Welcome to Chapter 245


EAA Chapter 245 follows all provincial rules regarding COVID-19.  Please follow all the mandatory, and common sense rules to protect yourself and others around you.  Our chapter does keep a supply of fresh surgical masks should you forget to bring your mask along.  Be safe.



As we enter 2024, we need to remind everyone that membership renewal time is here.

Please send your dues to Ken Potter, our treasurer, at treasurer@eaa245.org, and we will do the rest.

If you want to join our chapter, please click here for details.

President's Message:


Well, as of this writing "official" spring is just around the corner (next week), but in our part of Ontario it looks like spring started a couple of weeks ago. I managed to get our Maule out of hibernation and flew it off of our grass strip a few days ago. This is the earliest spring flight ever for me as we normally still have a couple of feet (or half a metre for you young people) of snow around. It felt gooooooooood to get flying again after a few months off.

As you probably know, we sold the chapter's Zenith project to Rob Fleck and Graham Smith a while back. This has replenished the chapter's coffers and will allow us to do some much-needed renovations/repairs to the chapter hangar and lounge. One job that MUST be done is the replacement of the windows in the lounge, which will force a lot of drywall repair and replacement. While we have access to the wall internals, we will fix the Gordian Knot of electrical wiring that is there and, possibly, work around the panel in the hangar bay.  All of this to say that we (especially Chris H) could really use some help with this. Not only physical labour but also the acquisition of new/replacement windows and, if you have the knowledge/licence, help with fixing the electrics. We are years past due addressing these issues.

And a final note before signing off; we have a Young Eagles event coming up on 25 May. Andrew Henry is looking for pilot and ground crew volunteers for the event. Please think about helping out and contact him at Young.Eagles@eaa245.org

Now, get out there and go flying.



Membership Coordinator's Message:

2023 Members who have not renewed their membership by June 30th 2024, will be removed from the membership list and google chat. The success of our chapter relies on the support from all of our members and not just the executive.  Please send your remittance to treasurer@eaa245.org and we will do the rest.  Please check out Membership for information regarding membership renewal or becoming a member.

The next EAA General Meeting will be on August 17th and will be a presentation by Alfio Ferrara on his home made propeller balancer.  This is a presentation not to miss.          

Airventure 2024

If any of you are traveling to Airventure 2024, please drop by the EAA Canada Pavilion which is located just west of the international tent.

The Canadian Council are giving a free BBQ at the Canadian Camp site on Sunday 21st July.  Don't miss this one.  Last year was a great success.

Note: All chapter presentations will now be conducted on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00AM, excluding December and July, and will be held at the EAA chapter lounge unless announced by our president.


VMC Club Meeting

Standby for details

This Month’s Question:



EAA Young Eagles

Get your weather at a glance.  Click image below.




Arnprior Saturday 15th June 2024.  Click Image for poster.


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