anna Chase named Ray Scholarship recipient; Jeff Dale on sim pits; Chapter survey results; Performing your own maintenance
May 7: Board of Directors reviews survey results; busiest month of year; Dave Becker dies; website woes
Apr 10: RV12 accident; April meeting hears from MAC relievers boss; St. Paul tower controllers on reducing are conflict
Mar. 27: Quarterly newsletter discontinued; dues increase announced; Preliminary report issued in crash; nominate a volunteer; Flying Start
Mar. 17: March meeting hears from Sonex president; chapter returns to fundraising
Mar. 4: Two chapter members killed in Afton plane crash; chapter survey underway
Feb. 20: Marlon's Fireside chat; Cinema 54 debuts; Sonex boss at next meeting
Feb. 7: Feb Board of Directors meeting; The Future of New Richmond Airport; Feb. Chapter video; Aging pilots
Jan. 17: Newsletter online archive completed; Noise complaints highlight January meeting;  How to volunteer for Young Eagles
Jan. 3: January Board of Directors meeting; First newsletter of year published; chapter house renovations completed; airplane wall of fame. 

The following are the quarterly published newsletters

January: Marlon Gunderson pays tribute to Leif Erickson; the new leadership; who are we and where are we going? Chapter House updates. Hybrid meetings now offered. A review of previous meetings. Lake Elmo Airport noise plan. 

April:  Published newsletter discontinued; dues increase announced; a running start to the flying season; planning begins for August pancake fly-in breakfast; Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Committee meeting; rates and changes for airport tenants.


January: Cozy builders; a tribute to volunteers; a preview of upcoming speakers

April: Winter chapter meetings recap; winter fly-ins; new lifetime members profiled; Meet Jeff Dale;  Editor's 2 cents

July: Spring chapter meeting recap; a profile of the new chapter website; Lake Elmo Advisory Committee meeting; Judd Andrews spotlight; ACE camp; Chapter elections

October President Leif Erickson looks back as his term ends; a review of July, August, and September chapter meetings; we meet Chris Gregg, the newest chapter member;  Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Commission update: and Marlon Gunderson describes his trip to Oshkosh and his hangar project. 


January: Mitch Zahler and Bill Schanks Jr on unscheduled off-airport landings; Jay Schrankler's 1965 Beechcraft Debonair; Frank Kurkowski's Quad City Challenger; Remembering Dennis Hoffman; 'green' developments in aviation.

April:  Analyzing recent accidents; stories of aviation romance; Laura Hermann's trip to Alaska;  remembering Dave Fiebiger, who was instrumental in creating our chapter home, and Jesse Black, one of Chapter 54's founding members

July:  Flying Start Day;  21D sound study; airport manager update;  ‘Tales from the Swift Side’ by Mitch Zahler; a flyout report to Theodore Roosevelt National Park

October: Oshkosh recap;  diagnosing an engine problem in a Rotax 912ULS powered Kitfox; new runway open at 21D


January: New hangars at 21D; Johnson High's Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program;  a look back at the 2000 destructive storm in Lake Elmo; Kevin Szalapski's trike

April:  Opening up after COVID;  flying to Brazil in an RV; Doug Rozendaal talks about flying a C-47 across the Atlantic; glider operations out of Stanton and Osceola airports.

July: Oshkosh camping; Jim Pearsall's off-airport landing; upset prevention and recovery training; bird strikes

October: Summer socials at the chapter house; Jim Pearsall's Rans S-21 project; Oshkosh 2021 review


April: Meet the newsletter editor;  aircraft insurance woes

July: Meet the new president; flying to AirVenture

October: 21D improvement plan begins; Commanche memories;  Cozy maintenance

2020-Present editions
2010-2019 editions
2000-2009 editions
1990-1999 editions
1980-1989 editions
1970-1979 editions
1968-1969 editions

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