We are very excited to announce that we have begun to build a RV-12iS as a chapter! Members are welcome to join us and help build. If you are not a member and would like to help out, please contact us.
2025-03-07 - We made it through the coldest months
We cancelled about 5 weeks due to cold so we don't have as may updates. Wings are done except for the flaperons (waiting on parts).
Team is back to working on fuselage; goal is to have it on it's legs by August.
2024-12-10 - Wings & Fuel Tank
Wing-tip work; both wing are complete except for the flaperons (in progress, see next pictures).
Flaperon work; bit of a challenge to figure out.
Would have more pictures but it's a sticky mess while working on it. Nice Temp controlled space at Gabe's house.
Roosters... Thanks to Gabe for scoring us 10% off cards good for all year.
Pretty much gets Gabe chapter MVP.
WINGS..... WINGS..... WINGS..... after building some wings.
2024-08-20 - Wings
2024-06-17 - Road Trip to Columbus Air Show at Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK)
We had a great time sharing information about Young Eagles and building the Vans RV12iS.
Even advertising Aircraft Spruce a little, under the table.
2024-06-11 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Fuselage and Wings
>63Volunteers have worked 1348+ hours.
Some projected numbers below (best guess).
Some hard work going on here; started building the wings. Beautiful anodized aluminum wing spar; the gold is a clue to $$$.
Taking a break? We have plenty of beverages for those hot days. Rudder pedals installed.
Airport Sunset; never gets old.
After build fun at Roosters (maybe they'll sponsor us). Cars lining up to build; our first gate pass failure.
These may help make drilling a BIT easier.
2023-12-12 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Fuselage
>37 Volunteers have worked 849+ hours.
A few pictures:
2023-11-08 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Fuselage
>32 Volunteers have worked 730+ hours.
A few pictures:
2023-08-22 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Fuselage
>25 Volunteers have worked 500+ hours.
>Completed all Empennage Kit except for attaching the Stabilator
>Building up Fuselage base rear section
A few pictures:
2023-05-13 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Empennage Kit (Tail Section) https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RV-12_11.pdf
>23 Volunteers have worked 332+ hours.
>Completed most of the parts besides the tail cone; still have to cut and fit the fiberglass pieces (end caps).
>Wrapped up finished pieces in moving blankets to take parts for painting.
A few pictures:
2023-03-19 - Updates
>We are currently working on the Empennage Kit (Tail Section) https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/RV-12_11.pdf
>21 Volunteers have worked 137+ hours; a lot of reading and skill building included for all of us.
>Completed or mostly completed Vertical Stabilizer, Rudder, and Left Trim tab of Stabilator assembly.
A few pictures:
Suggest edits: Builders@eaa9.org