Zenith 750 CruZer Build Progress

Airventure 2016 at Oshkosh, Zenair built 5 wings to give to EAA chapters across North America.  Ameet Nidmarty instigated our chapter to get involved in building a set of the wings.  Bill Reed took up the challenge to co-ordinate getting the wings transportation back to Canada.  A big thank you to Bill Reed (chapter 245,, and Ed Lubitz chapter 115).  Ed managed the transportation.  Phil Johnson & Ritz Bartoli drove up, with a trailer, to Zenair Limited which is located on the Huronia Airport (CYEE), in Midland Ontario Canada. They picked up the remainder of the kit and soon chapter 245 had everything it needed to get started with the build. 

Zenair Ltd offered to support our chapter by providing a two day complimentary training session at the chapter hangar in which approximately 30 of our members attended.  Construction techniques were very different to those found on RV products and it took some recalibration for those builders who had built their own RV's.  With the wood burning stove in the chapter clubhouse, the project started to take shape.

The Chapter now has the wings in storage and a complete CruZer kit to be assembled.  Thanks to the interminable team of volunteers at the Chapter's Sunday morning get-togethers, the fuse, and tail feathers are now 90% done and 90% to go.

The aircraft is worked on at the chapter's hangar Sunday Mornings starting at 10 AM.  Chapter 245 welcomes anyone who wishes to try their hand at building an aircraft, to come along to our chapter facility on a Sunday morning someone there will work with you and get you involved.

Notice: Photographs are shown in reverse chronological order to show the newest photographs in page one.

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