EAA Chapter 898

Ocean County, NJ

Thatcher CX4 November 30 2022 Build

  • EAA
    Bob N and Charlie work on firewall measurement
  • EAA
    Bob P talks to Charlie about the firewall measurements
  • EAA
    Charlie and Bob N puzzle over firewall measurements
  • EAA
    Charlie and Doug review the plans for the from fuselage supports
  • EAA
    Charlie discusses with Bob N firewall measurements
  • EAA
    Charlie evens the firewall tabs
  • EAA
    Charlie makes firewall measurement comparisons
  • EAA
    Charlie works on the firewall
  • EAA
    Debbie and Wayne work on the rudder
  • EAA
    Debbie helps Wayne rivet the rudder
  • EAA
    Doug Gene and Bob N work on the front fuselage supports
  • EAA
    Doug places a firewall support
  • EAA
    Gene and Doug work in the fuselage control area
  • EAA
    Gene smooths an angle support connector
  • EAA
    Rudder and fin plans
  • EAA
    Wayne rivets the fin
  • EAA
    Wayne rivets the rudder
  • EAA
    Wayne sets a rivet in the gun
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