Shenandoah EAA Chapter 1031

Winchester, VA

2024-08-24 Altoona

Altoona (KAOO) august 24th, 2024
By: Juergen Nies
What a great day for a flyout yesterday to Altoona, PA for some Mexican food. It wasn't really hot, low surface winds and even the winds aloft were moderate to low. Cruising at 5,500 and 6,500 feet was very smooth.
We had nine airplanes (!) from our chapter attending with a total of 15 (!) participants: Tom and Penny Parry in their Cardinal, Darren Bittinger and his friend in Darren's Sonex, John Fontaine in his RV-12, Paul and JacoKosubinsky in their Super Cub, Bob and Karen Orris in a Cessna 172, John Ely in his RV-7A, Keenan Wolfe and his son in his RV-8A, John and Diane Munroe in their RV-6 and Juergen Nies in his Pacer.
Due to resurfacing of most of the ramp, space was a little limited to park all our airplanes plus two or three other airplanes. The lineman was a little overwhelmed for a while finding space for all of us, but he did a great job, and it worked out in the end. All of us had a lot of fun and a lot of airplane hangar flying was going on at the table during lunch.
Hope to see this many (or more) participants at the next flyout.
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