Welcome to Chapter 245


EAA Chapter 245 follows all provincial rules regarding COVID-19.  Please follow all the mandatory, and common-sense rules to protect yourself and others around you.  Our chapter does keep a supply of fresh surgical masks should you forget to bring your mask along.  Be safe.



As we enter 2024, we need to remind everyone that membership renewal time is here.

Please send your dues to Ken Potter, our treasurer, at treasurer@eaa245.org, and we will do the rest.

If you want to join our chapter, please click here for details.

President's Message:


I wanted to remind everyone of the October meeting Saturday 19 October. Why the early reminder? Well, because October is election month and we (the executive) would REALLY like each of you to consider putting your name in for a position on the exec. The positions up for election/re-election are:

  • President: (currently Mark Richardson)
  • Treasurer: (currently Ken Potter)
  • Webmaster: (currently Phil Johnson)
  • Technical Info Officer: (currently Phil Johnson)
  • Ops Manager: (currently Chris Hepburn)

I will not be standing for President again this year. I have been President for 6 years (3 terms) and Vice President for 3 years (1.5 terms) before that. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the exec but I think it is time for some fresh blood in the position. Besides, the awesome power of being the absolute ruler of the chapter was going to my head.... 

I'm not going anywhere and will still be a member and volunteer at every event, so you won't get rid of me that easily.

Please consider throwing your hat into the ring for ANY of the above listed positions. 



Membership Coordinator's Message:

We are now accepting 2025 membership renewals. Interested people who wish to join for 2025 can join now and benefit three months of 2024 complementary membership.  Please follow the instructions given on the following link: Membership

Saturday 19th October 2024 General Meeting


Chapter Elections plus a presentation on Vinal Wrapping and BBQ.

I will repeat what President Mark Richardson said in the president's message:

  • President: (currently Mark Richardson)
  • Treasurer: (currently Ken Potter)
  • Webmaster: (currently Phil Johnson)
  • Technical Info Officer: (currently Phil Johnson)
  • Ops Manager: (currently Chris Hepburn)

I will not be standing for President again this year. I have been President for 6 years (3 terms) and Vice President for 3 years (1.5 terms) before that. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the exec but I think it is time for some fresh blood in the position. Besides, the awesome power of being the absolute ruler of the chapter was going to my head.... 





A big Thanks to everyone who helped out for the Fly-In breakfast, it was a great success.

Hear are a few pictures from the event:



Note: All chapter presentations will be conducted on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00AM, excluding December and July, and will be held at the EAA chapter lounge unless announced by our president.


VMC Club Meeting

Standby for details

This Month’s Question:

QuestionConsider the yellow tinted areas on a sectional chart. If you are flying outside a yellow area, is that considered flying over a sparsely populated area with regards to minimum safe flight altitudes (FAR 91.119)?


EAA Young Eagles

Get your weather at a glance.  Click image below.








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