Chapter 87

Brunswick, ME

2019 Meeting Minutes

January meeting cancelled due to weather. Feb meeting was the Aviation forum


March 2019 Minutes

EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated March 12, 2019 Submitted by Richard DeVito

The March meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1900.


No secretaries report was submitted as no chapter business meetings were held in December, January, or February. In December the chapter held the annual Christmas party. The January meeting was cancelled due to weather, and in February, the chapter attended the annual Aviation Forum at the Owls Head Transportation Museum.


Tom Muller reported that the chapters check book balance on March 11, 2019 was $5,762.85. Additionally, he reported a cash balance of $145.00 and this was passed to Charlie Gabelmann for deposit in the checking account. Tom advised that all future membership dues should be paid by check for the foreseeable future. Tom stated that he has filed the 990N tax form for 2018.

3. SLATE OF 2019 OFFICERS At the November 2018 meeting, chapter members elected Dave Beemer as Treasurer for 2019. Due to constraints of his employer, Dave is unable to fill that position. Tom Muller has agreed to assume the Treasurer’s position for 2019 until such time as a permanent replacement can be found. Following is the 2019 slate of officers:

President Charlie Gabelmann

Vice President Dj Merrill

Secretary Roland Roy

Treasurer Tom Muller

Young Eagles Coordinator Russell Keith

Class A Director Scott Royal

Class B Director Everett Perkins

Class C Director Leo Leclair


Leo Leclair responded to questions from members on possible chapter liabilities with use of the chapter scales. Leo provided a copy of a release form that must be signed by the end user. The release form clearly states that the scales are only available for use on aircraft owned by the end user, and that the end user must be a member of EAA 87 and EAA National, and is responsible for any damages to the scales. In addition, the end user accepts responsibility in determining the suitability and accuracy of the scales for the purpose in which they are being used. Scale documentation follows:




Charlie Gabelmann reported on key items from the Aviation Forum. Representatives of the University of Augusta Aviation program expresses concern on wide spread usage of Ritalin to control ADHD behavior. In those cases, students could not be accepted to aviation flight programs as the FAA would not issue an aviation medical certificate. Charlie also reported that ACE Camp organizers stated that the program is financially strong, but they are having difficulty recruiting participants.

Dj Merrill reported he has obtained a Commercial UAV certificate. He stated it requires an on line program and is relatively easy for anyone with a pilot’s license to get the certificate.

Dave Beemer expressed his thanks to Russell Keith and Tom Muller for their help in him getting a FAA Phase 1 Test Pilot certificate. Dave recently flew the phase 1 requirement for an RV-9A built be Gary Brearley and registered as N105GS. He flew using the newly released EAA Flight Test Manual.


Nick Schroeder attended the meeting as a guest. He has extensive aviation experience and currently serves as scout master in Brunswick. He is interested in working with the chapter on young eagles and ACE Camp programs.

7. PROJECTS Tom Muller has purchased much of the avionics from his former RV-9A for use in his Zenith 750.

Charlie Gabelmann has purchased an Airdrome Ultra light kit and plans on using a Rotex 447 engine.


The meeting was adjourned at 2130


The April meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday April 9 at 1900 hours.


April meeting cancelled due to weather

May 2019 Minutes


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated May 14, 2019 Submitted by Roland Roy

The May meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1905.


No secretaries report was submitted as no chapter business meeting was held in April due to the meeting cancelled due to inclement weather. Roland Roy read over the Secretaries report filed by Richard Devito for the March 12, 2019 meeting which noted: In December the chapter held the annual Christmas party. The January meeting was cancelled due to weather, and in February, the chapter attended the annual Aviation Forum at the Owls Head Transportation Museum.


Tom Muller reported that the chapters check book balance ending on March 31, 2019 was $5,729.03 Additionally, he reported a petty cash balance of $145.50.

Tom advised that all future membership dues should be paid by check for the foreseeable future. Approximately 13 members of the Chapter have now paid their 2019 annual dues of $30.00 . Emails to those members who have not yet paid their 2019 annual dues will be sent out so as to remind those who have not yet paid to mail in their checks asap.


Richard DeVito stated that he has filed the EAA Chapter filing requirements with the State of Maine to renew our non profit status.

Dj Merrill stated that he has completed the paperwork and submitted the 2019 slate of EAA Chapter 87 officers with EAA National.

Ace Camp located in Bangor (overnight experience for older students) and in Brunswick (day camp for younger students) are both having difficulty in getting students interested to enroll in these FAA funded programs. Lack of interest in all things aviation related seems to be one of the reasons students are not inclined to attend.

EAA Young Eagles program has it's own supplemental insurance coverage that would kick in after the aircraft owner's insurance insurance would act as the primary liability coverage should higher coverage amounts be needed should an accident occur.

Tom Muller brought up the concept of having EAA Chapter 87 help Ace Camp volunteer pilots using their aircraft by providing some gas money to help defray the costs to fly the Ace Camp students.

After some discussion Tom Muller put a motion up for discussion and a vote that EAA Chapter 87 donate $500.00 to the Brunswick based Ace Camp. The motion was seconded and passed overwhelmingly.

Dj Merrill noted recent changes that were made to authorize either the deposit or withdrawal of money from the EAA Chapter 87 checking account to four club members: Richard DeVito, Tom Muller, Charlie Gabelmann and Dj Merrill.

Scott Royal will now be responsible for keeping in his hangar at Brunswick Executive Airport the set of 4 electronic aircraft weighing scales that the Chapter owns and allows members only to use after signing liability waivers.


Charlie Gabelmann reported that this coming Saturday and Sunday May 18 and 19, Hampton will have it's annual Fly Mart. Hampton Field has a runway that is now paved and it is 2105 feet long and 121 feet wide as noted by Russ Keith.

The Annual EAA Chapter 87 BBQ will again be held at the Auburn-Lewiston Airport on July 9th beginning at 6 pm. Tom Muller and Russ Keith have offered the use of their hangers to stage the July meeting and BBQ. It will be a potluck event for everyone to bring a dish to share with others and the club will provide hamburgers and hot dogs and beverages.

Updates on projects by chapter members include:

Nick Knoble building a single seat Sopwith Camel (World War I ) Replica Kit plane with a Verner engine including non functioning machine guns.

Tom Muller continues on with his 2 seat Zenith CH750 with o-235 Lycoming engine.

Russ Keith has finished his project updating the magneto operation on his RV 9 by converting his Lycoming H2AD that originally had 2 mags running off of one gear drive by installing a separate electronic ignition that would provide backup should the single gear drive dual mag set up fail for any reason.

Trevor Jennings has finished the tail section of his 2 seat Zenair CH650 Zodiac kit plane. Next to do would be both wings.

Jerry Crute is working on designing photo enhanced tourist shopping bags that will feature aerial photos of prominent ocean landmarks found along the Mid Maine Coastline.

Dj Merrill asked if the meeting location at Brunswick Executive Airport is acceptable to everyone and if not then perhaps future Chapter meetings could be held at other locations such as local restaurants that have meeting rooms or other venues.

Lincoln Benedict attended tonight's meeting as a guest of Leo LeClair. Lincoln is now the proud owner of Leo's Glastar and hangars it in his tee hangar at Brunswick Executive Airport.


The meeting was adjourned at 2045.


The June meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday June 11 at 1900 hours.

June 2019 Minutes


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated June 11, 2019 Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary

The June meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1904 hours.

A total of 14 members were present at tonight's meeting.


The secretaries report was not read aloud as most members had a chance to read them as posted on the EAA Chapter 87 website. A motion was made and then seconded and passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.


Tom Muller reported that the chapter's check book balance ending on May 30,2019 was $6,144.73; additionally, Tom reported a petty cash balance of 0.00

A motion was made and then seconded and passed overwhelmingly to accept the Treasurer's report.

So far, the Chapter has received payment of $30 annual membership dues from 21 members. Typically the Chapter receives payment from approximately 40 members each year.

Tom recommended that a letter by snail mail be sent to all members who have not yet paid their dues.

David Beemer volunteered to mail out all the letters asking those who have not yet paid their dues to send a check to Tom Muller asap.


The chapter's weighing scales were tranferred from Tom Muller to Scott Royal at tonight's meeting. Scott will be responsible to keeping the scales in his hangar and keeping track of them as they can only be loaned out and used by EAA Chapter 87 members on their own personal experimental aircraft as the 4 sets of scales are not certified for use on factory built FAA certified aircraft.

In regards to the $500.00 donation the Chapter decided (at the May 2019 meeting) to give to the ACE Camp in Brunswick, Leo LeClair put a motion out to specify that $325.00 of the $500.00 donation be specifically donated to ACE Camp to cover the costs in order to sponsor Poppy Mellor to attend. Tom Muller noted that he had not yet mailed in the $500.00 check to ACE Camp Brunswick, but would do so, this coming week with a note indicating that the Chapter's donation cover Poppy Mellor attendance costs as a courtesy of EAA Chapter 87. Leo's motion was seconded and after a brief discussion the motion was passed overwhelmingly.


Charlie Gabelmann reported that this week a historic WWII PBY Catalina amphibious airplane which flew from Europe to the USA was seen flying over the Town of Alna, Maine and Brunswick, Maine. This historic aircraft is owned by the Collins Foundation.

Charlie also reported that Malcolm Peck is offering to sell his Citabria which is located at Malcolm's airfield in Jefferson, Maine.

Leo LeClair drove his RV to the Hampton Fly Mart last month and indicated the attendance was low. Leo said the old restaurant will be removed and be relocated in a new 2 story building presently being constructed.


Tom Muller has decided to discontinue building his Zenith CH750 due to health reasons. Tom is willing to put up $100/month for hangering his not yet completed airplane and donating 10 percent of the proceeds of the sale of his airplane to the Chapter. The airplane comes with a Lycoming 0-235 engine and an avionics package. Tom has the airplane located in his garage at home but would like to see someone come forward to continue building it to completion.


The meeting was adjourned at 2024 hours.


Next meeting will be at the Auburn-Lewiston Airport on Tuesday July 9, 2019 at 1800 hours.

The July meeting will be our Annual EAA Chapter 87 BBQ which again will be located at Tom Muller's and Russ Keith's hangers.

As a reminder this will be a potluck event for everyone to bring a dish to share with others and the club will be providing hamburgers and hot dogs and beverages.


July 2019 Minutes


EAA Chapter 87 summary of our Annual Summer BBQ held on July 9, 2019 Submitted by Roland Roy --Secretar

Our Annual Summer BBQ began at 1800 hours at the Auburn-Lewiston Airport in front of Tom Muller's and Russ Keith's hangars. Russ Keith and Tom Ward provided the cooking grills and the chapter provided the hamburgers and hot dogs and beverages which was matched with chapter members and guests bringing in to share with others: potato salad, egg salad, cucumber relish, potato chips and cake and a strawberry rhubarb pie.

No official meeting was called after the BBQ however many stayed around until sunset. All attendees came in by car except for Lincoln Benedict who flew in from Brunswick Executive Airport in his newly acquired Glastar on which he has now accumulated 35 hours since purchased from builder, former owner and club member, Leo LeClair.

Approximately 12 members and 4 guests attended this years EAA Chapter 87 Annual Summer BBQ.


August 2019 Minutes

EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated August 13, 2019 Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary

The August meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1905 hours.

A total of 7 members and 2 guests were present at tonight's meeting.

Poppy Mellor and her mom Misty Mellor were the two guests who were invited to tonight's meeting so that Poppy could share with Chapter members highlights of her experience at this years week long Ace Camp, which is based at Brunswick Executive Airport. Poppy gave a fine presentation that included a slide show on her laptop showing us all of the day trips on a bus to Portland, Owl's Head, and other Maine locations made by the 12 students who attended this year's summer Ace Camp. After the presentation the Mellor's gave everyone a piece of delicious carrot cake that they brought with them in appreciation for the Chapter paying for Poppy's Ace Camp experience.


The secretaries report was read aloud which was about the July 9th Annual Summer BBQ which for those members who were not present at tonight's meeting can read them online as posted on the EAA Chapter 87 website. A motion was made and then seconded and passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.


Tom Muller reported that the chapter's check book balance ending on July 31,2019 was $6,090.45 A motion was made and then seconded and passed overwhelmingly to accept the Treasurer's report.


The Chapter has received payment of $30 annual membership dues from 21 members as of the end of June. Typically the Chapter receives payment from approximately 40 members each year.

David Beemer mailed out 21 letters to those members who have not yet paid their 2019 dues. Of the 21 letters sent out, 10 members responded and for those 11 who did not respond, Dave called each member up individually to ask them to send in their payment. Of the 11 members called, 8 members renewed their membership and 3 members cancelled their membership and 1 of the 3 sent $30 to the Chapter anyway.

David Beemer suggested that past. present and future Chapter members who reach the age of 80 be waived for paying the $30 annual dues.

Discussion followed and President Charlie Gablemann made the following MOTION: that all EAA Chapter 87 members who reach the age of 80 years old will not have to pay the $30 annual membership dues so long as that member has paid in the past one year of dues and is a current member of the EAA national membership.

The MOTION was approved by all those present.


David Beemer brought in flyers to promote the Annual Belfast EAA Chapter 1434 Mid Coast Fly-In to be held on Saturday September 14th from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm at the Belfast Municipal Airport with a rain date noted as Sunday September 15.

The flyer indicates helicopter rides, free Young Eagle Flights for kids 8-17 and Breakfast from 7:30 am to 10 am and food trucks selling food all day. Live Music to be provided by "The Once Over" band.


Charlie Gabelmann said he was contacted by someone selling a used Pterodactyl ultralight. If anyone is interested please contact Charlie for more information.

Russ Keith flew his RV-9A to Oshkosh Airventure Fly-In with David Beemer serving as co-pilot/navigator. He said the trip went well except that his transponder failed enroute. Russ spoke about volunteering at Airventure and how he found a new replacement transponder from one of the vendors at the Airshow.

Don Card has finally sold his Zenair CH750 to a commercial and former military pilot from Tennesee. Don now plans to continue with building his second Zenair 750 Cruser.


The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hours.


The September meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday September 10 at 1900 hours.


September 2019 Minutes


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated September 10, 2019 - Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary

The September meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1900 hours.

A total of 10 members were present at tonight's meeting.


The Secretaries Report was not read aloud at tonight's meeting as members can read them online as posted on the EAA Chapter 87 website. A motion was made and then seconded and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.


The Treasurers Report was not read aloud as Treasurer Tom Muller could not attend tonight's meeting.




A discussion ensued regarding the experiences of Leo LeClair and Roland Roy who attended this year's Greenville International Float Plane Fly-In.

John Light thanked both Russ Keith and David Beemer for their EAA Oshkosh Airventure Volunteer efforts as part ot the Vintage Aircraft (Pre-1970 aircraft) Flight Operations.

Brochures were handed out to members from Experimental Aircraft Exhaust.

Next month's EAA Chapter 87 meeting will involve nomination of Chapter Officers.

Vice President Dj Merrill brought up the concept of migrating EAA Chapter 87's website from Dj's personal web server to the EAA National web server as this is offered to all EAA Chapters nationwide. Discussion ensued to weigh the pros and cons of making this major change in hosting the Chapter's Webpage and also about posting online a physical address for snail mail and a generic email address for emails coming in from the general public.

President Charlie Gabelmann indicated that he was okay with having his personal address posted on the Chapter website for snail mail. As regards those emails coming in to the Chapter's generic email address, discussion followed with the suggestion that Chapter Officers could be forwarded those emails for proper response and distribution which would be done internally so as to not have each Chapter Officer's personal email addresses posted online.

A motion was made, then seconded and then passed overwhelmingly to authorize Dj Merrill to migrate Chapter 87's website from to the EAA National web hosting platform at and follow the above suggested snail mail and email posting protocols.


Jerry Crute spoke about his experiences taking photographs of a Vintage Beaver Bush Plane.

Russ Keith noted that Chapter 87 has 4 FAA Safety Representatives who include: Charlie Gabelmann, Russ Keith, John Light, and Scott Royal.


The meeting was adjourned at 2005 hours.


The October meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday October 8 at 1900 hours.


October 2019 Meeting Minutes


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated October 8, 2019 - Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary

The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1907 hours.

A total of 8 members were present at tonight's meeting.


The Secretaries Report was not read aloud at tonight's meeting as members can read them online as posted on the new EAA Chapter 87 website which is :

A motion was made and then seconded and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.


Tom Muller read his Treasurers Report that indicated an ending balance of $6,326.04 thru the end of September 2019.


      President: Charlie Gablemann

      Vice President : Dj Merrill

      Treasurer: Tom Muller

      Secretary: Roland Roy

      Class A Director: Scott Royal

      Class B Director: Everett Perkins

      Class C Director: Leo Leclair

      Newwletter Editor: Don Card

      Young Eagles Coordinator: Russ Keith

A motion was made, then seconded, and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the nomination of EAA Chapter 87 slate of Officers and Directors as listed above.


Dj Merrill stated that he will discontinue paying for the Chapter's domain name which was used to direct internet traffic to Dj Merrill's personal server as we now have all of the Chapter's website historical information migrated to EAA National WEBS webpage:


David Beemer asked for reimbursement from Treasurer Tom Muller for $27.00 as payment for the US postal stamps David used to solicit payment to those Chapter members who had not yet paid their dues.  Tom issued a check to David for $27.00, as requested.


Discussion began on EAA Chapter 87 State Tax exempt status and  was then followed by comments on the official legal name the Chapter has on file with the State of Maine.  

Kennebec Valley Chapter 87 of the Experimental Aircraft Association is the official name of the chapter as filed with the Maine Secretary of State office.

Any purchases made by the Chapter is not State Tax exempt as the Chapter has not obtained a State of Maine State Tax Exemption number. 

Individuals donating money or projects to the Chapter can deduct from their taxes their gift value on their own personal tax returns as the Chapter has obtained IRS 501 3 c status as a non profit organization.


David Beemer has asked for input on selecting options for his next aircraft building project and members discussed the merits of tricycle landing gear over conventional tailwheel and  quick build vs standard build kit timelines for an RV-14 that David is considering building.

Don Card is now working on his instrument panel and asked for input on the wiring set up for impulse magnetos as they ought to connect up to the mag switch on an O-200 Continental engine application.  Russ Keith provided the information Don was looking for.


The meeting was adjourned at 2047 hours.


Next month's EAA Chapter 87 meeting will involve voting for  2020 EAA Chapter 87 Officers and Directors so please attend to cast your vote.

The November meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday November 12 at 1900 hours.


November meeting cancelled due to weather 


December 2019 Meeting Minutes

EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated December 12, 2019 - Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary 


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated October 8, 2019 - Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary


The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1907 hours.


A total of 8 members were present at tonight's meeting.




The Secretaries Report was not read aloud at tonight's meeting as members can read them online as posted on the new EAA Chapter 87 website which is :


A motion was made and then seconded and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.




Tom Muller read his Treasurers Report that indicated an ending balance of $6,326.04 thru the end of September 2019.




      President: Charlie Gablemann


      Vice President : Dj Merrill


      Treasurer: Tom Muller


      Secretary: Roland Roy


      Class A Director: Scott Royal


      Class B Director: Everett Perkins


      Class C Director: Leo Leclair


      Newwletter Editor: Don Card


      Young Eagles Coordinator: Russ Keith


A motion was made, then seconded, and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the nomination of EAA Chapter 87 slate of Officers and Directors as listed above.




Dj Merrill stated that he will discontinue paying for the Chapter's domain name which was used to direct internet traffic to Dj Merrill's personal server as we now have all of the Chapter's website historical information migrated to EAA National WEBS webpage:




David Beemer asked for reimbursement from Treasurer Tom Muller for $27.00 as payment for the US postal stamps David used to solicit payment to those Chapter members who had not yet paid their dues.  Tom issued a check to David for $27.00, as requested.




Discussion began on EAA Chapter 87 State Tax exempt status and  was then followed by comments on the official legal name the Chapter has on file with the State of Maine. 


Kennebec Valley Chapter 87 of the Experimental Aircraft Association is the official name of the chapter as filed with the Maine Secretary of State office.


Any purchases made by the Chapter is not State Tax exempt as the Chapter has not obtained a State of Maine State Tax Exemption number.


Individuals donating money or projects to the Chapter can deduct from their taxes their gift value on their own personal tax returns as the Chapter has obtained IRS 501 3 c status as a non profit organization.




David Beemer has asked for input on selecting options for his next aircraft building project and members discussed the merits of tricycle landing gear over conventional tailwheel and  quick build vs standard build kit timelines for an RV-14 that David is considering building.


Don Card is now working on his instrument panel and asked for input on the wiring set up for impulse magnetos as they ought to connect up to the mag switch on an O-200 Continental engine application.  Russ Keith provided the information Don was looking for.





The meeting was adjourned at 2047 hours.





Next month's EAA Chapter 87 meeting will involve voting for  2020 EAA Chapter 87 Officers and Directors so please attend to cast your vote.


The November meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday November 12 at 1900 hours.


EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated October 8, 2019 - Submitted by Roland Roy - Secretary


The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1907 hours.


A total of 8 members were present at tonight's meeting.




The Secretaries Report was not read aloud at tonight's meeting as members can read them online as posted on the new EAA Chapter 87 website which is :


A motion was made and then seconded and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the meeting minutes as recorded on the chapter meeting minutes webpage.




Tom Muller read his Treasurers Report that indicated an ending balance of $6,326.04 thru the end of September 2019.




      President: Charlie Gablemann

      Vice President : Dj Merrill

      Treasurer: Tom Muller

      Secretary: Roland Roy

      Class A Director: Scott Royal

      Class B Director: Everett Perkins

      Class C Director: Leo Leclair

      Newsletter Editor: Don Card

      Young Eagles Coordinator: Russ Keith


A motion was made, then seconded, and then passed overwhelmingly to accept the nomination of EAA Chapter 87 slate of Officers and Directors as listed above.




Dj Merrill stated that he will discontinue paying for the Chapter's domain name which was used to direct internet traffic to Dj Merrill's personal server as we now have all of the Chapter's website historical information migrated to EAA National WEBS webpage:




David Beemer asked for reimbursement from Treasurer Tom Muller for $27.00 as payment for the US postal stamps David used to solicit payment to those Chapter members who had not yet paid their dues.  Tom issued a check to David for $27.00, as requested.




Discussion began on EAA Chapter 87 State Tax exempt status and  was then followed by comments on the official legal name the Chapter has on file with the State of Maine. 


Kennebec Valley Chapter 87 of the Experimental Aircraft Association is the official name of the chapter as filed with the Maine Secretary of State office.


Any purchases made by the Chapter is not State Tax exempt as the Chapter has not obtained a State of Maine State Tax Exemption number.


Individuals donating money or projects to the Chapter can deduct from their taxes their gift value on their own personal tax returns as the Chapter has obtained IRS 501 3 c status as a non profit organization.




David Beemer has asked for input on selecting options for his next aircraft building project and members discussed the merits of tricycle landing gear over conventional tailwheel and  quick build vs standard build kit timelines for an RV-14 that David is considering building.


Don Card is now working on his instrument panel and asked for input on the wiring set up for impulse magnetos as they ought to connect up to the mag switch on an O-200 Continental engine application.  Russ Keith provided the information Don was looking for.





The meeting was adjourned at 2047 hours.





Next month's EAA Chapter 87 meeting will involve voting for  2020 EAA Chapter 87 Officers and Directors so please attend to cast your vote.


The November meeting will be held at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO on Tuesday November 12 at 1900 hours.

The December meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport.  President Charlie Gablemann called the meeting to order at 1910 hours.

Nine Chapter members attended tonight's meeting plus we had the opportunity to meet and greet one new member who joined the Chapter which made for a total of 10 people present.


The Secretaries Report was not read aloud at tonight's meeting as members can read them online as posted on the new EAA Chapter 87 website which is : https://www/

A motion was made and then seconded and then voted upon to accept  the meeting minutes as recorded on the Chapter Meeting Minutes webpage.



Tom Muller read his Treasurers Report that indicated an ending balance of $6,329.76 thru the end of November 2019.


Shawn Crosson introduced himself as a new member to Chapter 87 at tonight's meeting.  


LAST CALL FOR NOMINATION OF 2020 EAA CHAPTER 87 OFFICERS and DIRECTORS was made and with no new nominations proposed at tonight's meeting a vote was then taken to overwhelmingly approve the slate of OFFICERS and DIRECTORS as approved at October's meeting for tonight's vote, as listed below:

      President: Charlie Gablemann

      Vice President : Dj Merrill

      Treasurer: Tom Muller

      Secretary: Roland Roy

      Class A Director: Scott Royal

      Class B Director: Everett Perkins

      Class C Director: Leo Leclair

      Newsletter Editor: Don Card

      Young Eagles Coordinator: Russ Keith

A motion was made, then seconded, and then voted on and passed overwhelmingly to elect the slate of Officers and Directors as listed above.

5. Discussion then followed on the concept of relocating EAA Chapter 87 monthly meetings to a local restaurant for special occasions as the Chapter still wants BXM to be their official meeting place.  Dj Merrill indicated that he is willing to do some investigation of possible local restaurants that offer separate meeting rooms and provide a list of restaurants that would be a good fit for the Chapter.


President - Charlie Gablemann

Vice President - Dj Merrill

Treasurer - Tom Muller and David Beemer

Secretary - Roland Roy

Chapter Web Editor - Dj Merrill

Young Eagles Coordinator - Russ Keith

Technical Counselor - Everett Perkins

Technical Counselor - Scott Royal

Flight Advisor - Charlie Gablemann

7. Dj Merrill brought up the need for Chapter members to sign up to obtain Chapter 87 webgroup emails.

8. Discussion followed on sending Chapter members to Oshkosh to attend EAA National LEADERSHIP ACADEMY.  A motion was made by Dj Merrill and then seconded by Trevor Jennings and voted on and passed overwhelmingly to have the Chapter pay for the round trip transportation costs associated with flying from Portland, Bangor or Manchester to Oshkosh, Wisconsin.


Don Card indicated that his firewall forward kit has been delivered for this Zenair Cruiser.  Don expects completion of the kit by summer of 2020.

Russ Keith informed the group on what he observed as regards the use of plastic tie wraps on metal surfaces.  Russ found plastic tie wraps can leave an imprint on metal induction tubes as vibration of the engine can wear oil soaked tie wraps that accumulate tiny amounts of grit which act like sandpaper.


The meeting was adjourned at  approximately 2100 hours.


The meeting will occur on January 14th which is the second Tuesday of the month.  The location will be determined and announced via email.


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