Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

2022 Meeting Minutes


Minutes of Meeting Dated November 8, 2022
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The November meeting was held at the Clamar Float company facility at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Ian Bugler
Andrew Constantine
Camile Cyr
Craig Wade
Andy Roberts
Jerry Crute
Paul Richards


October meeting minutes were not recorded


The Treasurer reported a 10/31/2022 balance of $5,134.49

Dave Beemer advised he would be sending out letter for 2023 membership dues.


Leo noted requested the vote of three officers missing from the October meeting on holding a chapter Christmas party.  All voted in in affirmative.

Leo also advised that we have received enough raffle tickets to ensure some profit for the chapter.  The drawing will be done at the chapter Christmas party.


The members present voted to have a chapter Christmas party on December 3rd starting with a social at 5 pm with dinner at 6.  We will meet in the pilot’s lounge at Brunswick Executive airport.  No stove is available, but there are 115 vac outlets available for crock pots.

Members also voted to hold a Yankee Swap at the Christmas party.  Each person attending should bring a wrapped gift to exchange.  It was recommended that the cost of the gifts be about $20 or less.  Regifting is OK.

Leo noted that the annual chapter filing with National EAA is due and will show a carryover of officers.

5. General

Members were treated to an in-depth tour of the Clamar Float facility and the shared Tech Place shops at Brunswick Executive airport.  Clamar manufactures a line of composite floats ranging from 1400 pounds through 3500 and has installations on a variety of aircraft.  Installations include Piper Cubs, Kit Foxes, Aircams, and an experimental Cessna 206.  Our host for the evening was Paul Richards and the tour was outstanding, and much appreciated.



The December meeting will be our annual Christmas party and will be held at 1700 hours on December 3rd at the pilots lounge at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO.  We will have a Yankee swap for all attending and will draw the winner of our $500 raffle.


Minutes of Meeting Dated Sept 13, 2022
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The September meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Joyce DeVito
Russell Keith
Ian Bugler
Andrew Constantine
Camile Cyr
Craig Wade
Trevor Jennings


Reading of the May meeting minutes was waived


The Treasurer was absent, and no report was available.

Dave Beemer reported that the club has added one member and now stands at 28 paid members.

Members voted that any new joining members will be considered paid through 2023.


Leo noted that 32 of the planned 100 raffle tickets have been sold to date.  Lisa Reece has sold quite a few tickets tickets. 


Dave Beemer reported that he had been contacted about doing an Eagles flight and he declined. A complaint was made to EAA National,
and they contacted Dave.  It turns out that our website does list Eagle flights, based on the EAA template used to create our website. 
Since the chapter does not support this program, EAA National will remove it from our website.

5. General

The trivia question was What one US President had never had an audience with queen Elizabeth?   
Many answered, but none were correct.  The answer was Lyndon B. Johnson.


Trevor Jennings is continuing to work on his Zenith 650.  He has completed the right wing and will now start on the left.  
He first needs to make a stand to work on the left wing.  Trevor recently was treated to a flight in a completed 650 project and found it very comfortable.

Dave Beemer brought a new tool for show and tell that is used to work with blind, AR, and pull rivets.

Dave has completed the vertical stabilizer and rudder on his RV-14 project and is working on the horizontal stabilizer. 
He sent a picture to Leo on some of the completed work and Leo was able to identify several rivets that may need to be reworked. 
It appears that the wrong size tool was used on the rivet head.  Dave has contacting Vans for a decision.

Russel Keith reported that Tom’s Zenith 750 is 90% done and up for sale. There has been some interest, but no offers yet.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1945 hrs.


The October meeting will be held on Tuesday October 11 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hrs.



Minutes of Meeting Dated June 14, 2022
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1900.

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Lincoln Benedict
Ian Bugler


Reading of the May meeting minutes was waived.


The Treasurer reported a 5/31/2022 checkbook balance of $5,275.47.  The report was approved as submitted.

Dave Beemer reported that the club now has 27 paid members with Tom Ward’s renewal.


No old business was discussed.


Leo LeClair outlined responsibilities for the coffee and donut fly in that the Chapter will host on July 16th. 
The fly in will be held at Brunswick Executive Airport starting at 0900 hours and will include a Young Eagles event.  
Rain date will be July 17th.  Responsibilities follow:

Leo – Donuts, cups, napkins, and stirrers
Charlie – Coffee maker and coffee
Dave – Sugar, sugar substitute, half and half, oat milk, hot water, tea

The program details will be reviewed at the July 12th monthly meeting.

Russel Keith provided a copy of the Certificate of Liability Insurance that has been filed for the event.


The trivia question for the evening was raised by Leo.

To whom, where, and when was the first air traffic controller license issued?  No one had the answer. 
It was Jimmy Jeffs, and he was issued license Number 1 in the UK on 2/22/1922.  The first controller
in the USA was Archie League and he was issued his license in St Louis in 1928.


Russel Keith reported he has hung the ailerons on Tom Muller’s Zenith CH 750.  They still need to be aligned. 
Tom confirmed the project is for sale and Russ will continue to work on it in the interim

Dave Beemer shared a drawing for the vertical stabilizer his Vans RV-14 that call for three identical 4-3 pull rivets.  In fact, two of the rivets needed to be longer as they attach to thicker material.  A good catch on Dave’s part.

Dave also showed two bars he uses to buck rivets.  One is made of tungsten and was significantly heavier than expected.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1954 hrs.


The July meeting will be held on Tuesday July 12 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900


Minutes of Meeting Dated May 10, 2022
Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The May meeting was held at Dave Beemer’s home.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1910

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Charlie Gabelmann
Dave Beemer
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Tom Muller
Andy Roberts
Camile Cyr
John Thompson
Ben Herman
Win Mitchell
Jim Timoney
Mke Sciascia


No report was submitted for the April meeting


The Treasurer Submitted reports covering February, March, and April.  The checkbook balance on 30 April 2022 was $5,225.28.  Tom also reported that the IRS form 990-N for 2021 taxes was filed and confirmed on 19 April 2022.  The report was approved as submitted.


Current membership stands at 26 paid members.  The chapter has committed to host coffee and donuts on 16 July along with a Young Eagles program.


President Leo LeClair expressed concern on the financial status of the chapter as without some income, the chapter will not survive.  Leo discussed the possibility of having a raffle as we have done in the past starting at the 16 July event.  We would sell 100 tickets at $10 each and award $500 to the raffle winner.  The raffle will be drawn in December and the chapter would show a $500 income if all tickets are sold.

Leu cautioned that unlike past years he would nut be able to sell tickets at BIW, and once we sell the first ticket, we are committed to provide $500 to the winner.  Andy Roberts stated he did not feel comfortable selling raffle tickets.  Leo asked for other ideas, but nothing was offered. No vote was taken on having the raffle.


The main purpose of the get together was to look at Dave Beemer’s Vans R-14 project. Dave is in the initial phase of the project and is working in a dedicated room in his home for the time being.  Dave showed us some of the specialized tools he is using for the riveting.  The group appreciated the visit and especially enjoyed the cupcakes.


Tom Muller stated that he has put his Zenith CH 750 project up for sale.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 1947 hrs.


The June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 14 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900



Minutes of Meeting Dated March 8, 2022

Submitted EAA Chapter 87
by Dave Beemer


Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. 

Members present: David Beemer, Charles Gabelmann, Ian Bugler, Lincoln Benedict, Russell Keith, Camille Cyr, Andy Roberts, Leo LeClair, Tom Muller 

Camille Cyr has rejoined the club after being away for quite a while. He requested the members he didn't know introduce themselves. It's been a while and it was fun learning more about all of our members. Welcome back Camille, 

Reading of the minutes - voted upon and waived. 

Treasurer's Report - Club has $5,082.84 with another three membership checks yet to be cashed and two more pending. Tom Muller reported that after looking at his documentation for many months he can't resolve a $50 discrepancy in the 2020/2021 membership totals. Most likely two members paid with cash or some other account issue happened. Tom Muller asked David Beemer to review his books to see if he could find the discrepancy. David Beemer offered to pay for the $50 in lieu of reviewing the books. A vote was held to accept the treasurer's report as is and accept the $50 accounting error. The vote was unanimous to accept the report and error. 

Membership Minute - The club has 25 paid members and two more ready to pay. Lincoln Benedict was originally not going to make the meeting and mailed in his dues the day of the meeting. Ian Bugler wasn't mailed a bill and was wondering what was up. The membership list was checked and Ian Bulger was somehow missed. David Beemer will email Ian Bulger Tom Muller's address and update the club's mailing list. David Beemer reminded all of those in attendance of the 2022 membership contest. The member who invites and or brings more guest/potential members to our monthly meetings will get a double size poster of the "Old Crow" flying in formation. The Old Crow is a flying example of the WW-II P-51 Mustang. It will make a great poster for a man/woman cave or hanger. So far no one has brought a guest so you could say the 2022 membership contest is tied. 

Old Business 

Our President brought up our 2nd attempt to host a MAA Coffee and Donuts fly in at KBXM on Saturday July 16th with a rain date of the 17th. Our Young Eagles coordinator, Russ Keith mentioned we had previously discussed combining this with a Young Eagles event.. After discussion it was agreed that the Coffee and Donuts flying in would go as published from 9:00 to 11:00 and the Young Eagle flights would start at 11:00 and go until all the young people who wanted to go flying get to go flying. David Beemer agreed to contact Jim Nall, Brunswick Airport Manager/Flight Level FBO manager to confirm that date. Our plan is to use last year's plan. 

2022 MAA Coffee & Donuts most current updated schedule for C&D fly-ins this year.

The events are from 9-11AM

APRIL 9th Waterville (KWVL)

MAY Norridgewock (KOWK)

JUNE Lincoln (KLRG) in conjunction with the Camp-Out/Fly & Splash-In (and the Cessna 180-185 Northeast Fly-In) June 25 or 26

JULY 16th Brunswick Executive Airport (KBXM)

AUGUST 13th Twitchell’s (3B5)
SEPT Belfast (KBST)

OCT Bethel (0B1)

For more information contact: 

Lisa Reece
Maine Aeronautics Association
Wiscasset Municipal Airport
PO Box 501
Woolwich, ME 04548 

President Leo LeClair yet again brought up and discussed our plane weighing scales. After hearing the history of the scales. How much they cost, how much they have made the club in dues and repeat dues we talked about what we are going to do with a member who is 80 years old and wants to use the scales. This discussion went on for about 15 minutes. The result is as such: 

For many reasons from liability, etc... Every person who uses our scales must be a paid member of EAA-87. If that person happens to be 80 years old they will still have to join the club, pay their dues and then be included in our 80 year old member for life program. Bottom line is every person who uses our scales must at one time be a paid member of the club and complete the waiver of liability sheet that is maintained with the scales as long as we own the scales.  

New Business 

David Beemer mentioned that his flying club is trying to arrange for a "field trip" to Portland's Tower. He asked how many members would be interested in piggybacking on the Flilghttime trip. Most members indicated they would be interested and Richad Devito, EAA-87 Secretary and Fighttime's President will look into this possibility.  

David Beemer mentioned that Ed Thelander is on the ballot and running for Congress in Maine's first Congressional District. President Leo LeClair reminded David Beemer that he attended Mr. Thelander's campaign kickoff announcement with him at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath last year and the cake was delicious. David Beemer agreed it was a very tasty cake and wanted to point out that Ed Thelander is a private pilot and is a member of the Wiscasset based Flighttime flying club. David Beemer asked if the group was interested in knowing anything about Ed Thelander and with a yes response David took a few minutes and told the group about Ed and handed out a few flyers and bumper stickers.  

Andy Roberts reported that the Belfast Airport KBST is getting fuel... This is very welcome news and a great addition to one of the largest concentrations of experimental airplanes stationed and being built in the state. Andy Roberts also mentioned that Thompson Memorial ME62 is private but open to EAA members. It's maintained by a fun loving JetBlue pilot who loves experimental planes.

Russ Keith reported that the Auburn Lewiston KLEW airport has a new manager. He also said the field cafe was going to open any day... said with more than a hint of sarcasm.  

Charles Gabelmann reported that he is working to set up an Aviation Club at Bath Middle School. He is thinking about converting a Eagle Motorized Glider cockpit into a virtual reality simulator that the club could use. We will talk more about this in upcoming meetings but everyone seemed to agree this was a project EAA-87 could get behind. 

Tom Muller talked about fundraising. He's focus is not so much to build the club up but more on keeping it alive. It's the oldest EAA club in Maine and one of the first in the county. A few members agreed with the keep the club alive approach. David Beemer suggested that we should focus on doing a handful of fun events every year and try to grow the club. If the club is not growing by default it's dying. If you want to keep the club alive the best way is to add new members who are interested in building planes, learning how to fly and helping the next generation catch the aviation bug. 

Leo LeClair asked the group if they would be willing to add a "Trivial Minute" to our weekly agenda. With some moaning the group verbally agreed and he is Leo's first Trivia question: 

Trivia Minute -  What was/is the fastest airplane capable of powered take off, flight and landing. Tom Muller guessed the space shuttle. David Beemer guessed the SR-71. Russ Keith got it right by explaining to us all it was the Lockheed A-12 Oxcart. The plane that looked like a baby SR-71 that was built before the SR-71 for the CIA. The records are not in the books because at the time the CIA didn't officially exist.


David Beemer's RV-14 - Dave thanked Russ Keith for helping him pick out a wonderful rolling tool chest with flat top. Yet another fine shopping trip to Harbor Freight. Dave has finished buying and accepting the tools needed to start his project. He has converted the shipping crate into a rolling workbench. He has removed much of the blue plastic and deburred and sanded the first dozen pieces to assemble. The excitement builds... Three years left and counting!

Russ Keith and Tom Muller's Zenith 750. The rear spare is drilled and the cowling is done. Setting the dihedral looks spot on and now Russ is starting to work on the struts.  

Russ Keith has moved into his new hanger and created his own mobile engine dehydrating unit. He has completed an exhaustive study of the best way to preheat an engine and secure the engine to reduce wear and risk of internal engine rust. He has come up with a few really good take-aways. Alway try to find a way to preheat the engine when temps are 20 degrees and below. When you secure your plane, open the oil stick port and loosen the oil dipstick and let it rest on the opening lip and watch the steam exit. When the engine has cooled, replace the dipstick and secure the plane. If the plane has modern oil or you are using an additive such as camguard you have 21 days before the oil film will be reduced enough to allow rust. Furthermore, rust will not typically develop when the humidity is below 75%. Of course he uses a fish tank air to pump dried air into the engine via the oil dipstick tube.  

Camille Cyr's 1917 Nieuport II replica. After some back and forth discussion regarding the weighing of Camille Cyr's 1917 Nieuport II replica with a 2 cylinder Rotax 447 it looks like it weighed in at 298 lbs which is a bit over the 254 lbs ultralight limit.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM

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