Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

2023 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Meeting Dated, November 14, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The November meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Tom Muller
Andrew Constantine
Ian Bugle
Andy Roberts
Mark Wilbur


Tom Muller requested a reading of the minutes from our last meeting on October 10. Andrew Constantine read the minutes and they were approved as read. 


The Treasurer reported an October 31 checkbook balance of $5,431.49.

It was noted that 27 members have paid 2023 dues to date with 29 total members.   

Dave Beemer reviewed a list of past members that have not renewed for 2023. Those that members felt might renew, will be contacted.


Camille Cyr distributed a sheet listing the EAA membership numbers of the chapter members along with the date they joined.

Camille also advised he had made a provisional reservation with Topsham Fair Mall Café for our December 9 Christmas party.  We can have a private room starting at 5 pm and order from the restaurant menu.  There was some concern expressed about the room being large enough to accommodate us, but it was not felt to be a problem   Members voted to have the party at the café and authorized Camille to confirm the reservation.


Andy Roberts distributed a questionnaire requesting information from the membership as a first step in formulating a database for the chapter. It will record contact information, spouses’ names, aircraft project, aircraft flown, etc.  Andrew Constantine will work with him to formulate the database.

Dave Beemer stated he will complete the Chapter renewal paperwork with EAA National.


 The trivia question of the evening was “What is the insignia found on the side of USAF aircraft called?”  The correct answer was a roundel, and it was provided by Andrew Constantine.

A second question asked, “What was the reason for three white and two black stripes on the wings of allied aircraft during D Day strikes?”  Dave Beemer provided the correct answer stating it allowed gunners to easily identify an allied aircraft.


Andrew Constantine has been working with the CAP on the restoration of a PT -22 and they recently completed that project.


Andy Roberts has been working on the annual inspection requirement for his Glastar.  He does all the work, and the paperwork is signed off by Scott Royal after his inspection.


The meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.


The December meeting will be our annual Christmas party for members and their spouses/significant others.  The party will be held at the Topsham Fairgrounds Café starting at 1700 hours.  We will have a private room at the rear of the café and will order food and drinks from the café menu. 

We will have a Yankee Swap, so members should bring a wrapped gift for each family member attending.  An approximate $10 gift is suggested and regifting is allowed.

Minutes of Meeting Dated, October 10, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Tom Muller
Andrew Constantine
Ian Bugle
Andy Roberts
Lincoln Benedict
Johnny Flaherty


Reading of the minutes from our last meeting on August 8 was waived.  They have been posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a September 30 checkbook balance of $5,520.32.

It was noted that 27 members have paid 2023 dues to date with 29 total members.


The Chapter donated $250 to ACE Camp to support their programs.  Our planned candidate was unable to secure a position in this year’s camp.


Leo shared a brochure for a new EAA Aero Education program with the members.

Andy Roberts related that there is no data available to understand the makeup of our chapter and raised several possible questions in that regard.

What planes have members built?
Who is currently building a plane, and what is it?
What are members currently flying?
What are the name of the member’s spouses?

He volunteered to develop a database if he can have access to a digital copy of the current file of the membership and Andrew Constantine will work with him. Dave Beemer agreed to send the list to Andrew.

Lincoln Benedict reported that he needs to work through EAA National to correct the name of our chapter and to remove Eagle Flights from our EAA website. On a related note, Lincoln is now qualified to conduct Young Eagle flights and has conducted a Young Eagles Flight.

Members discussed holding a Young Eagles rally in the spring or summer.  There is a consensus to hold a rally and we will continue to discuss this at future meetings with a final decision in March as to date.

Members decided to hold our annual Christmas party/meeting on December 9th. Some members suggested going out somewhere or having the event catered rather than doing our normal potluck.  It was suggested we speak with the wives and get their opinion.


The trivia question of the evening was “What year was the US Navy Flight Demonstration Team formed, and what airplane did they fly?” 

The answer was 1946 with a Grumman F6 Hellcat. 

Dave Beemer brought Johnny Flaherty to the meeting as a guest.


Dave Beemer reported his Vans RV14 is currently on hold due to a parts issue. Last year Vans outsourced some manufacturing to outside vendors. Those venders used lasers to cut parts. Some of the laser cut didn't meet spec and developed cracks when dimpled or riveted. After many months of research and testing Vans came up with a program to address this issue that has affected many builders. Dave was lucky that the only impact was his fuselage build which he was just starting.

About 1/3 of Dave's fuselage aluminum parts were laser cut. Many of the laser cut parts were just fine. However, 59 of them did not pass inspection and need replacement. Of those determined to be defective Van's identified 20 were mandatory or highly recommended to be replaced and would be done so at no charge. All 59 are on order.


Lincoln is doing his annual inspection and Russ advised no current activity.


The meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.


The November meeting will be held on Tuesday November 14, 2023, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.

Minutes of Meeting Dated, August 8, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Lincoln Benedict

The August meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1905.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo Leclair
David Beemer
Andrew Constantine
Andrew Roberts
Jerry Crute
Lincoln Benedict
Tom Muller
Ian Bugler
(remote) Craig Wade



Reading of the minutes from our last meeting in July was waived. They have been posted on the Chapter website. 

The Membership Minute. We have 29 members with two potentials on the horizon.


The Treasurer reported a May 31 checkbook balance of $7,055.55.

The Treasurers report was waived.


Leo corrected his trivia question from last month. The answer was William Whipple, not Wilbur Whipple.

Following up on the scholarship to ACE Camp. It is unknown whether the payment went to Ace Camp. Follow up with Richard at the following meeting to check.

The September meeting will not be held. In its place will be the annual barbecue held at KLEW at Russell Keith’s Hangar. It is a potluck event.


Leo notes the EAA Facebook page is operating and functional [insert link here] and is a great resource.

Dave Beemer is proposing that the Chapter Coordinator develop a property list for the club for the items it owned. Andrew Roberts has agreed to do so.

James Brown, David Keene, and Tom Wallace have been removed from the chapter roster by request or inactivity.

Tom Muller made the motion to decommission the chapter Facebook page. There was no second so the motion did not proceed.

Dave Beemer made a motion to do a Young Eagles minute and it was seconded and approved.


Ian reports going to KRKD for the airshow and it was a fine event with a C-47 flying along with many other antique aircraft.

Andrew and Craig reported on their trip to Airventure this year, taking two days to drive from Maine to Wisconsin. They camped in one of the EAA campgrounds conditions were reported to be good. They formed new friends, had many great meals, and went to many presentations. Andrew has a new affinity for Kitfox, doing a fabric covering workshop to prep for when he is able to order a kit. Craig’s significant other showed a real interest in aviation and is planning on attending Greenville. Most memorable moment for Andrew was food poisoning during the middle of a thunderstorm. However, his most positive moment occurred at a fabric covering seminar, where he realized that he in fact could build an airplane himself. Craig appreciated going out and meeting new people. Craig’s girlfriend has chosen a Rans S21 Outback as their proposed aircraft to build together. Andrew reported the cell coverage was decent for some subscribers but spotty for others.


Ian asked about when to go to Air Venture. Andrew suggested staying at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus with easy to access shuttles. Tom recommends traveling in an RV to stay on the grounds or camp in a tent. Lincoln recommends seeing one night airshow and checking out the ultralight park for a STOL competition which usually happens every evening.


Andrew reported going to Spurwink for the yearly fly-in. This year there were Portland ATC controllers onsite to keep things orderly. The runway is shorter than the reported 2200’, it is actually 1700’. Andrew also went to the KHUL for the fly in there. While there, he learned the reason for the Houlton airport’s construction. It was the Lend-Lease act to provide aircraft to Britain without selling them or manning them. Due to these restrictions the airplanes were landed at Houlton by US crews but then towed across the border to Canada by local farmers.


Leo’s trivia question: Two types of tools are used, SAE and Metric. What does SAE stand for? Society of Automotive Engineers.



Dave Beemer brought a piece of his RV-14 project that had corrosion on the laser cut rivet holes. Other builders had reported that their holes were cracking when it was being dimpled and Vans is now investigating. Dave’s part list is currently “yellow” showing that the factory is digging deeper into the lot that his parts came from.


The meeting was adjourned at 2015 hours.


In September the meeting will be a BBQ get together at Russell Keith’s hangar at Lewiston Auburn Airport on September 12 at 1730 hours.


Minutes of Meeting Dated, July 11, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The July meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1903.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Tom Muller
Craig Wade
Andrew Constantine
Ian Bugler


Reading of the minutes from our last meeting on June 13 was waived.  They have been posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a May 31 checkbook balance of $7,055.55.

It was noted that 26 members have paid 2023 dues to date with 28 total members.


With cancellation of all flight activities, the June 17 Fly In was renamed Rain and Food, and despite the bad weather, it was well attended.  Cirrus held an open house in hangar 5 with the hangar doors open.

Members again discussed family chapter membership.  After much discussion, the following motion was approved:  EAA 87 family members must be a family member in good standing of EAA National.

Leo LeClair reported that his pedal plane project is virtually complete but needs to be dismantled for painting.  He has about $600 invested and will probably spend another $100 before he is done.


Richard DeVito inquired about sponsoring ACE Camp Membership for Noah Magliozzi for the current session. He is the brother of Austin that we sponsored a few years ago.  Members agreed to provide $500 toward camp costs.


The trivia question of the evening was a non-aviation theme and asked the following:

"Who was the only person born in Maine to sign the Declaration of Independence?"

The answer was General William Whipple, and no one got the correct answer.


Leo asked a second aviation related question.  The new planned Air Force One is a
747-8I.  “What is the of the current Air Force One?”  The answer is a 747-200.


There were no actual project discussions, but Dave Beemer brought in a variety of specialized tools and bucking bars and reviewed them with the members.


The meeting was adjourned at 2012 hours.


The August meeting will be held on Tuesday August 8, 2023, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.

In September the meeting will be a BBQ get together at Russell Keith’s hangar at Lewiston Auburn Airport on September 12 at 1730 hours.

Minutes of Meeting Dated, June 13, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1904.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Jerry Crute
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Tom Muller
Craig Wade
Andrew Constantine
Trevor Jennings
Ian Bugler


Reading of the minutes from our last meeting on May 9 was waived.  They have been posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a May 31 checkbook balance of $5,520.30.   One additional membership check has been received. The report was approved as submitted.

It was noted that 28 members have paid 2023 dues to date.  Two are senior members and pay no dues.

  Andy Roberts suggested a pdf file of the membership list be provided to the members. There was some concern on public access.


There was some discussion on family memberships, and it was noted that all EAA 87 family members must be members of EAA National.  A motion was approved to table discussions on family memberships.

Leo LeClair reported that he has decided against proceeding with his pedal plane project planned for the June 17th fly in.  Steve Welch from Chapter 1210 strongly advised against providing the pedal car.  This was something they had previously tried and found the kids had virtually destroyed the pedal cars in a fairly short time.  It might be possible to complete the project and offer it as a raffle.

Andrew Constantine reported on drone operation.  Some of the pertinent points follow:
FAA puts the burden of avoiding aircraft on the drone operator.
Recreational drones can’t operate above 400 feet.
Drones must be operated within line of sight.
Drones weighing more than 250 grams must be registered.
Drone pilot certificate required for commercial operations.
Drones weighing more than 55 pounds require an operational exemption.


The chapter plans to host a Young Eagle event during the July 17 Fly-In at Brunswick.  Three pilots have committed to having aircraft available for the event but only one member has firmly committed to work as support staff.  Russell Keith stated that EAA National requires two people on the ground with valid Youth Protection Program certificates.  Russ confirmed that he has the required EAA insurance for the Young Eagles program.


The trivia question of the evening was a non-aviation theme and asked the following:

“What were the names of the two grumpy old men in the Muppets?”

The answer was Statler and Waldorf, and no one got the correct answer.


Leo related that he has just completed a 4-week RV trip with a stop in Washington DC for a planned visit to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.  That visit did not work out, as entry requires a prior reservation, and all slots are booked for well into the future.  He did get to visit the Steven F Udar Hazy Center, an annex of the Smithsonian. Leo was impressed with the exhibits, and it included Bob Hoover’s Shrike Commander. He also visited the.Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument.  


Trevor Jennings continues to work on his Zenith 650 in a T hangar at Brunswick.  He has completed the wings and has begun working on the fuselage.  Trevor stated some parts of the kit were missing, but Zenith committed to provide the parts.  He is planning a Jabiru engine.

Lincoln Benedict has fabricated a non-adjustable cowl flap for his GlaStar.   Oil temperatures are a bit high, but acceptable.

Andy Roberts stated he recently had a flight in a Cessna 195.


The meeting was adjourned at 2040.


The July meeting will be held on Tuesday July 11, 2023, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.

Minutes of Meeting Dated May 9, 2023

Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The May meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  Vice President Dave Beemer called the meeting to order at 1912.

The following members were in attendance:

David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Jerry Crute
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Tom Muller
Craig Wade
Andrew Constantine


Reading of the minutes from our last meeting on April 11 was waived.  They have been posted on the Chapter website.


The Treasurer reported a checkbook balance of $5,526.82.  The report was approved as submitted. It was noted that 21 members have paid 2023 dues to date.  Two are grandfathered and pay no dues.


Dave Beemer reported he has mailed out 22 membership letters and has received three responses to date.

Dave reminded the members that the Brunswick Airplane and Auto show will be held on June 17.  We are planning to hold a Young Eagles event at the show, and Russell Keith has made applications with EAA National.  He has reached out to all the other Maine Chapters and may get one or two planes to help.

Leo Leclair was not able to attend the leadership course last month.  Dave reported that Leo is currently in Florida and doing well with recovery from his recent heart attack.

Dave also reported that Lincoln Benedict has posted the bylaws on the chapter website.


Dave reported that Tom Muller and he had been talking about transitioning from our current accounting system to a check book accounting system. Andrew Constantine might consider becoming the treasurer. This will be discussed when our President Leo Leclair returns. Tom Muller has made it clear that he needs to retire as treasurer.

Dave also noted that our current roster only shows a single name on family memberships.  Since both family members are included in a family membership, the roster needs to be updated to show both names.  This will be discussed at our next meeting.  Members will still need to be national members of EAA.

It was noted that anyone involved with children during a Young Eagles event must have completed the EAA Youth Protection Program and be current.  Russell Keith verified that Andy Roberts is qualified.  Andrew Constantine and Craig Wade plan to take the course.

There was quite a bit of discussion on FAA requirements for drones.  It was noted that the FAA plans to show established locations for drones, model aircraft, and rocketry on sectionals. Drones heavier than ½ pound must have ADS-B to operate outside the established locations.  ADS-B is not required inside the established location.

Andrew Constantine agreed to research what a pilot needs to know about drones and will report his findings at the next meeting.

5. General

The trivia question of the evening involved identifying the tool Dave brought to the meeting.  Except for a few that had used the tool in the past, most members were clueless.  Dave demonstrated that the tool shapes the edge "breaks the edge" of a sheet of aluminum to ensure it remains flat once it has been riveted. The name of the tool:



Dave stated he has some parts on back order and he has received several incorrect parts for his Vans RV-14. As an example, the kit requires two different 9’1” longerons parts, but Dave received two of the same part. Vans does provide a replacement with the correct part in all cases and jokingly refers to Dave’s kit as a COVID kit.  It was assembled During the COVID crisis when manpower was limited.  Dave is wrapping up his aft fuselage and will soon start on the main fuselage kit that came last month.

Lincoln Benedict stated his Glastar is down for a broken exhaust system.  He has purchased a Power Flow system but it will require cowling modification.


The meeting was adjourned at 2004.


The June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 13, 2023, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.


Minutes of Meeting Dated April 11, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The April meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  Vice President Dave Beemer called the meeting to order at 1902.

The following members were in attendance:

David Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Charlie Gabelmann
Camille Cyr
Lisa Reece
Jerry Crute
Lincoln Benedict
Andy Roberts
Joyce DeVito
Kristina Dahle

Dave opened the meeting by reporting that President Leo LeClair has undergone stent implant surgery for a heart problem and was doing well.


The minutes from our last meeting on Feb 14 were approved as submitted. The March meeting was cancelled due to bad weather.


The Treasurer report reading was waived due to the absence of the Treasurer.  It was noted that 12 members have paid 2023 dues to date against a total membership of 30.


Dave Beemer reported the Chapter has been renewed with National at a cost of $398.00.
Dave also noted that there are only 4 technical counselors in Maine.  Russell Keith stated he would apply for a technical Counselor position.

Lisa Reece reported on several upcoming events:
At the June 17 Brunswick Fly In, there will be a special fuel price for aviation fuel.
Dj Merrill will handle aircraft parking by hangar 6,
There will be a super cub STOL demonstration, and any help would be appreciated.

Lisa stated that there will be a seaplane safety seminar in Pittsfield. On May 13th.
Auburn and Newport are considering developing seaplane bases.

Lisa also confirmed that there will be an ACE Camp this year.  A daily event at Brunswick and a week-long event at Bangor.


Dave reported there would be an EAA Leadership Academy on April 21st and 23rd.  It was suggested that Leo could attend by zoom.

Dave stated that we should post the chapter bylaws on our website.  Lincoln Benedict felt he could post the bylaws once he has them.

Russel Keith asked if we wanted to participate in a Young Eagles event on June 17th.  It was noted that we do not have many planes and it was suggested he reach out to other chapters.

5. General

The trivia question of the evening was “what is the parallel at the north pole”.   The answer was Latitude.  Most suggested 90 degrees.


Andy Roberts showed an intake fairing he had made using Vinyl Ester resin.  Andy stated it didn’t make any difference what measurement you used, they were all the same.

Dave Beemer brought in one of the elevators from his Vans RV 14 to show the varied rivet applications along with some of the special tools that were essential in getting it done correctly.


Dave adjourned the meeting at 2007 hrs.


The May meeting will be held on Tuesday May 9, 2023, at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.


Minutes of Meeting Dated February 14, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The February meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Tom Muller
Charlie Gabelmann
Richard DeVito
Andrew Constantine
Camille Cyr
Jerry Crute
Craig Wade


Reading of the January minutes was waived.


The Treasurer reported a 1/31/23 balance of $5231.16.  It included $398 reimbursement to Dave Beemer for payment of EAA National dues.  Tom noted that only 4 members have paid 2023 dues to date,


Leo noted that the MRRA expects the chapter to do a Young Eagle program at the June 17 Fly In.  They have no interest in a wings seminar or safety program and plan to have two food trucks available.


Leo reported that nick Nobile was featured in the latest issue of the EAA magazine.  He noted that Nick did not reference the chapter in the article.

Leo also passed around a flyer of a P-51 pedal car and said he planned to build one.  He suggested it might be a good project for the chapter possibly as a raffle.

5. General

The trivia question of the evening was “what planes did Jimmy Stewart fly”?   Nobody knew all the answers.

In 1943, as a colonel, he was attached to  the 703rd  Bomb Squadron and flew 20 missions in a B24.  Overall, he participated in 100 bomber raids over Germany.  He attained the rank of a 2 star general and flew missions in the B-52 over Vietnam.


Tom Muller reported that the buyer of his Zenith 750 has opted for a U1 engine for the project and will not use the original power configuration.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1942 hrs.


The March meeting will be held on Tuesday March 14 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.


Minutes of Meeting Dated January 10, 2023
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The January meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Tom Muller
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Ian Bugler
Andrew Constantine
Camille Cyr
Andy Roberts
Lincoln Benedict


Minutes were not recorded for the December Christmas Party.


The Treasurer reported a 12/31/22 balance of $5,553.93.  It included $400 of income from the December raffle.

Dave Beemer reported that the club now stands at 30 paid members.


Leo noted that the chapter officers for 2023 will carry over from 2022.

Dave reported he has completed the annual chapter update with EAA National.  Cost this year was $398.

The December Christmas party was well attended and enjoyed by all.  Andy Roberts was the winner of the $500 raffle.


Russ reported on a revised Training Program for Young Eagle Coordinators that he has completed.  Policy continues to
require two adults for any single Young Eagle participant.  He also stated that all planned programs at a Young Eagle
event must be listed on the application.

MRRA is planning a fly-in at Brunswick on June 17th.  We will plan for a Young Eagles event.

5. General

Leo requested we think of ideas for the chapter events in 2023.  Andy Roberts suggested a joint fly-in to Greenville. 
He thought we might try to do an outing together in a plane that had capacity for 15-20, and suggested we consider
getting a speaker for one of our meetings.

The trivia question was “What two planes did Sky King fly”.  No one got the correct answer.  The first was a Cessna
T50 Bamboo Bomber and the second was a Cessna 310.


Russel Keith reported that Tom’s Zenith 750 was sold and he is assisting the new owner.  The new owner bought the
plane with a holdback for the engine, and it appears he may opt for a different power plant.

Dave Beemer has ordered the fuselage kit for his Vans RV-14.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2030 hrs.


The February meeting will be held on Tuesday February 14 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.


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