Shenandoah EAA Chapter 1031

Winchester, VA

2022-12-02 Altoona and Breezewood

December 2nd Altoona and Breezewood, PA

 3rd Dec 2022

2 Dec 2022, Scouting Flyout to KAOO and P17.

By: John Munroe

With a break in the recent windy weather, Juergen Nies and myself discussed a possible flight to Hannah Field in Monterey, VA. As luck would have it, the TAF predicted gusts to 14 knots in the mountains and that sounded a bit “sporty” for the terrain around Hannah. Plan B turned into a short 70+ mile trip to Altoona, PA (KAOO) where it was reported they had a good Mexican Restaurant right on the field. Bonus!!

Well, the weather cooperated, and we flew in clear and smooth conditions at 5500’. Wind was right down the runway, and we were the only planes in the pattern. A welcome relief from the busy conditions at OKV.


Arriving around noon, we were hungry for lunch and the restaurant, La Fiesta Mexican Bar and Grill, was open for business upstairs in the Terminal Building. Service was excellent, the food was very, very good and the prices reasonable. Tip: Order from the lunch menu. Prices are better and it was still a LOT of food.



After a very enjoyable lunch, and after running into a local OKV Stearman Pilot, Jerry, also eating at the restaurant, we departed for a quick stop at Breezewood (P17), a beautiful 3000’ grass strip about 25 miles south of Altoona. Letting Juergen land first to test runway conditions, he gave it the all-OK and I came in next. With the first 300’ of runway sloping up, and followed by a gradual down-slope, my landing was less than spectacular, but survivable. Diane was riding with me, and I don’t think she was impressed! Anyway, my takeoff turned out great and we were then off to Winchester.

With our “Scouting” Trip complete, look forward to a future flyout to Altoona!

Safe Flying,

John Munroe RV-6, N636RV

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