EAA Chapter 54's Board of Directors meets on the first Monday of each month. Members are invited to attend (it's usually via Google Meet). Please contact the chapter president for more information. All meetings include published reports from the treasurer and facilities director.
2025 Minutes
January: Year-end chapter financial report
February: Research of donor acknowledgement situation.
March: Program schedule; trying to organize scholarships; asbestos testing at Chapter House; August fly-in planning organization
2024 Minutes
January: Marlon outlines chapter vision; chapter house renovations
February: Expenses vs. dues; chapter house cleanup; following up with lapsed members; YE and Sodbusters idea (E-Beacon article)
March: OSH pancake breakfast application; leadership bootcamp; dues increase; upcoming programs; OSH camping.
April: Board members got their first look at a chapter survey of members and discussed the August pancake breakfast.
May: Discussion of the chapter survey results; Flying Start briefing
June: Fly-in breakfast discussion; Air Academy nominee
August: Fly-in breakfast discussion
September: Discussion of changes for the next fly-in breakfast
October: Discussion of Air Academy nominees
November: Expenditures approved for facilities; possible Sunday rain dates for YE; treasurer's report; Chapter House insurance review.
December: Discussion of increasing fundraising events; liability to MAC in the event of chapter disbandment