Monthly program speakers

Carl Ziegler
Monday April 14, 2025
7 p.m.

Forty-eight years as a A&P technician with Inspection Authorization. (IA) . Most recently 13 years with Delta Airlines as Aircraft Inspector and 23 years with Northwest Airlines . I have experience on all Boeing, Douglas and Airbus aircraft from 747,A350 and DC10 on down. Extensive and current experience on practically all General Aviation aircraft from Cessna, Piper, Beechcraft singles and twins. Own and operate a Cessna 172. EAA member and convention attendee since 1973. Provider of tech support for several online forums. Areas of specialty: troubleshooting, operation, technician training, FAA oversight, safety, SMS and current status of our aviation system concerning General Aviation and Airline operations. Stories, knowledge and education.

Upcoming Programs

April 2025:   Carl Ziegler, forty eight years as a A&P technician
May 2025:  Sebastian Heinz, CEO of Zenith Aircraft
June 2025: Annual Chapter picnic and hangar tour
July 2025:  John Mohr-Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Member
August 2025: Oshkosh postmortem

Previous Programs:

January:  Using Foreflight
February: An evening with Al Kupferschmidt
March: Choosing the right avionics

January 2024: 3D printing aviation applications (and Lake Elmo noise complaints)
February 2024: A fireside chat with Marlon Gunderson
March 2024: Mark Schaible, owner and president of Sonex
April 2024: Joe Harris, MAC director of reliever airports
May 2024: Sim pit design with Jeff Dale
June 2024: Annual picnic and hangar tour
August 2024: Your Oshkosh experience and fly-in breakfast debrief
September 2024: Dale Seitzer's Sky Ranger
October 2024: The Ups and Downs of Building an RV
November 2024: Former NASA flight director (and RV8 builder Paul Dye)
December 2024: Annual chapter holiday party


 Directions:  Lake Elmo Airport (21D) is located on Manning Avenue in Lake Elmo.

From the South:  From I-94, drive North approximately 3 miles on Manning Avenue. Just past the 30th Street traffic light, the first gate entrance takes you past the Chapter House. To the left of the MAC garage, you'll find the viewing area.

From the North:  Take the second airport entrance (after you go past the runway).

Flying in?

Lake Elmo Airport has a new frequency, Kenneth

Airport Communications

CTAF/UNICOM: 123.075
WX AWOS-3: 120.075 (651-779-5949)
WX ASOS at STP (10 nm SW): 118.35 (651-312-8888)
WX AWOS-3 at SGS (11 nm SW): 119.425 (651-457-8120)
WX AWOS-3 at RNH (16 nm NE): 120.0 (715-246-3202)
WX ASOS at MSP (17 nm SW): PHONE 612-713-4174
WX AWOS-3 at ANE (18 nm NW): PHONE 763-780-9025
WX AWOS-3 at OEO (20 nm N): 119.925 (715-294-3845)

Nearby radio navigation aids

VORradial/distance VOR name Freq Var
MSPr068/17.3 MINNEAPOLIS VOR/DME 115.30 02E
GEPr106/23.7 GOPHER VORTAC 117.30 06E
FGTr026/26.0 FARMINGTON VORTAC 115.70 06E
FCMr067/27.1 FLYING CLOUD VOR/DME 117.70 01E

Runway 14/32

Dimensions: 3500 x 75 ft. / 1067 x 23 m
Surface: asphalt, in good condition
Runway edge lights: medium intensity
Latitude: 44-59.993048N 44-59.567783N
Longitude: 092-51.480550W 092-50.933050W
Elevation: 925.0 ft. 932.5 ft.
Traffic pattern: left left
Runway heading: 137 magnetic, 138 true 317 magnetic, 318 true
Markings: nonprecision, in good condition nonprecision, in good condition
Visual slope indicator: 4-light PAPI on left (3.50 degrees glide path) 4-light PAPI on left (3.50 degrees glide path)
Runway end identifier lights: yes yes
Touchdown point: yes, no lights yes, no lights

Runway 4/22

Dimensions: 2496 x 75 ft. / 761 x 23 m
Surface: asphalt, in fair condition

Latitude: 44-59.744760N 45-00.062903N
Longitude: 092-51.424532W 092-51.058273W
Elevation: 923.7 ft. 932.7 ft.
Traffic pattern: left left
Runway heading: 038 magnetic, 039 true 218 magnetic, 219 true
Markings: nonprecision, in good condition basic, in good condition
Touchdown point: yes, no lights yes, no lights
Ownership: Publicly-owned
6040 28TH AVE A
MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55450-2799
Phone 612-726-8100
6040 28TH AVE S
MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55450-2799
Phone 763-717-0001
MAINT SUPVR 612-919-3508, MON-FRI 0600-1430.

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