From National Weather Service: A storm cell is forming 20 miles northwest of Oshkosh. There is the potential for 25-30 mph wind gusts & rain. If this cell tracks towards Oshkosh, it could arrive around 4:30 to 4:40 p.m.
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Chapter 63
Winnipeg, MB. - Lyncrest Airport - CJL5
EAA CHAPTER 63 - Moments...
This section aims to highlight moments captured when EAA members are found doing what they do best : volunteering, helping others and simply making our EAA Chapter 63, a great place to be.
Piel Emeraude - 0-235 - inside cylinder view -
Piel Emeraude engine tear down inspection -
Tom Stoyka examining a piston from the 0-235 engine in the Piel Emeraude project -
Bert Elam, Mark Odegard & John Stiver replacing the perimeter insulation on the EAA Hangar. -
Replacing Foam project -
Replacing Foam Project -
Replacing Foam Project -
Replacing Foam Project -
Replacing Foam project -
Replacing Foam Project -
Thomas (Bert ) Elam, working on removing the old RAA Logo on the Hangar, generously donated to the our Chapter. -
EAA Chapter 63 executives, Thomas (Bert) Elam and Harold Kroeker, working hard to remove the old RAA logo from the Hangar that was gifted to the Local EAA Chapter 63. Soon, the hangar will carry the EAA Chapter 63 logo. Thank you Bert and Harold. -
EAA President Tom Stoyka working on replacing the roof Vents. -
Volunteer Doug Johnson working on the roof of the EAA hangar, helping Tom Stoyka to replace the roof vents. Don't lose your balance Doug!
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