EAA Chapter 9

OSU Airport, Central Ohio

About Us

EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge.

EAA Chapter 9 and its members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, aircraft building, and more, to build awareness in the community. Additionally, the chapter hosts monthly gatherings and other events.

See -Contact Us- page for list of officers and board members.

EAA Chapter 9 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as "EAA9 INC" and donations are tax deductible

Mailing Address: OSU Airport - EAA Chapter 9 - 2160 W Case Rd, Columbus, OH 43235

Meeting Address: Lane Aviation - Media Room - 4389 International Gateway, Columbus, OH 43219

via PayPal



Donate with Venmo



President: Darren Schehl
Contact: 614-423-9101 | president@eaa9.org
Meetings: Every 3rd Thursday 7:00 PM
Lane Aviation
4389 International Gateway
Columbus, OH 43219

Programs: IMC Club, VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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