Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

2020 Meeting Minutes

                                                                                              Sep 2020 Meeting Minutes                                                                                               
 EAA Chapter 87
Minutes of Meeting Dated September 16, 2020
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary

A special September meeting was held at Tom Muller’s hangar at the Lewiston Auburn Airport.  Tom Muller called the meeting to order at 1900


Over the past several weeks, resignations were received from the Chapter President, Vice President, and Secretary.  Treasurer Tom Muller scheduled a special meeting to address these resignations.

The meeting consisted of both sit down and Zoom participants.  The following members were in attendance:

Tom Muller
Leo Leclair
Russell Keith
Richard DeVito
Joyce DeVito (Approved as a new member)
Dave Beemer (Via Zoom)
Lisa Reece (Via Zoom)



Tom Muller moved, and Joyce DeVito seconded that the following members serve as officers of the chapter through December 31, 2021.

President               Leo Leclair
Vice President       Dave Beemer
Secretary               Richard DeVito
Treasurer               Tom Muller

The motion was passed unanimously.  It was noted that Dave Beemer is awaiting his employer’s concurrence to serve in this position.


Based on discussions on meeting locations, the preference is to continue meeting at Brunswick.  Dave Beemer agreed to contact Flight Level management to determine if this is possible.  As an alternative, the chapter would look at Wiscasset or Lewiston.


After considerable discussion on chapter membership, Tom Muller moved, and Russel Keith seconded that the following membership structure apply:

Single membership                                    $25/yr
Family membership                                   $30/yr
Lifetime membership (80+ years old)      No fee
Honorary (No voting rights)                     No fee

Members that have paid dues for 2020 will be extended through 2021 at no additional cost. Members that have not paid for 2020 and join before the end of the year will be granted membership through 2021.

The motions for the above membership structure passed unanimously.


Tom Muller has confirmed wit EAA National that hybrid meetings involving sit down and computer links are acceptable.   Tom will not use Zoom and had requested we investigate an alternative.  One suggestion was Go to Meeting.  Russel Keith agreed to look at possible alternatives and will report back to other members.


Tom Muller stated that we have not been able to locate a copy of the chapter bylaws.  He has been in communications with Syriana from EAA Member Services and they can provide a template that would allow the chapter to construct a new set of bylaws.  Richard DeVito expressed concern that we might not meet the requirement in our articles of Incorporation and should first investigate obtaining a copy from the state.  Richard is the chapter’s registered agent as well as Secretary and agreed to contact the state

      The meeting was adjourned at 2005.


The October meeting will be held on Tuesday October 13 at 1900 hours at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO.


Minutes of Meeting Dated October 13, 2020

                                                                                                                    Submitted EAA Chapter 87

by Richard DeVito – Secretary


The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1909


The following members were in attendance:


Leo LeClair
Dave Beemer
Tom Muller
Richard DeVito
Joyce DeVito
Russell Keith
Jay Hewett (via zoom)
Lisa Reece (via zoom)
1 Unknown (via zoom)


The September Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted on the chapter web site.


The Treasurer reported an August 31, 2020 checkbook balance of $5,433.00, and a September 30, 2020 checkbook balance of $5,695.32. Expenditures included $700 to support flight training for Arielle Leeman. With the cancellation of Ace camp 2020, this expenditure was previously approved as an alternative in support of youth in aviation.  The report was approved as submitted.

Tom also reported that the President has a discretionary spending allowance of $100, and he believes other officers may spend up to $75 without a need for approval. We need to confirm these figures.


The secretary noted that there were three open items from our September meeting, all of which have been satisfied due to the efforts of Dave Beemer.  They are as follows:

Obtain a copy of the chapter bylaws.  Dave has located a copy and forwarded them to chapter officers.

Decide on a location for chapter meetings. Dave met with Flight Level Aviation, the FBO for Brunswick Executive Airport, and has obtained permission to use their facility for our monthly meetings. Because of the Covid virus they have requested we meet in the terminal lounge area rather than the conference room.  They did not require an actual charge, but Dave provided $25 of candy for the terminal candy jar as a thank you.  Leo LeClair stated that to satisfy an EAA National requirement for payment for meeting location, the Chapter should provide candy each time we use the facility. Dave has a key to the facility so we can meet after normal business hours.

Obtain employer permission to serve as Vice President of Chapter 87.   Dave Beemer had accepted nomination as Vice President pending approval from his employer to serve in that capacity.  That approval has been granted.


Leo LeClair stated that he hoped to limit meetings to 45 minutes and asked all members to stay on point in any discussions

Leo stated that our current structure of four officers might result in a tie on any vote and proposed we add one director with voting authority.  A motion was made and seconded to appoint Russell Keith as a director.  The motion passed unanimously.  In the future, Leo as President, will only vote in the case of a tie.

Jay Hewett suggested the bylaws be posted on the chapter website.  There was general agreement that we should do that, but Leo suggested we wait until we have finalized a bylaws review.  Using the information provided by Dave Beemer, Leo plans to focus discussion at our November meeting to a review of bylaws and the chapter charter.

There was some discussion on the pros and cons of showing attendees to our meeting in the formal minutes.  In the past, attendees were listed in a book kept by then President Charlie Gabelmann, and they were not listed in the minutes.  It was agreed that for the October meeting, that attendees be listed in the minutes.  A motion was made and seconded for Dave Beemer to locate the book with meeting attendees.  The motion was approved with Dave Beemer dissenting.

Tom Muller requested we discuss the need for Robert’s Rules as a topic at our November meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 2008


The November meeting will be held on Tuesday November 10 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.


Minutes of Meeting Dated November 10, 2020

                                                                                                                             Submitted EAA Chapter 87

by Richard DeVito – Secretary

The November meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Dave Beemer
Tom Muller
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
Vic Chewning (via zoom)
Lisa Reece (via zoom)


The October Meeting Minutes were read by the Secretary and approved as read.


The Treasurer reported a September 30, 2020 checkbook balance of $5,670.64.  Dave Beemer was reimbursed $25.00 for purchase of candy for Flight Level Aviation’s reception area.  The report was approved as submitted.


Leo LeClair clarified his statement refereeing to a 45-minute chapter meeting.  The
45-minute reference was intended solely to keep discussions on point.   Leo stated that the meeting will not terminate until chapter business has concluded.


The chapter bylaws and charter were discussed with an intent to establish chapter operations. A motion was made and seconded to delete the entire current article VII, Board of Directors, of the bylaws, and this passes unanimously.  We now need to replace article VII and complete a review of all bylaw’s articles.  It was decided that each officer and director should mark up a copy of the bylaws and bring it to the December meeting for discussion and review.  It was noted by the Secretary, that the bylaws are filed with EAA National only.  Any bylaws changes will not impact our filing with the state of Maine.

Charlie Gabelmann has indicated that at present, he would limit chapter activities to serving as Past President and flight advisor.

A planned discussion on Roberts Rules was tabled until the December meeting per request of Tom Muller


Russel Keith reported on progress on Tom’s Zenith CH 750.  He has completed installation of the fuel lines and the baggage compartment door.  The engine is on site and Russ has pulled one jug and inspected the cam and lifters.  It has about 700 hours since overhaul and appears to be in good shape.

Dave Beemer has begun working on a Vans RV-14.  He indicated that a new higher horsepower engine is now available as an option.

Nick Nobile is well along on a Sopwith Camel project.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2015.


The December meeting will be held on Tuesday December 8 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.


Minutes of Meeting Dated December 8, 2020

                                                                                                                 Submitted EAA Chapter 87

by Richard DeVito – Secretary


The December meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Leo LeClair called the meeting to order at 1902

The following members were in attendance:

Leo LeClair
Dave Beemer
Jerry Crute
Richard DeVito
Russell Keith
John Thompson (Guest)
John Light (via zoom)
Lisa Reece (via zoom)
Lincoln Benedict (via zoom)

With John Thompson attending as a guest, the meeting started with a round of introductions.  Each member provided an outline of their background and chapter experience and John explained his background and aviation interests.


The November Meeting Minutes were approved as posted on the chapter website.


In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary read the financial statement and reported a an 11/30/2020 checkbook balance of $5,670.98.  The report was approved as read.


The meeting centered on a review of the bylaws.  President Leo LeClair led a review of each article of the initial bylaws draft and flagged the following articles foe further rewrite:

Article IV Membership Sections 1 and 2
Article V Dues Sections 2 and 3
Article VI Officers Section 5
Article VII Board of Directors   item b1

The Secretary agreed to do the rewrite and will have it available for the January Meeting.


No specific new business was conducted, but it was noted that the current zoom arrangements do not serve the chapter well.  We currently use a no cost option that limits active zoom time to 40 minutes.  Tonight’s zoom meeting timed out and the participants were cut off.  It was suggested that the chapter should purchase a zoom account to allow unlimited connection time.  Something to discuss at the January meeting.


Project activities were covered during member’s introductions.  Russel Keith reported on progress on Tom’s Zenith CH 750 and Dave Beemer said he was expecting the empennage kit for his Van’s RV-14.


Leo LeClair adjourned the meeting at 2030.

                                                       JANUARY MEETING

The January meeting will be held on Tuesday January 12 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours



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