Monthly Gathering Themes
Monthly Meetings 3rd Thursday of each month at 7pm
January - Survival
February - ATC & Communications
March - Aviation History - Details for March 2025
April - Builder Summit
May - Aviation as a profession
June - AirVenture Planning (for reference) - OSH Prep
August - Aircraft ownership & maintenance
October - FAA & Flight Standards District Offices (FSDO)
November - Serving our community via Aviation
December - Holiday Dinner (date may shift depending on Holiday - see calendar)
For any questions, email:
To join our mailing list, please Join or Renew
Our meetings are at Lane Aviation at John Glenn International Airport (KCMH). The address is 4389 International Gateway Columbus, OH 43219. At the gate, let them know that you are attending an EAA meeting. The picture below shows the entrance, upstairs 2nd floor when you enter.