EAA Chapter 54

St. Paul, MN. (Lake Elmo)

December 2024 Board of Directors Minutes

December Board Meeting

Monday, December 2, 2024


  1. Call meeting to order at: 7:xx pm

  2. Members attending:  

  1. Officer’s Reports

    1. President – Marlon Gunderson

      1. November 14 Member Meeting – Bill Schanks remembrance, Elections, Paul Dye.

      2. Clubhouse Hazard Insurance due – see old business, stayed w/AMI.

      3. Class II Director elections.  elected by unanimous consent to 3 positions (no other nominees)  Evangelos Savvas, Bill Schanks Jr, Bruce Olson (to replace Paul Hove)

      4. Fixed Google email delivery issues (Paul Skluzacek, John Dekko)

    2. Vice President – Jay Schrankler

      1. December: Holiday Party, Trivia Game - Date Change: 12/16/24 6:00pm, Service Awards. 

      2. January:  Scott Hanson - Foreflight review

      3. February: Bob Collins and Al Kupferschmidt - An evening with Al

      4. March: Jay Schrankler-Choosing the right Avionics for your mission

      5. April: TBD

      6. May: TBD

      7. June: Picnic BBQ and walking Hangar tour

      8. July: John Mohr-MInnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Member

      9. August: Post OSH recap, cookout

    3. Treasurer’s Report – Emma Gaustad

      1. Treasurer Report November 2024?

    4. Secretary – Ed Trudeau

      1. November meeting minutes - Approved?

      2. Members update?

  2. Coordinators/Directors Reports, if any

    1. Facilities – Bob Collins.  See December report

      1. (See New Business for holiday party planning).

      2. Question Re: board member liability for potential disbandment, MAC lease

    2. Membership – Scott Hanson - No report

    3. Young Eagles – Dale Seitzer - About 100 this year,  next YE May 2025, possible Sunday rain dates TBD

    4. Flying Start – Evangelos Savvas

    5. Education – Jeff Dale 

    6. Events – Bill Schanks Jr 

    7. Ray Scholarship – Bruce Olson 

  3. Old Business

    1. Tool Library admin to be developed by Bill Schanks.  Will send out a list of tools.

    2. Air Academy applicants

      1. Ellory Berniard – accepted, board approved scholarship last month
          Candidate Background, Emma paid EAA (less $200 deposit).

      2. David Phernetton (Phyllis Jaworski) – accepted, invited by EAA to apply for ‘Campership’. Camperships announced in March by EAA
        We can consider helping with the balance.  Marlon requested a ‘Candidate Marlon/Background’.

      3. WoonYi Hanson – joined chapter as student member. Intended to apply for Air Academy (post Oct.meeting, late). Recommended co-applying for ‘Campership’

    3. Holiday Tree of Hope – ANE: Toy collection Dec.7, collection from Nov. member meeting.

    4. Chapterhouse Hazard Insurance due w/Gruys A&M Ins → renewed.

      1. $2500 Deductible, Cost for 1yr renewal $952

      2. Didn’t find a better alternative.  Start earlier next year.

  4. New Business

    1. Details for Holiday meeting

      1. Suggested Donation Amt

      2. Dairy free meal alternative for JD+1

      3. Table storage team

      4. Picnicware needed: plates,dinnerware,tablecloths,napkins,cups.

    2. Fundraising
      Shortfall of raised funds relative to scholarship interest
      We are getting unsolicited donations; suggests interest in support of what we do
      Potential for more income from marketing of our efforts to potential donors

      1. Development Director to drive this?

    3. EAA Ford Tri Motor event host April 3-6?
      Requires a hangar for the Ford overnight, each night we are on site, volunteers to assist with (i) marketing the event, (ii) merchandise sales, and (iii) ground crew and crowd control during the event. (Bob adds: I believe it requires a 70-foot door)

    4. BC:  More frequent member events?  E.g. monthly Fly In, perhaps brunch/lunch on YE days? 

    5. Need for standard chapter scholarship information/solicitation and candidate selection process.  (Ray and Air Academy)

  5. Next Board meeting:  Mon, January 6, 2024  7:00 pm

  6. Motion to adjourn - 8:xx pm

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