EAA Chapter 878

Maple Lake & Buffalo, MN


Saturday Morning Webinar Series

Every Saturday except holidays at 0900 CT. 
Virtual ONLY - by desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.


February 1:    Unpack the Six-Pack

February 8:     From the Surface to 10,000’ – Minneapolis Approach

February 16:   Build Your Own Home Sim

February 22:    EAGLE Project

    Created by MN & WI FAASTeam’s.

Everyone welcome to attend all sessions.

Questions? Contact Laura Herrmann

New to Wings? Wings account setup 

IMC Meetings will be the fourth (4th) WEDNESDAY of the Month
WednesdayFeb. 26, 2025
SAME LOCATION. Live Seminar 
6:30PM. Thunderbird Aviation (KFCM)
This is a change from the normal Tuesday's Night Meeting. 

Click here to view the WINGS help page.  Earn your WINGS to get a chance
to win a cash prize. Go to www.mywingsinitiative.org for more info. Join us
on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/groups/GASafety/

NON-BUILDER OWNER'S GUIDEThe Non-Builder Owner’s Guide to Amateur-Built
was released by EAA in July 2023. "This checklist provides guidance to
non- builder owners (NBOs) on what to look out for when purchasing an E-AB
aircraft as well as advice on how to familiarize yourself with the capabilities and
limitations of your new aircraft." 
A PDF file is available at this link.

Learn to fly!! Or need brushing up on your aviation skills?  Want to rent an airplane?

Jim Shadduck

EAA Chapter 878 member Jim Shadduck started Legacy Pilot Training LLC 
at Maple Lake Airport (KMGG) aka Bill Mavencamp Sr. Airport. 

Contact Jim at cell 952-210-6250 or email LegacyPilotTraining@gmail.com 
to schedule an appointment or for more information! 

Please print and post this flyer at local businesses. 

Also see information on learning to fly at the EAA site:

Want to track wildlife migration and seasonal changes to be safe flying spring and fall?

Podcast Looking for a fascinating and instructive aviation podcast?  

RH and AG are two experienced air traffic controllers and pilots who host
a weekly show answering listener questions, breaking down complex
aviation topics, and relating their experiences to everyday occurrences
in the national airspace system.

Youth may be interested in the "Weather Minds" classes on YouTube,
which include brief videos of Airplane Flight Data, Blizzards, Thunder,
Rainbows, etc., and each ends with a book about the subject read by
one of the KARE 11 meteorologists.  Classes can be used for home
schooling.  Adults, too, can learn from the lessons! 

Click this link to see bird migrations to stay safe when you fly! 

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