EAA Chapter 63 - Tool Crib Program
EAA Chapter 63 has invested in costly technology and precision tools for the exclusive benefit of its members to build and maintain their aircraft. Intended for the exclusive use of EAA Chapter 63 members, the tools are for use on their personal Experimental or Certificated aircraft. The tools are not to be used in any commercial context. Specifically, they shall not be loaned, shared, or rented to non-members, nor used by members to provide a commercial service to non-members.
EAA Chapter 63 tools (except “High End” tools) shall remain the personal responsibility of the borrowing Chapter 63 member at all times, including transit from the Tool Storage location to the aircraft location and back. Except for normal wear and tear or product malfunction, replacement or repair following loss or damage shall be the responsibility of the borrowing member.
The Tool Committee will be available to answer members’ questions or provide assistance in the use of any Chapter 63 owned tools.
For tools listed in High End Tools below, the member in need of using such tools will request a chaperone from among the Tool Committee or Technical Counselors. The chaperone will accompany the tool and oversee its usage, ensuring the member learns the proper use and care of the tool(s).