EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

Chapter News and Minutes

In this section you'll find all of the chapter's newsletters, news articles organized chronologically,  minutes from the chapter's Board of Directors meetings, the agenda for the next meeting, and the monthly chapter video from Oshkosh, and expanded essays from members. Use the dropdown menu on the left.

The Beacon

Sample front page of the EAA Chapter 54 Beacon 

 The Beacon is EAA Chapter 54's primary means of communication. It is usually issued two times per month and includes many of the stories and features you find here on the chapter's website.

Prior to the inauguration of the emailed version in 2024, The Beacon consisted of a quarterly pdf version and, prior to that, it was a monthly version that extended back to the late 1960s.  

Regardless of the form it has taken, The Beacon is packed with information on meeting programs, building projects, and chapter programs such as the Young Eagles.

 All past issues of both the digital and published Beacons can be found at the links below, sorted by decade. You can also use navigation menu (on the left or upper left, depending on what device you are using.

Here are the latest issues:

March 4 - Getting ready for Young Eagles; pancake fly-in planning; projects galore at the chapter house; Gregg Adler represents
February 11 - Keeping 21D safe and looking smart; Oshkosh camping sells out; An evening with Al; Gone West section debut on website
January 29  - Anna Chase passes checkride; the death of Paul Hove; President's Letter; Feb video magazine; January meeting recap
January 7 - Avoiding collisions in the pattern; John Ostrem's By the Numbers; Schanks takes over Events Calendar; Year-end financial report; Board of Directors minutes

The Amsden-Frank Newsletter Archive

Rosemary Frank and Al Amsden, shown in 1998All available newsletters from Chapter 54 have been digitized and are available in the archive. More than 55 years of newsletters have been converted to pdf format thanks to the foresight of chapter members Rosemary Frank and Al Amsden. Frank wrote many of the newsletters and kept meticulous minutes (many of which are attached to the digitized newsletters) as the longtime chapter secretary through the '80s and '90s. Al Amsden saved almost every one of the newsletters, donating his collection to the chapter. The archive, which is available via the drop-down menu under "Newsletters" is organized by decade and each month's primary content is noted on the page.

The newsletter has had several names over its lifespan from EAA Chapter 54 News to Speed's News to The Beacon. Much of the content is valuable today, particularly excellent tech counselor articles and engine maintenance articles from chapter legends such as Bill Schanks and Jim Montague. There are also fascinating reports on journeys members have taken in their aircraft to such destinations as Alaska, Florida, and Yellowstone.

2020-Present editions
2010-2019 editions
2000-2009 editions
1990-1999 editions
1980-1989 editions
1970-1979 editions
1968-1969 editions

Board of Directors Minutes

The Chapter 54 Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of each month, usually via Google Meet. Chapter members in good standing are invited to attend. Please contact the chapter president for more information on doing so. The meeting agenda is posted here on the website well in advance of the meeting. The latest agenda and the minutes archive can be found here.
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