Minutes of Meeting Dated January 9, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The January meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1905.
The Secretaries report was not read since it was previously published on the chapter web site. It was accepted as published.
Tom Muller reported that the bank balance on 12/31/17 was $5,354.84, with a cash balance of $45.50. We have a total of 34 members with 33 paid and 1 waived. The report was accepted as submitted.
Tom stated that our financial posture is not as strong as we would need with the loss of a large annual donation by State Farm Insurance. After much discussion, he made a motion to change our annual dues from $20 to $30. It was seconded by Russell Keith and approved unanimously.
Charlie presented 2017 service awards from EAA National to chapter officers present at the meeting.
This vote is normally done at our November meeting, but was delayed due to weather cancellations. Chapter members voted in the following individuals as Officers for 2018:
President Charlie Gabelmann
Vice President Dj Merrill
Secretary Richard DeVito
Treasurer Tom Muller
Young Eagles Coordinator Russell Keith
Newsletter Editor Mark Hayden
Class A Director Scott Royal
Class B Director Everett Perkins
Class C Director Leo Leclair
Leo Leclair collected some of the outstanding tickets and monies for the $500 raffle. Five tickets from one individual are still outstanding so the drawing will be delayed pending contact with the individual.
Charlie advised than a two place T Bird 2 ultra light was damaged recently at Wiscasset airport. The aircraft is insured, and the owner has offered the plan to the chapter as a donation. It has a low time 582 Rotex and a ballistic parachute. After much discussion, members voted to pass on the acquisition as no one was available to handle disposition.
Charlie reported that the annual Aviation Forum will be held at the Owl’s Head Transportation Museum on Saturday February 17 with a rain date of February 18. The chapter will provide coffee for the event.
A meeting will be held on Thursday January 11 at hangar 6, Brunswick Executive Airport starting at 1800 hours to discuss the formation of a flying club at Brunswick airport. The meeting is open to all, and pizza will be available.
Dj Merrill reported he has sold his Sportsman project and plans to use the money to install a controllable prop for his Glastar. This will allow him to put the plane on floats.
Everett Perkins is working on a carbon fiber bi-plane, and has purchased an engine for the project from the Czech Republic.
The meeting was adjourned at 2105
The February meeting will be held in conjunction with the Aviation Forum at Owls Head Transportation Museum on Saturday February 17. In the event of cancellation due to weather, the event will be held on the 18th. Registration begins at 0930 hours, and the forum runs from 1000 to 1600 hours.
Note: No formal meetings were held in Feb or Mar
EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated April 10, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The April meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1900.
The January Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted on the chapter web site.
The Treasurer reported a March 31, 2018 checkbook balance of $6,117.24 with 27 paid members and 11 outstanding. The report was approved as submitted.
Leo Leclair reported that we sold $970 in tickets for the raffle in December yielding us a profit of $470.
The Hampton Fly In and Flea Market will be held on May 19 and 20.
Charlie Gabelmann reported that the Owl’s Head Transportation Museum has additional equipment that the Chapter can bring to the flea market and share the proceeds. Prior year sales yielded good revenue for the Chapter, but we need a volunteer to run the program. Tom Muller agreed to do the program but would require assistance handling any equipment. Charlie will talk to Owl’s Head staff to ascertain what is available.
Dj Merrill reported that there will be a Sea Plane safety seminar in June at Brunswick. (ed: 02 June, 9:30am at KBXM)
Charlie Gabelmann reported that he soloed 50 years ago on April 13, 1968
Charlie also reported that the women’s Air Race Classic for 2018 will terminate in Fryeburg Maine on June 22nd. The race begins in Texas on June 19th.
Tom Muller reported he has done nothing on his Zenith 750 project for quite awhile. He wants to get back to it, but needs physical help with the project and many of the members present offered to help. It was suggested that Tom use the Chapter mailing address to advise when he wants to do any work
Don Card reported he is stalled in his Zenith Cruzer project pending the sale of his existing 750. He has advertized in several places, and feels he must continue to drop the price until it sells.
Russell Keith demonstrated a retractable LED landing light he intends to install on his RV-9A.
Dj Merrill reported he has qualified under Basic Med for his flight physical. Charlie Gabelmann indicated he would transition to Basic Med for his next physical.
The meeting was adjourned at 2010.
The May meeting will be held on Tuesday May 8 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.
EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated May 8, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The May meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1905.
The April Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted on the chapter web site.
The Treasurer reported an April 30, 2018 checkbook balance of $6,147.60 with 41 paid members and 7 outstanding. The report was approved as submitted.
The Hampton Fly In and Flea Market will be held on May 19 and 20. The Owl’s Head Transportation Museum has again offered to provide the chapter aircraft parts for sale, with the chapter retaining half of the money from any sale. Our problem this year was ensuring members would be available to assist Tom Muller on transportation and sale of the parts. There was some confusion on the transportation and Charlie Gabelmann stated he would contact the museum and get back to Tom.
On June 2nd, there will be a sea plane seminar at Brunswick Executive airport.
On June 22nd, the 99’s women’s air race classic will terminate in Fryeburg.
Tom Muller reported he plan to start working on his Zenith 750 project and will post any request for help on Dj’s EAA87 link.
Russell Keith has installed a retractable landing light in his RV-9A but needs to revise the hook up with shielded wires, due to noise with the present installation.
The meeting was adjourned at 2000.
The June meeting will be held on Tuesday June 12 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours.
EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated Sept 11, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The Sept meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1905.
The last meeting of the chapter was the BBQ and picnic held on August 14 at Tom Muller’s hangar, and no business items were discussed. No report was posted to the chapter web site.
The Treasurer was not at the meeting, but did submit a report for the period ending 15 August 2018 showing a bank balance of $6,147.97
Leo Leclair reported that Roger Currier of Currier Services at Greenville, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. The business is expected to close and assets sold off.
Tom Wallace has the chapter scales for weighing his Lancair, and it appears the ramps for the scales are missing. Leo Leclair expressed concern that the weight of the Lancair exceeds the capacity of the scales. Leo also reported that the boroscope purchased by the chapter a few years back is no longer usable and has been scrapped.
Nomination of officers will take place at the October meeting and elections will be held at the November meeting. Charlie advised that Tom Muller will be stepping down as Treasurer for sure, and the Secretary may do so as well. Unless members step forward to assume leadership positions, it may be necessary to disband the chapter.
Russell Keith reported that Mike’s restaurant will open at noon on September 16 at the Lewiston Auburn airport terminal.
Russell Keith has installed a second retractable landing light in his RV-9A
The meeting was adjourned at 2015
The next meeting will be held Tuesday Oct 16 at the Brunswick Executive Airport FBO commencing at 1900 hours. Please note that this deviates from our normal second Tuesday date due to travels by President Charlie Gabelman
EAA Chapter 87 Minutes of Meeting Dated October 10, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The October meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1910.
The Secretaries report was not read since it was previously published on the chapter web site. It was accepted as published.
Tom Muller reported that the bank balance on 9/30/18 was $6110.24. We have a total of 41 members with 40 paid and 1 waived. The report was accepted as submitted.
Chapter members nominated the following individuals as Officers for 2018:
President Charlie Gabelmann
Vice President Dj Merrill
Secretary Roland Roy
Treasurer Dave Beemer
Young Eagles Coordinator Russell Keith
Class A Director Scott Royal
Class B Director Everett Perkins
Class C Director Leo Leclair
Christmas Party – Tentatively, we will have the annual Christmas pot luck and meeting on Dec 8th at Brunswick Executive Airport in the upstairs conference room stating at 1730 hrs. D.j. Merrill will contact MRRA for permission and report back at our November meeting.
The EAA has issued a document on Flying club Initiatives and D.j. will forward a link to the document to members.
There was some discussion on the FAA possibly increasing the LSA gross weight to 3,600 pounds. While it could very well be adopted, it may not be until 2019 or 2020.
Charlie Gabelmann outlined what categories a pilot could fly after a BFR, If the BFR is conducted by a CFI, those pilots can fly both standard and LSA category aircraft. If the BFR is conducted by a LSA instructor, pilots can only fly LSA category aircraft.
Russell Keith reported he is installing an electronic ignition system in his RV-9A. It is Mega Jolt system, and an adaptation of a Ford Escort ignition module. He will retain one magneto system with impulse coupler and replace the second with the electronic system. Parts costs are estimated at $300.
Everett Perkins is awaiting delivery of a 5 cylinder engine for his project. In the interim, he has purchased a 1946 Aeronca Champ. It needs recovering, but has a zero time engine. Everett intends to bring it to flight status and fly it as an LSA.
The meeting was adjourned at 2030
The November meeting will be held at the terminal building at Brunswick Executive Airport on Tuesday the 13th at 7:00 PM. We will be voting on the 2019 slate of officers for the chapter.
Minutes of Meeting Dated November 13, 2018
Submitted by Richard DeVito – Secretary
The November meeting was held at Brunswick Executive Airport. President Charlie Gabelmann called the meeting to order at 1920.
The Secretaries report was not read since it was previously published on the chapter web site. It was accepted as published.
The Treasurer’s report was not available due to the absence of the Treasurer.
Chapter members elected the following individuals as Officers for 2019:
President Charlie Gabelmann
Vice President Dj Merrill
Secretary Roland Roy
Treasurer Dave Beemer
Young Eagles Coordinator Russell Keith
Class A Director Scott Royal
Class B Director Everett Perkins
Class C Director Leo Leclair
Christmas Party – We will have the annual Christmas pot luck and meeting on Dec 8th at Brunswick Executive Airport in the upstairs conference room stating at 1730 hrs. .
Charlie Gabelmann stated that he has been storing the chapter tent for the past 5 years and can’t continue to do so. Charlie does have an outside party willing to take the tent as a donation. If the chapter desires to retain the tent, a member must be willing to store it. A decision on this matter will be made at the December meeting/party.
As part of his role as an FAA Safety Rep, Charlie attended a yearly training seminar. During the seminar, the FAA advised the four (4) years between Basic Med exams may be too long, and are considering reducing the time. They also indicated that little oversight exists on the Light Sport sector, primarily due to the relatively small number of pilots in that sector of aviation.
Trevor Jennings has restarted working on his Zenith 650 project. He had previously completed a rudder kit, but has done a second one since several years have passed since the first. He plans to do the elevators next.
The meeting was adjourned at 2015
The December meeting will be a combined Christmas party/meeting, and will be held in the upstairs conference room at the terminal building at Brunswick Executive Airport on Saturday December 8 starting a 1730 hrs. The only know item requiring discussion is a decision on retaining or donating the chapter tent.