EAA Chapter 898

Ocean County, NJ

Thatcher CX4 March 29 2023 Build

  • EAA
    Bob F bolts a CX 4 cockpit support
  • EAA
    Bob F enlarges a CX4 cockpit support bolt hole
  • EAA
    Bob F sets another CX4 cockpit support bolt
  • EAA
    Bob F works on the CX4 cockpit support system
  • EAA
    Bob N and Mike provide support while Walt N sets a rivet on the RV10 tail support
  • EAA
    Bob N and Walt N rivet a RV10 bulkhead
  • EAA
    Bob N and Walt N rivet a RV10 part
  • EAA
    Bob N and Walt N rivet RV10 tail supports
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    Bob N does not look like he is buying his sins explanations
  • EAA
    Bob N looks on as Mike sets a cleco
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    Bob N points out a detail to Glenn
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    Charlie and Bob F discuss the CX4 support system
  • EAA
    Charlie looks up CX4 part numbers while Walt N Bob N and Mile discuss riveting the RV10 tail section
  • EAA
    Charlie reviews the CX4 plans
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    Cub weathervanes in process
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    Debbie and Glenn rivet Cub Weathervanes
  • EAA
    Debbie works on Cub Weathervanes
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    Glen cuts a jig for the Cub Weathervanes
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    Glenn points unfinished Cub Weathervane like a pistol
  • EAA
    Glenn shows the versatility of the Cub Weathervane using them as aircraft marshaling batons
  • EAA
    Looking down the CX4 fuselage through a bulkhead access hole
  • EAA
    RV10 tail section ready to have supports added
  • EAA
    Walt N Bob N and Mike work on RV10 tail supports
  • EAA
    Walt N looks on as Mike removes tape from the RV10 tail section
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    Walt N moves an RV10 bulkhead into place for measuring as Mike sets clecos
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