EAA Chapter 35

San Antonio, Texas - Since 1957

Aviation Medical Examiners

Most Pilot Certificates require a medical certificate which is issued after a successful physical examination by a FAA designated Aviation Medical Examiner. The denial of a medical certificate can be complicated and costly to rectify, if you have any questions about your health, any underlying conditions, or regular medications you should discuss these issues with your flight instructor prior to scheduling the exam. A call to medical certificate specialists at the Experimental Aircraft Association, or the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association might be worthwhile.

Informative webpages:
Pilot’s Guide to Medical Certification

Top Five Dumb Aviation Medical Examiner Tricks12 Tips For Taking Your FAA Medical Exam


10 Things You Need To Know About BasicMed


Find an Aviation Medical Examiner here, and here.

We hope you will consider making an appointment with an AME who is one of our members and a sponsor.

Charles R. Fisher Jr., MD, MPH, Col USAF Ret., FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
Richard B Hecker, D.O. FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
Gerald Saboe, D.O., MPH, Col. USAF Ret., FAA Senior Aviation Medical Examiner




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