The last quarterly issue of The Beacon was published in March 2024. Subsequently, it was replaced by the semi-monthly emailed newsletter, eBeacon (since rebranded as "The Beacon") as more of the chapter's information moved to the website.
March 4 - Getting ready for Young Eagles; pancake fly-in planning; projects galore at the chapter house; Gregg Adler represents
February 11 - Keeping 21D safe and looking smart; Oshkosh camping sells out; An evening with Al; Gone West section debut on website
January 29 - Anna Chase passes checkride; the death of Paul Hove; President's Letter; Feb video magazine; January meeting recap
January 7 - Avoiding collisions in the pattern; John Ostrem's By the Numbers; Schanks takes over Events Calendar; Year-end financial report; Board of Directors minutes
December 17: Holiday Party photos, spin training, the Shanahan Zenith CH 750 Cruzer
December 3: Full house expected at Holiday Party; do we need more fundraisers; VMC club returns; national EAA survey.
November 13: Paul Dye speaks to packed house; Tom Gibbons attends Pulsar reunion; Meet our new members; November chapter video; Register for the holiday party
October 30: A matrimonial mission; President's column; Building an RV the hard way; Chapter Leadership Academy report; Holmberg's Vintage Bellanca
October 9: Dale Seitzer's SkyRanger project; Toy collection drive; Board of Directors tackles expired memberships
Sep 6: Post mortem on the fly-in; storm damage at chapter house; callout for Air Academy participants; loss of control accident avoidance
Aug 21: Oshkosh and fly-in debrief; helicopter day at the chapter house; volunteer awards; chapter anniversaries
Aug 1: Group camping at Oshkosh; plans proceed for pancake breakfast; Saturday coffee now with Wings credit.
June 20: Ray Scholarship recipient solos; President's letter on Rush City fly-in, pancake breakfast planning and more; free stuff at hangar; preparing for Oshkosh
June 4: Board of Directors minutes; Young Eagles; Picnic planning; Anniversaries
May 16: Anna Chase named Ray Scholarship recipient; Jeff Dale on sim pits; Chapter survey results; Performing your own maintenance
May 7: Board of Directors reviews survey results; busiest month of year; Dave Becker dies; website woes
Apr 10: RV12 accident; April meeting hears from MAC relievers boss; St. Paul tower controllers on reducing are conflict
Mar. 27: Quarterly newsletter discontinued; dues increase announced; Preliminary report issued in crash; nominate a volunteer; Flying Start
Mar. 17: March meeting hears from Sonex president; chapter returns to fundraising
Mar. 4: Two chapter members killed in Afton plane crash; chapter survey underway
Feb. 20: Marlon's Fireside chat; Cinema 54 debuts; Sonex boss at next meeting
Feb. 7: Feb Board of Directors meeting; The Future of New Richmond Airport; Feb. Chapter video; Aging pilots
Jan. 17: Newsletter online archive completed; Noise complaints highlight January meeting; How to volunteer for Young Eagles
Jan. 3: January Board of Directors meeting; First newsletter of year published; chapter house renovations completed; airplane wall of fame.
The following are the quarterly published newsletters
January: Marlon Gunderson pays tribute to Leif Erickson; the new leadership; who are we and where are we going? Chapter House updates. Hybrid meetings now offered. A review of previous meetings. Lake Elmo Airport noise plan.
April: Published newsletter discontinued; dues increase announced; a running start to the flying season; planning begins for August pancake fly-in breakfast; Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Committee meeting; rates and changes for airport tenants.
January: Cozy builders; a tribute to volunteers; a preview of upcoming speakers
April: Winter chapter meetings recap; winter fly-ins; new lifetime members profiled; Meet Jeff Dale; Editor's 2 cents
July: Spring chapter meeting recap; a profile of the new chapter website; Lake Elmo Advisory Committee meeting; Judd Andrews spotlight; ACE camp; Chapter elections
October President Leif Erickson looks back as his term ends; a review of July, August, and September chapter meetings; we meet Chris Gregg, the newest chapter member; Lake Elmo Airport Advisory Commission update: and Marlon Gunderson describes his trip to Oshkosh and his hangar project.
January: Mitch Zahler and Bill Schanks Jr on unscheduled off-airport landings; Jay Schrankler's 1965 Beechcraft Debonair; Frank Kurkowski's Quad City Challenger; Remembering Dennis Hoffman; 'green' developments in aviation.
April: Analyzing recent accidents; stories of aviation romance; Laura Hermann's trip to Alaska; remembering Dave Fiebiger, who was instrumental in creating our chapter home, and Jesse Black, one of Chapter 54's founding members
July: Flying Start Day; 21D sound study; airport manager update; ‘Tales from the Swift Side’ by Mitch Zahler; a flyout report to Theodore Roosevelt National Park
October: Oshkosh recap; diagnosing an engine problem in a Rotax 912ULS powered Kitfox; new runway open at 21D
January: New hangars at 21D; Johnson High's Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps program; a look back at the 2000 destructive storm in Lake Elmo; Kevin Szalapski's trike
April: Opening up after COVID; flying to Brazil in an RV; Doug Rozendaal talks about flying a C-47 across the Atlantic; glider operations out of Stanton and Osceola airports.
July: Oshkosh camping; Jim Pearsall's off-airport landing; upset prevention and recovery training; bird strikes
October: Summer socials at the chapter house; Jim Pearsall's Rans S-21 project; Oshkosh 2021 review
April: Meet the newsletter editor; aircraft insurance woes
July: Meet the new president; flying to AirVenture
October: 21D improvement plan begins; Commanche memories; Cozy maintenance
2020-Present editions
2010-2019 editions
2000-2009 editions
1990-1999 editions
1980-1989 editions
1970-1979 editions
1968-1969 editions