EAA Chapter 35

San Antonio, Texas - Since 1957

Join us for our next event:   

Saturday, September 14:

VMC Club 10:00 AM

The VMC Club strives to build proficiency when flying under visual flight rule conditions. Led by our fellow member, and CFI-I, Matt Van DeWalle, this scenario based event will engage members, and allow a free exchange of information that improves awareness and skills. Guests are always welcome.

Chapter Gathering  Doors Open at 11:30 AM

Please join us for our monthly Chapter Gathering: lunch will be served at noon, we ask for a donation of $7.53 ($7.00 if paying cash), then at 12:45 we will have an interesting presentation. Guests are always welcome. These events are happening at our clubhouse on the San Geronimo Airpark, directions are below.



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EAA Chapter 35


Welcome to our Chapter

Whether you fly, build, restore or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our events and join our Chapter. For over 60 years, we continue to be a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so. Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest.

Directions to the Chapter Clubhouse

Chapter Clubhouse: San Geronimo Airpark - 8T8, 15464 Culebra Road, San Antonio, Texas 78253

From Loop 1604 and Culebra Road, head northwest, or outside the Loop, on Culebra Road, 7 miles to the entry gate of San Geronimo Airpark. Enter through the gate and continue on the main road until you see the Chapter’s clubhouse on the left. 








Members and guests are encouraged to fly into San Geronimo Airpark - 8T8

Caution: when taxiing, grass areas are very soft when wet.

Please park in the Airpark’s Transient Aircraft Parking area which is just to the north of the Ops Building. Left traffic, and remember to communicate on 122.9. Please see the San Geronimo Airpark section of this website.


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