Minutes of Meeting Dated, August 13, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The August meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910.
The following members were in attendance:
Leo LeClair
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Andrew Constatine
Ian Bugler
Dave Beemer
Lincoln Benedict
Seth Gelineau
Reading of the minutes from the meeting of July were waived. They are available on the chapter website.
Treasurer Andrew Constantine reported an overall bank balance of $4,965.16 that is currently deposited in three separate accounts. He needs to get Tom Muller’s signature to close out the $2,064.12 in the account with First Federal Bank. Andrew requested permission to open a 7-month 4.5% CD once that money is available. A motion was made, seconded, and approved authorizing the CD.
Andrew reported 30 total members with 3 waived, and 25 paid to date. Names of two delinquent members were purged from the membership data base leaving the chapter with 28 total members.
The chapter will meet for a BBQ on September 10th at 5 pm at Russel Keith’s hangar at the Lewiston Auburn Airport. The chapter will provide Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and members can bring appetizers or dessert. This will take the place of our September meeting, but no business will be conducted.
The Young Eagles event scheduled for 22 June was rained out and is now rescheduled for October 5th.
Leo LeClair stated that we needed to meet again prior to the October 5 Young Eagles event to ensure the chapter has the required structure in place to support the event. A motion was made, seconded, and approved, to hold a pre-event meeting on Tuesday October 1st. We will meet at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.
On September 28th, there will be a STOL event at Thompson Field in Pittsfield.
Dave Beemer donated an official EAA 87 door stop.
There were several discussions that fit in the trivia category and they follow:
What is meant when talking about “the four corners of the globe? This essentially means the far reaches of the earth.
What does the P stand for in the P51 aircraft. The answer is Pursuit..
During World War II, the United States was unable to fly P40 aircraft to any foreign country, so how were the planes delivered to England? They were flown to Holton Maine, and pushed across the border to Canada, and from there, ferried to England.
Comparing the B17, and the A4 Skyhawk, which aircraft had the largest payload? They actually had the same payload.
Craig Wade, Andrew Constantine, and Ian Bugler along with his grandson, attended Air Venture with EAA Chapter 736 from Pittsfield. Andrew ended up driving one of the trams, had a great time, and plans to do it again next year.
Craig Wade is continuing his post solo instruction and hopes to be ready for his Private Pilot check ride in October.
Seth Gelineau again attended our meeting, but has not as yet made a commitment to join the chapter.
Dave Beemer brought in four aluminum plates, that will allow him to have four hard point attachments on the fuselage of his RV 14. Among other uses, they can be attaching points for tie downs. Dave stated that he has now completed his firewall. He also stated that Vans has emerged from bankruptcy, and he has received a check finalizing the finances for his kit.
The meeting was adjourned at 1957
The September meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10, 2024 at Russell Keith’s hangar at the Lewiston Auburn Airport. This will be a chapter BBQ, stating at 1700 and will not be a business meeting. The chapter will provide Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and drinks. Members can bring appetizers or desserts.
We will also meet on Tuesday October 1st at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours. This meeting will focus on preparations for the scheduled October 5 Young Eagles event
Minutes of Meeting Dated, July 9, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910.
The following members were in attendance:
Leo LeClair
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Craig Wade
Andrew Constatine
Ian Bugler
Tom Muller
Dave Beemer
Seth Gelineau
Reading of the minutes from the meeting of June11 were waived. They are available on the chapter website.
Treasurer Andrew Constantine reported an overall bank balance of $5380.03 that are currently deposited in three separate accounts. Ace Camp has not as yet cashed the chapter $500 check in support of Noah Magliozzi. Once that clears, Andrew plans to close the account with First Federal Savings. Andrew reported 31 total members with 3 waived, and 23 paid to date. Names of the delinquent members were given to Dave Beemer and he will send out reminders.
The Young Eagles event scheduled for 22 June was rained out. Leo brought his trailer and it was used as command central for the outing. The missing Chapter banner was located and it was attached to a fence to mark the event. We had a good member turnout and the event was well publicized. Families that did attend were able to play with a computer flight simulator and the chapter collected their contact information. Andy Roberts later provided Young Eagle rides to one family.
Russel Keith reported that he has received a few tools from Jay Hewitt for our tool crib. Tom Muller stated he had some tools he could donate as well.
Andrew Constantine stated that the chapter should hold another Young Eagles event. There was considerable discussion since there are many conflicting aviation events during the summer, but the member present decided to hold an event on Saturday October 5. Russel Keith agreed to secure an insurance binder for the event.
The members also voted to hold a BBQ outing on September 10th at Russ Keith’s hangar at the Lewiston Auburn Airport. The event will start at 5 pm, and the chapter will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks. Attendees can bring a desert or appetizer if able. This outing will be in lieu of our normal September meeting.
There was some discussion on which direction to pull the prop through during preflight in cold weather. There was agreement that the prop should be rotated in reverse so that the impulse coupler does not fire. This lessens the chance of an inadvertent engine start during rotation. Russ cautioned that a Rotex engine should not be rotated in reverse.
Craig Wade related his experience on his first solo. It was definitely not planned, but after a couple good landings, his instructor released him for solo flights. After his log book was endorsed, Craig went up again for a solo flight. Next step is the start of his
cross-country training.
Seth Gelineau was a guest attendee to our meeting. He lives in West Bath, works at BIW and has always had an interest in aviation. Members explained the EAA structure to Seth and invited him to join us.
Trivia question #1 came from Leo LeClair, “The Blue Angels have flown variants of the F-18 for the past 38 years, but what aircraft did they previously fly”? Dave Beemer correctly identified the A4 Skyhawk. Leo related that they also flew the F4 Phantom and that was the only aircraft flown by both the Blue Angels, and the Thunderbirds.
The second trivia question came from Charlie Gabelmann “What bird inspired the Wright Brothers design”? Nobody had the correct answer. Albatross.
Dave stated he was nearing completion of Section 27 (firewall) on his RV-14 project and would start on Section 28 (exhaust tunnel) next. He has paid for the build of his wings and expects delivery in the first week of October. Dave also discussed the use of Proseal on his fuselage, A good product that is mixed by weight.
The meeting was adjourned at 2019
The August meeting will be held on Tuesday August 13, 2024 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900.
Minutes of Meeting Dated, June 11, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1911.
The following members were in attendance:
Leo LeClair
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Craig Wade
Andrew Constatine
Andy Roberts
Ian Bugler
Lincoln Benedict
Tom Muller
Mark Kaufman
Reading of the minutes from the May 14 meeting were waived. They are available on the chapter website.
Treasurer Andrew Constantine advised he would be moving the chapter accounts, and requested approval to close out the current account at First Federal Savings in Bath. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to close out the First Federal account.
Andrew reported a current account balance is $5482.79 with $500 allocated to Ace Camp to cover our sponsorship of Noah Magliozzi.
Andrew reported 35 total members with 19 paid to date. Names of the delinquent members were read, and several names that members felt would not renew, were dropped from the listing. It was noted that the chapter does better on membership renewal when letter reminders are sent out.
It was reported that the expected tool donations from Jay Hewitt have not been completed as yet. Leo LeClair stated that Jay was going to contact Russel Keith. Will continue to monitor.
Charlie Gabelmann reported on the history of the EAA87 logo. The original logo was made as a patch in the mid 80’s and then made as a sticker in the early 90’s. The aircraft on the logo was an Acro Sport. Charlie stated that any change to the logo would require EAA National approval.
The chapter banner is currently missing, and was last seen in Tom Muller’s hangar. Chapter owned items were transferred to Russel Keith’s hangar after Tom sold his RV-9A. Russ agreed to look for it.
Russel Keith reported he has secured an insurance binder for a Young Eagles event at Brunswick on Saturday 22 June. The event is planned to run from 0900 to 1300, weather permitting and members will arrive at 0830 to set up. Five aircraft will be available piloted by Russ, Lincoln, Andy, Dave Beemer, and Nick Knobil, and several other members have agreed to provide ground support. Leo LeClair will bring his trailer with a portable generator and it will be used as dispatch central. Lincoln will provide tables, and Richard DeVito will bring chairs. Craig will bring a PC Flight Simulator. Ian and Andrew will provide coffee and donuts.
Flight Level Aviation at Brunswick will host a fly in on 29 June to initiate operations on a new 2,000-foot grass runway. The new runway (19/01) is located between 19L and the taxiway, at about the midfield point of 19L. Food and drink will be provided between 1200 and 1700.
Trivia question #1 came from Charlie Gabelmann, “Why do aviation seatbelts connect in the center rather than on the side like automotive belts?” The answer was, to allow the pilot to release the belt if they had a broken arm.
The second trivia question came from Leo LeClair. “Whet is the oldest airport in the world?” The answer is College Park Airport (KCGS). It was established in 1909 after Wilbur Wright came to the field to train two military officers to fly in the government's first airplane. The facility is now the world's oldest continually operated airport and is the site of many significant aviation firsts.
Nothing recorded
The meeting was adjourned at 2038.
The July meeting will be held on Tuesday July 9, 2024 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900
Minutes of Meeting Dated, May 14, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The May meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. Vice President Dave Beemer called the meeting to order at 1900.
The following members were in attendance:
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Dave Beemer
Charlie Gabelmann
Craig Wade
Andrew Constatine
Andy Roberts
Ian Bugler
Lincoln Benedict
The April meeting was held at the home workshop of Dave Beemer to review his completed RV-14A empennage and lower fuselage and there was a good turnout. No chapter business was conducted.
Andrew Constantine read the minutes of the March 12, 2024 meeting at the request of Dave Beemer. The minutes were approved as read.
Treasurer Andrew Constantine reported a current bank balance of $5,260.40. He reported that we have 34 members on our roster with 15 paid to date. Dues reminders will be sent out.
Andrew requested authority to move the chapter bank account to University Credit Union, headquartered in Orono. Our current account is held in Bath, and that location is not convenient. With the change, members will be able to deposit into the account from any credit union by making a shared deposit. After discussion on the request, Craig Wade motioned that the chapter banking account be moved from First Federal Savings to University Credit Union. The motion was seconded by Charlie Gabelmann and it was passed unanimously.
Russell Keith confirmed that the Chapter scales and they are now stored in his hangar. Dave Beemer stated we still intended to establish a single storage location for chapter tools that could be used by members for any aircraft project. Additionally, there are some books that the chapter would like to centralize, some of which reside with Nick Knobil. Russ stated that he had room in his hangar for the books as well.
Members also discussed a $500 contribution for ACE Camp attendees. Richard DeVito had previously recommended Noah Magliozzi and stated that Noah has applied, and been accepted, to ACE Camp North. Lincoln Benedict stated he also had someone to propose, and suggested a split of the $500. Lincoln later found his candidate would be attending an aviation program in Germany rather than ACE Camp. After further discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and approved, to award $500 in support of Noah Magliozzi’s ACE Camp charges. It was additionally stated that the chapter could address Lincoln’s request for assistance separately at a later meeting.
Russel Keith advised that he had flown a Young Eagle flight with Barret Watermann, the young man that attended our March meeting. Russ hope to organize a chapter Young Eagle event before the end of the year. Andy Roberts asked if he could get the forms for Young Eagle rides, and Craig Wade was able to find an online link for the forms, and provided the link to Andy.
Russ advised that several of the members would be working at the Brunswick Airshow Scheduled for August 3rd and 4th, and would be working Friday through Sunday, and quite possibly Monday. There was some discussion of displaying a few of the chapter’s aircraft along with an EAA 87 banner. Dave Beemer agreed to follow up with the airshow staff.
Richard DeVito stated that he has filed the 2024 annual report for the chapter as required by the state of Maine.
Andrew reported that he has filed the chapter federal taxes using a 990-tax form. He also advised that the chapter is now recognized by Google as a nonprofit corporation, and we have 100 TB of storage available at no cost. Members can have an email account @eaa87.org. Andrew suggested we use the position in the chapter (President@eaa87.org) rather than names, to protect member privacy. Lastly, Andrew reported that he has received 10 responses to the chapter survey recently sent to the members.
Craig wade reported he and Andrew had joined EAA Chapter 736 in Pittsfield and they were planning a group outing to Oshkosh for AirVenture 2024.
The trivia question of the evening from Charlie Gabelmann was “Why do we call the tail section of an airplane the Empennage?” The answer was--- The term derives from the French language verb empenner which means “to feather” an arrow. The empennage provides stability during flight, in a way similar to the feathers on an arrow.
A second question stated that Ford Built B24’s during WWII in a plant with a one-mile-long assembly line that had a 90-degree bend in it. The question was “Why did the plant assembly line turn 90 degrees?” The answer was ---The 90-degree bend kept the line in a single county and minimized the tax impact from extending the line into an adjacent second county.
Andy Roberts stated that there is a Glasair Sportsman that is basically complete, less the engine, that will be available for about $115,000
Any Roberts with help from Ian Bugler repaired the fuel drain on his Glasair. Andy stated it was definitely a two-man job.
Dave Beemer brought in the rudder from his Vans RV-14A project and noted it had a small amount of corrosion that was likely due to handling the part. The thought was to use scotch Brite to scuff the part for painting. Russ suggested using a self-etching primer.
Craig Wade brought an RC kit made with 3/16 poster board that is offered by Flight Test. The kits are light weight and relatively inexpensive.
The meeting was adjourned at 2037.
The June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 11, 2024 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900.
Minutes of Meeting Dated, March 12, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The March meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910.
The following members were in attendance:
Leo LeClair
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Dave Beemer
Charlie Gabelmann
Craig Wade
Camille Cyr
Marjie Waterman
Barrett Waterman
Reading of the minutes from our last recorded meeting on February 13, 2024 was waived. They have been posted on the Chapter website.
There was no treasurer’s due to the absence of the treasurer. The treasurer did state by email the we can now accept PayPal and Venmo for dues payments and donations. He also advised he would like to propose in time, to move us to a credit union that participates in the shared branching system. University Credit Union that he uses does, and he has the requirements for us to establish an account. This would allow any of us to use a shared branch to deposit, withdraw, etc. IE Leo's check could have been deposited at a shared branch a while ago. Bath isn't in his back dooryard. Something we can discuss.
Leo reported that we have retrieved the Chapter scales and they are now stored in Russe’s hangar.
Leo also reported he had not as yet talked with Jay Hewitt regarding his offer to donate tools he used to build his Sonex plane. The intent would be to set up a chapter tool crib that Russ would store and members could access.
We had two guests at the meeting. Barrett Waterman and his mother Marjie. Barrett is 17 and attended to obtain an application for a Young Eagles flight with Russ. Barrett stated he had not flown in a plane Leo outlined the Ace Camp program for Barrett since Barrett was not aware the program existed.
In a later discussion, The writer proposed Noah Magliozzi as an Ace Camp candidate. Several years ago, the chapter sponsored his brother Austin at Ace Camp. There was some discussion of a $500 partial sponsorship but no vote was taken
Members also discussed holding a Young Eagles event at Brunswick possibly in May. It was felt we could have four or five pilots available. Russ advised we would also need two workers on the ground. No final decision was taken, and Russ will follow up on the event.
The trivia question of the evening was “What was the longest time for a single flight in a plane and what type of plane was it?” The members were able to identify the plane as a Cessna 172 but failed to get the time. In 1958, the plane flew 64 days, 22 hours, and 19 minutes covering 150,000 miles.
There was also discussion on the proposed FAA ruling expanded the Light Sport category. The proposed ruling would expand stall speed to 54 knots, allow controllable pitch props and retractable landing gear. This might allow use of some 4-place aircraft, but the single passenger limit would still apply.
Russ Keith brought a temperature controller he developed to preheat is Vans RV-9A. He does not heat the cylinders, but has two pads on his oil pan and the controller maintains his oil at 55 degrees. He also has a dehumidifier system.
Dave Beemer brough in several parts from his Vans RV-14A kit. They included a bell crank and several pieces from his landing gear structure.
The meeting was adjourned at 2010.
The April meeting will be held on Tuesday April 9, 2024, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs. The Secretary will not be in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting Dated, February 13, 2024
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The February meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1907.
The following members were in attendance:
Leo LeClair
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Tom Muller
Craig Wade
Andrew Constantine
Ian Bugler
Reading of the minutes from our last recorded meeting on November 14, 2023 was waived. They have been posted on the Chapter website.
The Treasurer reported a January 31, 2024 checkbook balance of $5,050.15.
Andrew Constantine is working to digitize the treasurer’s files and is developing capabilities for accepting payments using Pay Pal and Venmo.
Andrew found a supply of decals with the EAA87 logo. He offered them for $1.00 each and several members purchased one.
Andrew has purchased rights to the EAA87.org URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
The report was approved as submitted.
Andy Roberts and Andrew Constantine continue to work on a member profile outline
The goal is to determine what is needed to get members to attend meetings. Suggestions included having a speaker or an A&P at the meeting, or possibly an outing to the New England Aviation Museum in Windsor Locks, CT.
Leo LeClair suggested we might consider hosting another Coffee and Donuts Day at Brunswick. The one we previously hosted was well attended and cost is minimal.
The State of Maine airshow will be held in Brunswick again this year.
Russ reported that there is a new flight school at Lewiston Auburn airport using Cessna 172’s.
Leo stated that the chapter scales have been on loan to a member since November and that member does not have an aircraft. Members agreed that we should retrieve the scales. Russ will pick them up.
Jay Hewitt has offered to donate some tools to the chapter that could be part of a chapter tool crib. Members voted to accept the donation and the tools will initially be placed in Russ’s hangar. At some point we need to assign a tool crib manager to run a loaner program.
Craig Wade has passed his private pilot written test and is currently training at Freyberg using a Vashon Ranger. It has a full Dynon panel and he finds it easy to fly.
Andy Roberts outlined his procedures for cold weather starts. He does not preheat above 20 degrees based on Lycoming guidelines. Before starting he applies ¼ throttle and pulls the prop through ending on a cylinder with lower than maximum compression. The engine has started successfully each time.
Andy also related that he was instrumental in finding a home for a derelict Piper Colt at Wiscasset. It has sat for 14 years and Andy was able to track down the owner who has agreed to donate the plane to an aviation group.
Lincoln Benedict is installing a new battery box in the tail of his Glastar.
Andy Robers is planning a trip to the Bahamas and is working on a jacking system for his Glastar that will allow him to replace a tire if needed. The jack profile must be quite low and he is looking at a scissors jack.
The meeting was adjourned at 2027.
The March meeting will be held on Tuesday March 12, 2024, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.