“EAA and its members have always had a policy and philosophy of sharing our love of aviation with everyone, regardless of race, creed, color or national origin.” Paul Poberezny, EAA Sport Aviation®, July 1987
Chapter membership is open to all EAA members. All new chapter members must join EAA. The one exception is for honorary chapter members. An expired EAA membership automatically terminates chapter membership and any associated memberships. Only current members have voting rights for chapter activities.
Types of Chapter Memberships:
- Student Chapter Membership ($0/year) Must be 17 or younger
- Collegiate Chapter Membership ($10/year) Must be 18-23, in college & use school's email address - Can only have his membership for 4 years
- Regular Chapter Membership ($25/year)
- Family Chapter Membership ($40/year)
- Lifetime Chapter Membership ($500 donation)
- Honorary Chapter Membership
Fill out the form and press submit. You'll go to a payment page with a link where you can pay with any credit/debit card or via PayPal (account not required). FoxFire browser may not work (though MS Edge and Chrome should.
**Debit or credit payments made will have a card convenience fee added to the totals above. If you do not wish to have the PayPal fees, please mail us a check or provide cash in person. $1 added to any card charge up to $19.99 and $2 added to any card charge $20+.