EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

Welcome to EAA Chapter 54. We speak aviation!

Compass Hill at EAA national headquarters in Oshkosh.

From its beginnings in the late '50s, Chapter 54 of the Experimental Aircraft Association has served aviation enthusiasts, dreamers, aircraft builders, pilots, would-be pilots, and individuals interested in helping young people become aviators in the East Metro of Minnesota's Twin Cities. 

EAA Chapter 54 has earned Gold statusWe meet on the second Monday of each month at the Chapter House at Lake Elmo Airport (21D) for informative programs and hangar talk. On Saturdays, we're open for coffee and doughnuts and a Wings safety seminar. We provide Young Eagles rides and aviation scholarships. We help people who are building airplanes.  But you don't need to be a pilot to participate in our activities.

Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest. Let us know you're coming so you can be properly greeted and introduced to the chapter.

In the meantime, please explore this site to learn about the many programs and benefits we offer. Select the dropdown menu to the left to learn our history, find out how young people can get a free flight, and the latest chapter news. You can also find flight planning and airplane-watching tools. Find all the details here.



Our next meeting will be held on Monday January 13. Scott Hanson will conduct a program on using Foreflght. The presentation is eligible for FAA Wings Credit. The meeting starts with a social half-hour at 7 pm. The Cinema 54 presentation is "Living in the Age of Airplanes." Showtime is 6:10 pm. Popcorn will be served. Guests are welcome!  Details >>

Latest Chapter News

Jack Pelton looks ahead

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What would you do? The traffic pattern
The next Saturday Morning Open House on January 4 features the monthly VMC Club session.  First, we'll consider a pilot trying to enter a crammed pattern with a single, harried controller, and another plane heading straight for them.  Ever try to enter a pattern when you can't get a word in edgewise on the radio? Bring your experience and tell us about it.  Then, we'll present the EAA Webinar, "Collision avoidance in the traffic pattern."  Tom Turner from the American Bonanza Society Air Safety Foundation discusses specific things you can do to see and be seen, including when and under what conditions most midair collisions occur, lessons from accident case studies, what’s legal—and what’s not—for traffic pattern entry and departure, right-of-way rules and responsibilities, and practical collision avoidance tactics.  The chapter house will open at 8:45 a.m.  The program begins at 9 a.m.  Coffee and doughnuts will be available.  FAA Wings program credit is awarded to those with accounts on FAASafety.gov. 

Holiday Party caps a big year for Chapter 54

Emma Hanson holds her table's runner-up prize for finishing second in the holiday party trivia contest

It was a full chapter house on Monday December 16 when the chapter celebrated the conclusion of the first year of the Marlon Gunderson - Jay Schrankler administration. Members enjoyed a filling dinner and many sugary desserts thanks to several members who brought good things to share.  Chapter recognition awards were given out. Of those in attendance Jay was recognized for his work as  vice president, Emma Hanson as treasurer, Scott Hanson as membership coordinator, Bill Schanks as events coordinator, Bruce Olson as Ray Scholarship director, Jeff Dale as education director, and Bob Collins as facilities director, newsletter editor, web editor and chapter MVP.  President Marlon Gunderson also recognized a number of members who joined the chapter in 2024.  Following dinner, Kevin Szalapski and Aaron Hoffman presented their film of flying Kevin's trike from Osceola to Sky Harbor Airport in Duluth, and along the coastline of Lake Superior. And the evening concluded with Jay Schrankler's excellent trivia contest, won this year by Gregg Adler, Jon Dekko, Hoffman, Szalapski, Jim Pearsall, and Carol Marsyla.    Find more pictures from the holiday party here.

All about spins
Click the link below to watch the video The Saturday open house and Wings seminar on Saturday December 14 was one of our best attended yet. And why not? The topic is incredibly important, and the presenter is well known for her engaging presentations and knowledge. You can watch the presentation here. You'll need to log in with your EAA account. Here's a reminder that when attending the Saturday session, you cannot receive Wings knowledge credit unless you have an account on FAASafety.gov.


All chapter news >>



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