Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

2021 Meeting Minutes



Minutes of Meeting Dated January 12, 2021
                                                                                                                                   EAA Chapter 87                                                                                                                 Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The January meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer (via Zoom)
Richard DeVito
Joyce DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Quinley  (prospective new member)
Jay Hewett (via Zoom)


The December Meeting Minutes were approved as posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a 12/31/2020 checkbook balance of $5,195.48.  Dave Beemer was reimbursed $475.83 for payment of national dues, insurance, and FBO candy.  The report was approved as read.


3.1 Bylaws

The meeting centered on a review of the 17 December 2020 draft version of the bylaws.  President Leo LeClair led a review of the following articles that had been flagged for rewrite:

Article IV Membership Sections 1 and 2
Article V Dues Sections 2 and 3
Article VI Officers Section 5
Article VII Board of Directors   item b1

All the above articles in the December 17 draft version were deemed acceptable as submitted.  Tom Muller questioned the wording in Article X on Elections.  That article is in line with EAA National recommendation and was deemed to be acceptable.  Tom Muller made a motion the accept December 17 version of the bylaws and Dave Beemer seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Secretary will publish the bylaws with a January 12, 2021 date

3.2 Robert’s Rules

Tom Muller had questioned if we should modify our meeting protocols by reducing adherence to Robert’s Rules.  After a bit of discussion, it was agreed that we should retain current protocols.


4.1 Young Eagle Program

There was some discussion on whether prior approval is required to photograph Young Eagle participants in the airplane.  Dave Beemer and Russel Keith will investigate and report at a future meeting.

This was the first chapter meeting for Tom Quinley and he had several questions related to flying Young Eagles.  Russel Keith and Dave Beemer outlined procedures for recording Young Eagle flights.

4.2 EAA National Awards

Leo LeClair passed out EAA National certificates and pins in recognition of chapter activity in 2020.


Russel Keith reported he has not worked on Tom’s Zenith CH 750.  He has been working on his RV-9A and has installed a Garmin GNC 355.  The plane is configured with a single servo and Russ reported it is tied into the roll axis.  He found very little lateral control when tied into pitch.

Dave Beemer reported he was impressed with the pneumatic cleco tool and needs more clecos.  He now has access to a drill press, grinder, and magnetic disc to hold drill bits.

Jay Hewett reported he experienced a low oil pressure warning while flying his Sonex aircraft.  He stated that the system went from normal pressure to low in about 10 minutes of flight.  Although the engine operation seemed normal, Jay made a precautionary landing at Wiscasset and post flight showed heavy oil streaks on the bottom of the cowling.  With help from Nick Nobile, the source of the leak was determined to be a crack in the crankcase.  Jay plans to replace his existing engine with a Jabiru.  A wise decision on the precautionary landing.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2000 hrs.


The February meeting will be held on Tuesday February 9 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.


Minutes of Meeting Dated March 9, 2021

Submitted EAA Chapter 87

by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The March meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Lisa Reece (via zoom)
Jay Hewett (via Zoom)


The January Meeting Minutes were approved as posted on the Chapter website.  The February meeting was cancelled due to weather.


The Treasurer reported a 2/28/2021 checkbook balance of $5,196.16.  Dave Beemer was reimbursed for payment of FBO candy and this will be documented in the April report. .  The report was approved as read.


The issue of photographing Young Eagle participants was discussed and deemed to be acceptable with parental permission.   Since all parents sign authorization papers for all Young Eagle flights, acceptance is implied.


Leo LeClair read a letter from the widow a former member.  Her husband, Alfred Holzinger, recently died at the age of 78, and she was asking about donating to the Young Eagles or other aviation program in his memory.  Leo replied by explaining that Young Eagles is a volunteer pilots’ programs and is not funded.  He outlined the makeup of the ACE CAMP and proposed that as a deserving program.


Leo reported that Camile Cyr may be selling his Grumman aircraft.  Information was passed to Dave Beemer.

Lisa Reece inquired on any official policies or guidance on holding events with the concerns on Covid.  No one had seen anything official.  Lisa did say the ACE Camp is undecided.


Russel Keith reported he is working on the tail and rudder assembly and adjusting clearances on Tom’s Zenith CH 750

Dave Beemer reported he is collecting tools and needs long drill bits.  He is ready to start riveting and priming.

Jay Hewett reported he has bolted on new motor mounts on his Sonex aircraft.  He has purchased a Jabiru 3300 engine for the plane.  It is an air-cooled six-cylinder engine producing 120 HP.  Jay stated he would need to weigh the plane.The scales are currently being stored by Scott Royal.  The members present felt the scales should be stored in Tom Muller’s hangar.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1937 hrs.


The April meeting will be held on Tuesday April 13 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours


Minutes of Meeting Dated April 13, 2021

                                                                                                                       Submitted EAA Chapter 87

by Richard DeVito – Secretary


The April meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Lincoln Benedict (via zoom)Jay Hewett (via Zoom)


The March Meeting Minutes were approved as posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a 3/31/2021 checkbook balance of $5,170.14 and reported that he has filed the 2020 taxes on a 990N form. The report was approved as read.


President Leo LeClair reported that is now in possession of the chapter scales


Dave Beemer stated that he felt the chapter was on life support and that we needed some programs to rejuvenate the members.  Discussions included some type of show and tell or a possible builder’s seminar.  Russel Keith raised the idea of demonstrating the use of a propeller. This would show the use of the duplicator, but the propeller would not be airworthy. The president appointed Dave Beemer to be a committee of one to report back with some ideas.

There was some question on the number of current members and Dave Beemer agreed to investigate and report back.


Charlie Gabelmann reported that he had attended the coffee/fly in at Wiscasset on April 10th and it was a good turnout.  About 20 planes attended and one was a very nice Thatcher LSA.  The Thatcher is a metal aircraft with an 80 hp engine.

Leo LeClair reported that Biddeford airport is now open after construction of the runway.  It incorporated a 12-foot base with nav lights and Vasi.


Russel Keith reported on the progress of Tom Muller’s Zenith CH 750.  The brakes and pedals have been installed, the engine has been hung, and the rudder pedal service bulletin and been done.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2002 hrs.


We will not meet on the normal second Tuesday for May.  The May meeting will be held on Saturday May 15.  We will meet at Tom Mullers home at 1000 hours to collect the wings for Tom’s Zenith CH 750 and transport them to the Tom’s hangar at the Lewiston Auburn airport where Russ will outline the progress on the build to date.  Hot dogs/hamburgers will follow.

Tom’s address is 120 Spring Water Rd., Poland Springs, ME 04274


Minutes of Meeting Dated May 15, 2021
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

Members met at 1000 hours at Tom Muller’s home in Poland Springs to collect the wings, flaperon, and windshield for his Zenith CH  750 project.  They were transported to his hangar at the Lewiston Auburn Airport using several vehicles.  After completing the transfer, the group enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill.  A thank you to Russ for
manning the grill, and the wives for freshly made donuts, a super salad and a choice of several cakes and cookies.  The following people attended:

Tom and Carlene Muller
Richard and Joyce DeVito
Dave and Kristina Beemer 
Charlie Gabelmann
Russell Keith

We also want to welcome our newest member, Andy Roberts who flew in with his Glastar and joined us at the airport.  Andy recently moved to Brunswick Maine and currently bases his plane at Wiscasset.  He is looking for a hangar rental at either Wiscasset or Brunswick.

No formal business was conducted.


The June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 8 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hour.


Minutes of Meeting Dated June 8, 2021
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Lincoln Benedict
Art Danley
Judy Danley
Andy Roberts
John Light (via Zoom)

Introductions were made as some were in attendance for the first time.


There was no formal business meeting in May.  The April Meeting Minutes were read and approved..


The Treasurer reported a 4/30/2021 checkbook balance of $5,190.75.  A check for $27.28 was written to reimburse Dave Beemer for candy the chapter provides to Flight Level aviation.


President Leo LeClair reported that at a recent meeting of Chapter 1210 in Biddeford, they had set up four welders and gave everyone a chance to try welding.  One of the welders had a mode that automatically adjusted the welder for different materials.  No supervision was provided, but everything worked well.

Dave Beemer reported on the status of the chapter.  We have a total of 42 contacts and show 31 members currently, two of which are lifetime members.  Five have replied that they would pay their dues, and that would bring the membership level to 35. Dave has been unable to find the remaining contacts and assume they have left the area.

Dave also suggested several ideas where the chapter could provide demonstrations of building functions to interest the members. One possibility is a riveting demonstration.


Leo LeClair outlined a new coffee and donut program the Maine Aeronautical Association (MAA) has started.  They meet socially monthly for coffee and donuts at various airports hosted by a local EAA chapter.  Leo suggested we should host an event at Brunswick for September, and members agreed.

Andy Roberts asked about hosting a Young Eagles event.  There was quite a bit of discussion and the main concern centers on availability of aircraft and pilots.  Ruel Keith who is the Young Eagles coordinator reminded the members that they must satisfy the EAA youth protection program to participate in Young Eagles.  Nothing firm was decided, but everyone agreed the program is worthwhile.


Russel Keith reported he is getting ready to install the leading-edge flaps and flaperons on the wings of Tom Muller’s Zenith CH 750.  Once that is done, the wing installation will follow.  He also temporarily placed the windshield on the fuselage to check fit and found surprisingly, that everything looked good.

Russ reported he found a problem with the #3 cylinder during his RV-9A condition inspection.  Low compression was traced to bad valve guides and the cylinder will need to be replaced.  Airpower, the main supplier is experiencing major back logs and prices are approaching $2,000.  Russ did locate a cylinder at Cessna and has ordered the replacement.

Lincoln Benedict is converting he Glastar to a tail wheel configuration and is awaiting parts.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2015 hrs.


We will not meet  at Brunswick on the normal second Tuesday for July.  The July meeting will be held on Saturday July 10th at 1000 hrs. at Nick Nobile’s hangar at the Wiscasset. Airport.  Nick’s hangar is located on the southwest side of the airport just past midfield.  Nick has been flying an RV 8 he built some years ago, and is currently building a Sopwith Camel.


Minutes of Meeting Dated September 14, 2021
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The September meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Richard DeVito
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Jerry Crute


The last published meeting minutes were for June 2021.  Reading of the minutes was waived..


The Treasurer presented reports covering the last three months.  He reported a 31 August balance of $5,258.30.  Tom was additionally given $25 in new membership fees to be deposited to the account.


President Leo LeClair asked for clarification on the dates that the chapter will host a coffee and donut social.  This is a monthly program organized by the Maine Aeronautical Association (MAA) and coordinated for the chapter by Dave Beemer.  Dave reported the event will be held at BXM on 16 October from 0900 to 1100 with a rain date of 17 October.

Dave will arrange the coffee, tea, and sweet and low.  Charlie agreed to check with Lisa Reece on using a 100-cup coffee maker., and Richard DeVito offered use of a 30-cup unit.    Leo agreed to get five dozen donuts, cups, napkins, sugar, and half and half.  Arrangements will be finalized at the October 12 meeting of the chapter.


Leo LeClair suggested that we obtain a debit card that could be used by any member purchasing goods for the chapter.  The intent is to eliminate the need to pay out of pocket and wait for reimbursement.  Tom Muller does not support having a debit card but does agree the reimbursement time can be improved.  The was considerable discussion on the issue with suggestions of a debit card, one or more credit cards, use of a petty cash fund, and online banking.  Tom prefers an online link with the bank that would trigger an immediate check payment by the bank.  This program is available for $4/month and the first three months are free.  In the end members agreed it is the treasurer’s call and we will use the online solution.

Leo also outlined some issues on use of the chapter scales.  The chapter policy clearly states that the scales can only be used by a member of the chapter.  For some time, the scales were stored by Scott Royal and they may have been used in violation of chapter rules.  Leo currently has possession of the scales and use will be limited to members only.    The $25 given to the treasurer at the meeting was a membership fee from a kitfox owner who joined the chapter to use the scales.


Russel Keith reported he has installed the leading-edge flaps on the wings of Tom Muller’s Zenith CH 750.  He is now ready to do the wing installation.  This might be done as a project for our November meeting.

Lincoln Benedict has converted his Glastar to a tail wheel configuration.  He installed an extended gear that is two inches bigger that a standard unit and required drilling new mounting access.  He had to complete at least 5 hours of flight and 25 landings to complete transition requirements, and he did closer to 50 landings.  He just completed a flight to Minnesota and flew at 9,500 feet.

Andy Roberts shared some photos of his flight in Crazy Horse, a P 51.  He got to fly the plane including making the landing unassisted. The ride included loops, rolls, and stalls.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2043 hrs.


The October meeting will be held on Tuesday October 12th at 1900 hrs. at the BXM FBO.  Details on the preparation of the 16 October coffee and donut program will be reviewed and finalized.  The coffee and donut outing will be held at BXM on Saturday Oct 16, from 0900 to 1100.  Rain date will be Sunday October 17, 2021.


Minutes of Meeting Dated November 9, 2021
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary


The November 2021, meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902 hrs.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Joyce DeVito
Tom Muller
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Jerry Crute
Jim Timoney


The last published meeting minutes were for September 2021. Reading of the minutes was waived..


The Treasurer presented reported a 31 October balance of $5,264.21. Dave Beemer was reimbursed $42.52 for refreshment expenses at Nick Nobile’s hangar.


The coffee and donut social scheduled for 16 October was cancelled due to bad weather on both the 16th and 17th. Charlie Gabelmann had purchased coffee for the event, but he has declined to be reimbursed for the expense.  Since no additional outdoor activities are planned, Charlie will return the 100-cup coffee pot.

Leo LeClair reported he has updated the EAA 87 Facebook page to make it accessible to the public.


Charlie Gabelmann reported on the death of Bruce Patten, a long term active EAA member of Chapter 756, and a friend of Chapter 87.  Charlie suggested we should consider a donation to Chapter 756 in Bruce’s name.  A motion was approved to donate $100, and Tom gave a check to Charlie.

Dave Beemer flew a Young Eagles flight and reported that the forms for Young Eagles have been changed.  The new form is a single page dated 04/2021, and all previous versions should be destroyed. Dave also reported that Jim Nall, the BXM airport manager was very interesting in hosting a chapter Young Eagles event.  Most of the members present support the idea and it looks like we have four aircraft available that could participate.  Further discussions are needed to move forward.

Leo LeClair commented that we have received correspondence from EAA National on renewing the Chapter membership.  Dave Beemer took care of the last renewal and will complete this one as well.  Tom Muller will provide a check to cover the costs.


Tom Muller reported that Russel Keith, with help from Dave Beemer, Charlie Gabelmann, and Jay Hewett, has installed the wings on his Zenith CH 750.

Lincoln Benedict has flown about 60 hours since converting his Glastar to a tail wheel configuration and has done the first oil change.

Andy Roberts has two oil filters that fit a Lycoming 360 that he is selling at half the price of Aircraft Spruce. He reported he is installing Michelin tubes to try correcting air leakage problems.  Andy also requested information on getting a transponder check.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1952 hrs.


The December meeting will be held on Tuesday December 14th at 1900 hrs. at the BXM FBO.


Minutes of Meeting Dated December 14, 2021
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The December 2021 meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts


The minutes of the November 9 meeting were approved as posted on the chapter website                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Treasurer presented reported a 30 November balance of $4,581.43.


Dave Beemer confirmed that he has completed the Chapter renewal with EAA National.  It was noted that the renewal cost totaled $583 and is higher than previous years.


Leo LeClair passed out EAA National award certificates and pins to the chapter officers.

Tom Muller proposed the chapter donate an ACE Camp sponsorship in memory of John Light for his many years as a member of the chapter.  The motion was seconded and approved by the members.

Russell Keith reported that the EAA Young Eagles registration form is now a single page document.  He passed out forms to the members.  Members that wish to participate in the Young Eagles program must have a current EAA certificate for working with youths.  They are valid for 3 years.


Charlie Gabelmann reviewed the history of the EAA87.  Andy Roberts feels this should be available on the chapter website.

Lincoln Benedict agreed to fill the role of Webmaster and will contact Dj Merrill to ascertain what is involved

Dave Beemer reviewed the current membership list and suggested for future meetings that we adopt a standardized meeting agenda including memberships.

Tom Muller stated that the chapter email link needs to be updated to reflect his new email address.

Leo LeClair stated that he feels the chapter should meet with Paul Richards at the Claymore facility and he would like to invite chapter 1210.  Leo also noted that the Aviation Forum is normally held at the Owl’s Head Museum in February, and he would check on plans for this year’s event.

Andy Roberts is investigating a possible fly out to grass strips in Maine for a group of Connecticut pilots and is looking for information on available public fields.


Russell Keith is adjusting the wing incidences on Tom’s Zenith CH750.  A 3.0-degree setting is desired, but he may end up at 2.6 degrees.


The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours.


We normally combine our February meeting with the Aviation Forum at The Owl’s Head Transportation Museum, but as of the posting of this report we do not have a date for the event.  Information on the February meeting will be posted on the chapter email link once we know details.

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