The Beacon August 21, 2024

The Beacon

August 21, 2024

This is the semimonthly email newsletter from the Experimental Aircraft Association of Lake Elmo, MN.  If you have difficulty reading this information, view it on thechapter website.

Monthly chapter meeting focuses on fly-in, Oshkosh

The Dale Family at Oshkosh

A successful fly-in and enjoyable Oshkosh 2024 were reasons enough for a little celebrating at the Chapter 54 monthly meeting, so Jay Schrankler and Marlon Gunderson put together a nice pizza and salad party, along with root beer floats for everyone.

The program itself started with a look back at the pancake breakfast fly-in. Marlon reported the chapter made about $1,000 for aviation scholarships. He offered congratulations and thanks to the team leaders, volunteers, and friends of the Chapter who helped pull it off. He is assembling a list of "takeaways" from members. Originally, the plan for the meeting was to jump into those things but the night's vibe was so good it seemed like a bad idea. So Marlon encouraged anyone with "takeaways" to send them to him.

By far, however, the highlight was a fantastic video from Jeff Dale, which you can find here. Read more >>

It was a nice run
Alas, Chapter 54 did not defend its website title at this year's chapter awards (I'm not sure any member nominated it. - ed.) , which were just announced by national headquarters. All the winners were very deserving and there are some things we could borrow.  Here are the winners. Compare and contrast.

EAA Chapter 839Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

They do not use the EAA content management system as we do, which gives them more flexibility. That can be deadly in the wrong hands but this one is in the right hands. It has a really good "about us" section, but what's really great is they have a theme that runs throughout the website "We love... ". Really great marketing.

EAA Chapter 569Lincoln, Nebraska

Archived newsletters go back as far as 1984 and those are always fun to read. They appear to have a healthy building core in their chapter as well as a tool crib. They have a web store to buy merchandise and we should think about that. Our merchandise store is in the bottom of a desk drawer.

EAA Chapter 320 Watertown, Wisconsin

So, anyway, none of the winners this year is using the EAA system. Interesting. Peyton Wolter, the web editor, is doing fantastic visual and content things here we we could only dream about. It's interesting that that in their write-up announcing the awards, Oshkosh said, "She completely redesigned and improved the old website, making it more attractive, cleaner, and easier to navigate, added links to multiple social media sites, and keeps it fresh and current by updating the content and adding new photos of chapter activities. The chapter’s website tracking figures show a significant increase in every category and metric since Peyton took over the role, and she deserves recognition for her efforts." That's a critical thing the EAA national system is lacking. Web editors who use it have no metrics to know whether their site is being used by members or the public. That's flying blind.

You can read about all the volunteer winners here.

Helicopter day at the Chapter House

Screenshot of 8/17 presentation on helicopter certification changesThe (8/17) Saturday coffee session at the Chapter House was all about helicopters, specifically the new certification standards for chopper pilots.  The US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) hosted the presentation, providing participants with an understanding of the new ACS Standards as they apply to helicopter pilots, students and instructors. Presenters were veteran FAA DPE’s Matt Johnson and Tim Tucker, moderated by USHST Co-Chairman Chris Baur.

The new standards appeared, in the opinion of one attendee, to require CFIs to do more work to keep up with the changes. Helicopters used for exam purposes will now need to be equipped for instrument flight; partial panel capability will not be allowed.

At Saturday's gathering, Wings credit is immediately granted to those with an account at The Wings program is for pilots who want to improve their skills while pushing back the date for their next flight review. See Bob Collins for more information on the Wings program. You do not need to be a Chapter 54 member to attend the Saturday seminars. Coffee and doughnuts provided.

Also, I'm interested in finding chapter members who are CFIs, who would be interested in riding for an hour with area pilots who fly in for the Saturday seminar as part of the Wings program. It would be a chance to meet some pilots, enjoy an hour of flight, and make a couple of bucks.  Please contact Bob Collins.

Next program: Saturday Aug 24 - Live from the EAA Education Center
Future program: Saturday September 7 - Preventing Loss of Control (LOC) accidents

And speaking of helicopters
This is a 1972 Enstrom F28A (non-turbocharged) that was converted to a F28C-2 model (turbocharged and better visibility bubble) in 1980. It was operated by the Pasadena California police department until it was purchased by John Roznick in 1987. It currently has almost 11,000 hrs on it and is still maintained by the factory in Menominee, MI or by its senior technical rep.

We have a new addition to the wall of fame at the Chapter House and the virtual hangar on the website. It's John Roznick's baby.

"This is a 1972 Enstrom F28A (non-turbocharged) that was converted to a F28C-2 model (turbocharged and better visibility bubble) in 1980," says John. "It was operated by the Pasadena California police department until it was purchased by John Roznick in 1987. It currently has almost 11,000 hours on it and is still maintained by the factory in Menominee, MI or by its senior technical rep. John and Sharon Roznick left the church parking lot in the Enstrom in 1988, raised 2 sons that flew in this from car seats to both getting their private pilot helicopter licenses in it. It has been flown as far as Texas and back, but usually flown within about 250 miles from 21D."

Neat. Want your bird on the Wall of Fame? Here's how. And if you'd like it immediately on the website's "Chapter Fleet" page (aka "Members' Aircraft"), just send a nice photo and a paragraph and we'll take care of the rest. 

Transponder checks: Second chance
If you have run into a problem between your ADS-B and the flight controllers, one of the first things FSDO will ask for is a copy of your transponder certification. Woe to those who don't have a current one.  all transponder-equipped aircraft must have their transponder tested and certified every two years, in addition to the biennial altimeter and encoder checks required by 14 CFR 91.411 and 91.217 for aircraft that will be operated under IFR. Last Saturday, Jay Schrankler at Perceptive Avionics offered a $175 test for VFR aircraft. That's miles below the cost elsewhere. And he was donating a portion back to Chapter 54.  If you missed it, he'll do it again starting September 1st at New Richmond. This time, he'll donate $50 to Chapter 1705, which is just starting up at that airport. Call  715-338-4080 or email

Happy Anniversary!

September membership anniversaries
Doug Weiler (25 years)
Mark Holliday (25 years)
Dan Fix (5 years)
Lee Richards (5 years)
Jon Dekko (1 year)

Welcome New Members!
Patrick Ritchie
Mark Shanahan

Next Fly-out Opportunities

Wednesday 8/21 New Richmond (KRNH) Noon
Lunch is served at the East Metro Jet Center ramp (follow all the other people). Meet Bill Schanks there.
Saturday 8/31 Glencoe (KGYL 11:00-2:00)
Serving sweet corn, brats, famous prepared sauerkraut, and cookies. Meal tickets in advance: adults $12, at the door $15, under age 12 $10, under 3 free. PICs eat free. Welcome antique tractors and classic cars.

Here's an idea: why not stop at the Chapter House for coffee and doughnuts, watch the Saturday seminar, then launch for lunch? See more fly-outs. And find a calendar of all the other fly-in events here.

Tour the Minneapolis Air Traffiic Control Center in Farmington

For private or higher licensed pilots, come join us for an educational tour of the Minneapolis Air Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) aka "Minneapolis Center". At the ARTCC - see how they see you! You will have an opportunity to interact and ask questions with an actual controller that is providing the tour, and learn more about how their world and systems work. You will learn how communicating with Minneapolis Center improves safety especially for dealing with weather and helping with traffic/ collision avoidance. The insights you gain will make you more comfortable and proficient whether you are VFR flight following or flying IFR.

There are very few spots left. Details here.

From the Amsden-Frank Newsletter Archive
45 years ago this month:
August 1971 Chapter 54 newsletter excerpt

Read more here.  The Amsden-Frank Newsletter archive is some fine reading. Every available Chapter 54 Newsletter is available online. Start your browsing here



The E-Beacon is a semimonthly newsletter highlighting news items from Chapter 54. If you no longer wish to receive the email, you can unsubscribe by sending an mail to

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