Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

Chapter Bylaws

  • BY – LAWS
    EAA Chapter 87
    The name of this organization is Chapter 87 of the Experimental
    Aircraft Association.

    The office for the transaction of business for the organization
    shall be located in Brunswick, Maine.

    The purposes of this non-profit, educational Association are

    - Promote and encourage the sport and hobby of recreational aviation.
    - Cooperate with and assist governmental agencies in the development of programs relating to aviation activities.
    - Promote and encourage aviation safety in the design, construction and operation of all types of aircraft.
    - Encourage and engage in research for the improvement and better understanding of aviation and the science of aeronautics,
    - Foster, promote and engage in aviation education.
    - Promote and encourage grass roots efforts relating to aviation research and development.

    Section 1. Eligibility of Membership.
    Any person who is of good moral character, their spouse and dependents are eligible for Chapter membership.
    Any eligible person desiring to become a member must notify the Chapter in the prescribed manner including appropriate dues

An Honorary Member shall be any person appointed as such a member by a majority vote of Chapter members present
A Lifetime member shall be any member that has attained the age of 80.

Section 2. Classification of Membership.
A voting member shall be any member of the Chapter in good standing.
Family members shall be the spouse and dependents of a member’s household.
Honorary Members shall not be entitled to vote, nor shall they hold office in this organization.

Section 3. Duration of Membership.
Duration of membership shall be dependent upon continued fulfillment of those requirements which qualified the individual for original membership.
Duration of Honorary Membership shall be for one year following such appointment by the Board of Directors. Renewal of an Honorary Membership shall require action the same as for original selection.

Section 4. Expulsion of Members.
Any member deemed undesirable by acts or deeds which are considered to jeopardize this organization may be expelled for membership at any published meeting by a three-fourths popular vote of the members present at such meeting.
Membership in the Chapter may be terminated for non-payment of Chapter dues, at any time after the member falls 90 days behind in payment of said dues. Termination of the membership of any member shall not release the said member from the obligation to pay all dues owing to the end of the period of the membership
A member may resign from the Chapter at any time upon notice in writing addressed to the Secretary. In such a case, said member is obligated to pay dues to date of resignation.

Section 1. Rate of Assessment.
Rate of assessment of dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Payment of dues shall be made to the Chapter Treasurer.

Section 2. Assessment Period.
Dues shall be paid by January 31 of each year for the period of January 1 through December 31.

Members joining at a time other than the established dues year may be assessed dues for each month remaining in the current year.

Section 3. Members Not Subject to Dues.
Honorary members and Lifetime members shall not be subject to Chapter dues.

Section 1. Executive Officers.
The Executive Officers of this organization shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined.
Their term of office will be two years with elections being held in even numbered years.
The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer or combined, shall be elected at the regularly scheduled November meeting and shall hold office for two years from date of installation. Installation of officers will be at the December meeting following their election.
The Treasurer may be bonded in an amount deter- mined by the Chapter. The bond premium shall be at the expense of the Chapter.

Section 2. The President.
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter and the Board of Directors. He may call any special meeting of the members of the Board of Directors and shall have, subject to the advice and control of the Directors, general charge of the business of the Chapter. He shall execute with the Secretary all contracts and instruments which have first been approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. The Vice-President.
The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform the duties of the President in case of the absence, disability or inability for any reason, of the President to perform the duties of his office.
The Vice-President shall also perform such duties connected with the operation of the Chapter as he may undertake at the suggestion of the President or the Directors.

Section 4. The Secretary.
The Secretary shall have the responsibility to take and publish minutes of all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors. He shall attend to the giving and serving of notices of all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors and otherwise. He shall keep a proper membership book showing the name of each member of the Chapter, the book of By-Laws, and such other books and papers as the Board of Directors may direct. He shall execute with the President, in the name of the Chapter, all contracts and instruments which have been first approved by the Board of Directors.
The Secretary shall perform all other duties incident to said office subject to the control of the President and the Board of Directors as directed by them.

Section 5. The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall execute in the name of the Chapter, all checks for the expenditures authorized by the Board of Directors. He shall receive and deposit all funds of the Chapter in a bank selected by the Board of Directors, which funds shall be paid out only by check as provided. He shall also account for all receipts, disbursements and the balance of funds on hand.
The Treasurer shall perform all other duties incident to said office subject to the control of the President and the Board of Directors as directed by them.
In case of the absence or disability to the Treasurer, a chapter officer authorized as a bank signee may execute checks for the expenditures authorized by the Board of Directors.


The powers, business, and the property of the Chapter shall be exercised, conducted and controlled by a Board of Directors of not less than five (5) members.
The Board of Directors shall be determined as
The current President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The immediate past President will, at their discretion, serve on the Board of Directors.
Additional Directors, not to exceed four
(4) in number, may be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board.

The President shall be a member of and preside over the Board of Directors as its Chairman.
In case of a vacancy on the Board, the President shall appoint a replacement, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be called
at any time on the order of the President or on the order of at least three (3) Directors.

Notice of special meetings of the Board of Directors stating the time and, in general terms, the purpose of the meeting, shall be e-mailed or personally given to the Directors at least 48 hours prior to the time appointed for the meeting. If all Directors shall be present at a meeting, any business may be transacted without previous notice.
A majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum of the Board at all meetings and the affirmative vote of a majority present shall be necessary to pass any resolution or authorize any act of the Chapter.
Each member of the Board shall serve as a Director
without compensation.
The Board of Directors shall have the power and authority to promulgate and enforce all rules and regulations pertaining to the use and operation
of Chapter property and to do and perform, or cause to be done and performed, any and every act which the Chapter may lawfully do and perform.


a )   All meetings of the members, except as herein other- wise provided, shall be held at a place to be deter- mined by the President.
b)    Notice of any annual meeting of the members shall be given by notice published in a recognized publication of the Chapter before such meeting.

Special meetings of the members may be held at such time and place as the President may determine or may be called by a majority of the Directors.
Notice of special meetings of members, stating the time and in genera1 terms the purpose thereof, shall be given in a like manner as the notice required for the regular meetings.
At any meeting of the members, a quorum shall consist of at least one-third (1/3) of members who are in good standing, represented either in person, by internet link or by proxy.
The President, or in his absence the Vice-President,
or in the absence of the President and Vice- President, a Chairman elected by the members present, shall call the meeting of the members to order and shall act as the presiding officer.

At every meeting of the members, each voting member shall have only one (1) vote. In the absence of a member, he shall have the right to vote by proxy.
A majority of the members present or represented by proxy is necessary for the adoption of any resolution.


If the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer becomes vacant for any reason, the Board of Directors shall elect a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired term.


A nominating committee consisting of Chapter members at large will be formed at the September Chapter meeting of election years.

Selections of the nominating committee will be published at the October meeting.
Nominations from the floor will be accepted prior to the election at the November meeting.
Elections of officers shall be accomplished at the November meeting of the Chapter prior to expiration of the current terms of office.
Election to office requires a majority vote of members present.

These By-Laws may be repealed or amended, or new By-Laws may be adopted at any meeting of the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present at such meeting in person, by internet link, or represented by proxy.

Should the Chapter become inactive or disband, all Chapter records, certificates of incorporation, and Charter are to be returned to EAA Headquarters for safekeeping. The assets of the Chapter will be transferred to the EAA Aviation Foundation, a non- profit corporation under Federal IRS and Wisconsin state law.

The corporate seal shall be:

Section 1. General Requirements.
Any ten members of this corporation may form a local Chapter, which shall be incorporated as a separate not-for-profit corporation under the laws of its state. Each Chapter shall have a name and number, to be assigned by this corporation, and shall have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer who shall all be members of this corporation.
Section 2. Liability.
The corporation, its officers and Directors shall not be liable for any activities of individual Chapters, and any such activities shall be conducted solely at the risk and responsibility of each Chapter.
Section 3. Official Statements.
No officer of member of any Chapter, or any member of the corporation purporting to speak in an official capacity or on behalf of such Chapter or this corporation shall issue, publish or make any statement or take any position on any policy, regulation, rule or other matter affecting aviation or the corporation without first securing the approval of the President or Board of Directors.
This By-Law is not to be construed as restricting in any way a member's right in his individual capacity to take any position or make any statement he so desires, or for a Chapter to take a position on purely local or state matters, but it is intended to prevent any Chapter officer or member of this corporation from attempting to make his individual or Chapter opinion or position the official position
or opinion of the corporation. Such official opinion or position can and must only be issued by the President or the Board of Directors.

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