Chapter 63

Winnipeg, MB. - Lyncrest Airport - CJL5

Our latest News....

June 20 2024

Fly ins and registration deadlines


COPA Flight 162 is having their first air rally! Kick off BBQ is Saturday June 22 2024 from 11-2PM at Shoal Lake CKL5. For more information and to register contact Ken Pierce, information in poster below. 

Fly ins and breakfasts:

June 23rd, Deloraine 0800-1200 CDT Deloraine Airport CJJ4

July 7: Manitou 0800-1000

July 12: Morden Flyday Friday  1730-1930 

August 9 - Morden Flyday Friday 1730-1930

August 10: Pierce Farm Strip Fly in / COPA Air rally windup 1100-1500CDT N50.25 W101.05 

August 17: Winnipeg gliding club 1100-1400 CDT  Starbuck Gliderport CKJ7

September 7: MB99's poker run 09:00-14:00 


Others will be added as they become known!


EAA Chapter 63 $11,000 Ray Aviation Scholarship Private Pilot Licence 2024

Application Deadline 2024 April 25)

Manitoba’s EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Chapter 63, based out of Lyncrest Airport in Springfield, MB, will award one youth between the ages of 16-19 who is passionate about flying, the prestigious opportunity to have the cost of their Private Pilot Flight Training covered by a Ray Aviation Scholarship (up to $11,000).

The James C. Ray Foundation furthers the work of the late Mr. Ray. During his lifetime, James was one of the most prolific aviation philanthropists of our time, with much done anonymously. He was noted for funding the construction of the EAA Air Academy Lodge and propelling the vision for the Air Academy program. His foundation has continued that leadership through the funding of the Ray Aviation Scholars program.

EAA Chapter 63 invites applicants with the following pre-requisites:

  • Between the ages of 16 – 19 by October 31, 2024

  • Ability to begin training within 60 days of scholarship award

  • Complete training within 10 months of commencement

  • Possess Transport Canada Cat 3 Medical (or acquire within 20 days of selection)

  • Possess Transport Canada Student Pilot Permit (P-Star) (or acquire within 20 days of selection)

  • Willingness to volunteer with EAA Chapter 63 for minimum of 2 hours per month or as opportunities arise

  • Desire to pursue an aviation career and be passionate about all things aviation

  • Interest to share your training journey and accomplishments on social media


What's included:

  • Up to $11,000 toward one’s private pilot license

  • Cost of online/in-class ground school program

  • Cost of dual and solo flight training at a Manitoba Flight School

What's not included:

  • Transportation to and from flight school

  • Cost of Cat 3 medical, P-Star exam

  • Cost of a headset


Direct questions to and submit completed application form by March 31, 2024:

Click on the following link to access the application form.



August 14th, 2022

Young Eagles event

Chapter 63 held a Young Eagles event on August 6, 2022.  Click the Read More button to view some of the images taken at this event. 





August 12th, 2022

Mark your Calendars for another  - EAA Young Eagles Event !!




June 14th, 2022

EAA Chapter 63 Selects 2022 Ray Scholars

( article from EAA's  Bit  and Pieces Newsletter) 



May 9, 2022

EAA Chapter 63 Young Eagles Workshop

“Young Eagle Workshop Update: 

The workshop will run from 9am - 3pm at Lyncrest. This year we will be covering new material from last year so those who attended last fall, we would love to see you out there again! There is a fee of $8.00 and it will be taken at the door by cash only.  This includes a lunch so give those lunch kits a vacation! We do ask everyone who attends to please wear a mask throughout the day. Our staff are eagerly awaiting June 4th, we hope to see you there!”

On June 4th, Megan Lokstet, will be hosting a Young Eagles Workshop !   This event will be held at the Springfield Flying club's Clubhouse with volunteers that have completed the EAA Youth Protection Program, providing static displays, instruction and hands on activities for youth interested in learning about aviation.  There will be no flights on this day.  Lunch will be provided,  This event is free to attend but so registration ahead of time is required  


Also, a reminder that our Young Eagles Rally is scheduled for June 18.  We already have 50 youth registered for a flight!  However, we only have 4 pilots that have committed to participate, so if you are willing and able, please register on  Your EAA national membership must be current as well as having completed the EAA Youth Protection Program. 


We greatly acknowledge the support and contributions from all of our volunteers, the Springfield Flying Club and specifically, we wish to thank  Morgan Fuels, our fuel supplier for their generous contribution in support of this event.


Click the READ MORE button below for more details and a link to sign up.




April 27, 2022

Scholarship to EAA Young Eagles Advanced Air Academy Camp, July 19-27, 2022

The only program of its kind, its sole mission is to introduce and inspire kids in the world of aviation. These flights are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers.



March 3, 2022

EAA Chapter 63 has been approved for a Ray Aviation Scholarship for a second year in a row!


Due to our chapter’s dedication to EAA, youth engagement, and the wonderful application submitted, EAA and the Ray Aviation Scholarship Review Committee have once again accepted to support EAA Chapter 63 for 2022. 

For more information, click the READ MORE button.




September 25th, 2021

September 25th, 2021 - EAA Young Eagles Event !!

On Saturday, we held our first  Young Eagles Event since the start of COVID.  While COVID Restrictions made it a bit more difficult for us to have a day with lots of pilots and interested young pilots mingling around together, we still managed to have a total of 27 Young Eagle Flights take part in this years' event.    The attached video shows some of the highlights.



September 24th, 2021

October 9th, 2021 - EAA Youth Day Camp

Ray Scholarship winner Megan Lokstet assisted by Raquel Lincoln will be holding a Young Eagles Day Camp, scheduled for October 9th, 2021.  Come join our EAA Youth Day Camp!  Youth (ages 11-17) can attend a full day, from 9:30 am-3 pm filled with lessons and activities prepared by our Day Camp team. There is a $10 admission fee which includes a hotdog lunch.

To attend please select READ MORE button below.

There are only 20 spots available, so register now!



September 19th, 2021

EAA Chapter 63 member - Clive Perry.


Copied from the Free Press Passages.  (FreePress Passages )



Sept 17th, 2021



Our monthly general membership meeting was held at the Springfield Flying Center and via ZOOM. 

Megan Lokstet, our Ray Scholarship winner, informed the membership on her progress to date. 

James Slade provided a brief of the Emeraude project.  To learn more please visit our EAA project page.. Piel Emeraude CP-301


The Flying Start event that was held last Tuesday was considered a success.  The turnout was large enough that  the executives are considering running another session before year end. 

EAA On  Sept 25, we will be having our first Young Eagles event since the start of COVID.  To date, we have approx. 30  participants already registered.  

Ray Scholarship winner Megan Lokstet assisted by Raquel Lincoln will be holding a Young Eagles Day Camp, tentatively scheduled for October 9th, 2021. 

Rich Unruh, shared information regarding the scheduled British Sports Car Club hangar tour,  scheduled for this coming weekend (Sept. 18).   Mark Odegard, followed with information about another event that will be simultaneously held this coming weekend at Lyncrest.  The Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum will be on site this coming Saturday with their Harvard, Cornell, Tiger Moth, and Stinson aircraft  and available to give rides to anyone interested.  NOTE: Must be registered; to date, we have 20 rides registered.


A presentation was made by LiftTrust owner and President,  Horst Federau.   Horst shared a video of a CBC interview done the day prior.  Fascinated with building  Flight Cockpit Simulators, he shared what his company does and it's vision of using his many years of IT experience and his love of aviation to  build state of the art  Flight Simulators.  To learn more about  LIFT Trust, please visit his website













July 8th, 2021


Due to COVID 19 restrictions and concerns about the Delta variant EAA Chapter 63 Eagle Coordinator has made a decision to move the Flying Start event date from 12 July 2021 to 13 Sept 2021. The provincial restrictions in place still limit gatherings to 5 persons indoors. This will give enough time for everyone who participates to be fully vaccinated and by then most restrictions should be less restrictive. We want to ensure a safe environment for everyone who attends and all volunteers.

Young Eagles event scheduled for 10 July 2021 will be moved to a tentative date of 25 Sept 2021, with a rain date of 26 Sept 2021.  All provincial COVID guidelines will be followed.



June 28th, 2021

It's the middle of 2021 and the COVID restrictions that forced so many to put things on hold, are slowly being lifted.  EAA Chapter 63 was no exception, as it has had to put the majority if not all of their scheduled events such as Eagle Flights and Young Eagle events on hold. 

Despite these challenges, work on Chapter 63's "Piel Emerald project" has never stopped progressing.  Most recently, James has been working on reconstructing the Instrument Panel.


June 20th, 2021


A Pilots' Life, worth Two Hundred & Fifty Dollars


by Jared Churisnoff


A few years back, I stumbled on a fellow aviator who occasionally creates youtube videos sharing his adventures as they unfold in Northern Saskatchewan.  In watching videos about his adventures, it doesn't take long to realize that Jared is not your average adventurer.  As a young boy, Jared was home-schooled by his father while they ran a remote Fishing and hunting Lodge, up in Northern Saskatchewan.   For many years, he had his own trap line and has come face-to-face with bears and even a wolverine.  He has experience in running a audio/video studio for radio and television and is now a Information Technology Support Specialist delivering IT support to Northern Saskatchewan clients via aircraft. 

One day,  while Jared and I were chatting, I shared that I am quite fascinated by Tri-Pacers and Pacers, which co-incidentally, he owns one of each, but that's when he humbly decided to share a personal story with me.  The story left me speechless and so I asked Jared if I could  share the story. 

Click "Read More" below to read the unedited story as told by Jared.





June 19th, 2021


Wooden Aircraft

by James Slade

For some,  the idea of flying a wooden aircraft may sound silly, it may sound like a throwback to the days of going to school on horseback or living without Facebook, but for many aviators, it's a love of authenticity, beautiful workmanship, craftsmanship and real aircraft building.  Last Thursday, James Slade shared his knowledge of wooden aircraft and their many surprising benefits.  Below is a link to the slides that James presented.


Click here to view presentation slides ....


March 22, 2021

It's flight time....

For some of us, the flying season never stops but for others,  it's time to open the hangar doors and to get the aircraft ready for another great flying season.  In preparation for your next flight, what are the tools that you will likely use to prepare for, and/or during your next flying adventure?  Click on the following link to complete the survey to help us gather insight into the tools that we, as pilots, use to prepare for and during our flying adventures. 

Click here to enter your answers in the survey ....




More data available here...




March 3, 2021

EAA Chapter 63 has been approved for a 2021 Ray Aviation Scholarship!

Due to our chapter’s dedication to EAA, youth engagement, and the wonderful application submitted, EAA and the Ray Aviation Scholarship Review Committee have accepted to support EAA Chapter 63 for 2021. 

For more information, please contact Raquel Lincoln at the following email address :

Click here to read more ...





  February 15th, 2021

Never enough ideas for new projects...

At our Chapter meeting last month, our Media Relations Director, "Ben Hoeppner" proposed a new project.   Not being familiar with this little gem of an aircraft,  I checked out  Wikipedia, to see what it had to say.  

The Bede BD-5 Micro is a series of small, single-seat homebuilt aircraft created in the late 1960s by US aircraft designer Jim Bede and introduced to the market primarily in kit form by the now-defunct Bede Aircraft Corporation in the early 1970s.

The BD-5 has a small, streamlined fuselage holding its semi-reclined pilot under a large canopy, with the engine installed in a compartment in the middle of the fuselage, and a propeller-driving engine - or jet engine in the BD-5J variant - mounted immediately to the rear of the cockpit. The combination of fighter-like looks and relatively low cost led to the BD-5 selling over 5,000 kits or plans, with approximately 12,000 orders being taken for a proposed factory-built, FAA-certified version. However, few of the kit versions were actually completed due to the company's bankruptcy in the mid-1970s, and none of the factory built "D" models were produced, as a result of the failure to find a reliable engine for the design.

In total, only a few hundred BD-5 kits were completed, although many of these are still airworthy today. The BD-5J version holds the record for the world's smallest jet aircraft, weighing only 358.8 lb (162.7 kg)











February is off to a cold start, inquiring minds may want to know ...



 See survey results 


Flying Manitoba


Video created by Rick Hiebert

Bearhawk Patrol piloted by owner Curtis Penner.  Due to the Covid19 restrictions limiting travel, Curtis and Rick decided they'd celebrate Manitoba's 150th Anniversary by staying local and Fly Manitoba, recording what they saw from the air.  We agree that it turned out to be an awesome adventure and we’re glad they’ve granted permission for us to share it. 

If you enjoy, please consider Subscribing to Rick’s YouTube Channel.

Additionally,  “Ken Pierce of the Manitoba Flying Farmers invited others to join him in updating the 1978 map showing 242 private airstrips in the province at that time. This “Manitoba 150” project in celebration of our province's founding was the catalyst that kicked off this amazing challenging flying experience that eventually resulted in us locating, documenting, and landing on 217 private airstrips.  This video shows some of the marvellous beauty that we encountered during this MB150 project”

If you haven't had the pleasure of reading the article,  please re-visit the November issue of the COPA Flight magazine, the January/February issue of Canadian Aviator, and  Air Facts  also published the article on Dec 1.   Clicking the following link  "AIR FACTS JOURNAL"  will show you the article.






It's time to renew your membership for the upcoming 2021 fiscal year!

As you are aware, 2020 was a very unusual year for all social activities and this especially affected all Chapter events and meetings. With the advent of new COVID-19 vaccines, it is our hope that all of these aviation related programs and activities will return to normal operation again by this summer.

In the meantime, please consider your ongoing support of our many activities with a $20 Chapter 63 membership renewal. The official renewal date is January 1st.  If you have renewed, thank you very much for your ongoing support.

For more information on how to submit your payment, please go to this Chapter 63 web page:

Your membership renewal allows our Chapter to continue support of many aviation related activities such as the Young Eagles Program,Young Eagles Workshop, IMC/VMC Club and more.

These details will be explained and discussed at our first virtual General Meeting of 2021 which will take place via Zoom on Thursday, January 21st at 7:30 PM.Watch for an email to be sent a few days before the meeting date with the Zoom connection details.

In an effort to better serve your Chapter needs, we've added a few more questions to the renewal forms.  The information you provide about yourself as a Chapter member will give us data that will allow your Executive to better respond to your aviation needs and interests as we move forward.

Membership payments can best be made to Raquel Lincoln, EAA 63 Chapter Treasurer via E-Tranfer  (preferred).   Cheques can also be mailed to the address shown 

To arrange payments or to review your membership status, please contact Raquel directly via email : or you may contact Raquel by mail at 

Raquel Lincoln, 
51 Bluemeadow Road, 
Winnipeg, MB R3Y 0J5



Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Sincerely and stay safe in these challenging times,

Tom Stoyka
President, EAA Chapter 63

** NOTE: If you no longer wish to be contacted by EAA Chapter 63 and want your name removed from this distribution list, please send an email to



November 10, 2020

For twelve long months Harold Kroeker has patiently waited for his RANS S21 OUTBOUND project to arrive. Today was that day, the day that the aircraft would finally takes it's place inside Harold's beautifully finished hangar, located at the Lyncrest Airport - CJL5.

At 9:00AM, Norman Fillion rolled into Lyncrest Airport with his truck and trailer to find Harold eagerly waiting outside his hangar.   They didn't have to say much, as they both knew what the mission was: pickup Harold's plane. 

Together they made their way over to Running Reds' warehouse on Regent and it didn't take long for the aircraft to be loaded onto the trailer.  It went so well, one would think that it had been rehearsed! With the prized cargo securely tied down,  they made their way back to Harold's hangar.  Upon arrival they were quickly joined by Don Hatch and Dale Chevalier, a couple Harold's friends. Harold went to get the tractor and had no problems unloading the two crates into his hangar.   

In true Harold style, the two crates were put on casters, making it easy to move the crates around.   There was no time wasted; with cordless drill in hand, Harold quickly got to work removing the screws holding the panel on the first crate, then the second uncovering the prized cargo - boxes upon boxes of pieces and parts, neatly wrapped and waiting to be uncovered! Harold was in heaven, happier than a kid on Christmas morning! 



There is no doubt in anyone's mind that Harold will be very busy and is likely going to spend many late nights in his hangar.

Harold,  it was a great day just to witness your joy as you received your long awaited project.  You will certainly be getting many visitors eager to see your progress.

























September 05, 2020

IT'S HERE !!  

Our  "Piel Emeraude"  project has arrived.    Please see the Chapter 63 Projects page to see more details about this project.


Stay tuned ... 




June 25, 2020

One of our own, Sayge Tremblay is finding success !!   (NB: Article copied from page 18, COPA Flight, July 2020 issue )






June 11, 2020

The following Information was recently forwarded to us,  to distribute to our members ....

Transport Canada has proposed new rules for operations of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, RPAS, a.k.a. drones or Unmanned Aerial Systems, UAS.  Transport Canada wants to greatly expand the current Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) regulations for RPAS operations.  Transport Canada's objective is to enable routine 'lower-risk' Beyond Visual Line-Of-Sight (BVLOS) for Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) and expanded Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) operations in Canada without Transport Canada having to issue Special Flight Operations Certificates (SFOCs).
The full text can be downloaded from
Transport Canada is looking for 'feedback and insight from industry on the proposed performance-and risk-based approach.’
It is important that you comment!  Transport needs to hear from all of us who operate in what Transport calls ‘isolated areas.’
EAA’s policy on safety in regards to RPAS is, and has always been:
               -the importance of putting the burden of sense and avoid on the UAS operator
               -no new equipage requirements or limitations on airspace access for manned aircraft are acceptable
               -safety of manned aircraft must be the top priority.
Please share with your Chapter members and encourage them to provide feedback to Transport Canada.  The deadline for comments is June 22.  Comments are to be e-mailed to
Your EAA Canadian Council will be providing an official response to Transport Canada.
Jeff Seaborn, EAA #793688, IAC #438260
Chair, EAA Canadian Council
EAA-The Spirit of Aviation
Phone: 403.669.0138
See you at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh—July 26-Aug 1, 2021




May 1st, 2020

Hello EAA Chapter 63 member,

As you are well aware the current COVID-19 situation is causing great disruptions to every possible activity.  Unfortunately, Chapter 63 activities are no exception.  Your Executive was planning the first general meeting of the 2020 year in April.  This has now been put off until a later date.  The IMC/VMC Club meetings are also on hold until further notice.  As well, we had a Young Eagles Rally planned for May 9th and a "Flying Start" evening planned for later in May.  All of these events are on hold until we have a better understanding of the impact of the COVID-19 situation in our area. The challenges we are all feeling will eventually pass, but we all have to be patient.

In the meantime I respectfully ask that you review your membership status with Chapter 63.  The official renewal date is January 1st.  If you have renewed, thank you very much for your ongoing support.

If you have not, it's never too late to do so.  I will be sending out a separate email to those who have NOT renewed very shortly.  If you do not receive that second email, you can assume your membership is up to date.

If you are not already a member of EAA 63 we hope that you can join our organization, support our efforts, and benefit from the results.  As a sustaining member, your $20 annual membership will go a long way to support the costs that Chapter 63 incurs to maintain an EAA Chapter and the ongoing support for the all of these activities.

In an effort to better serve your Chapter needs, please click on the following link:   Join | Renew Membership

The information you provide about yourself as a Chapter member will give us data that will allow your Executive to better respond to your aviation needs and interests as we move forward.

Membership payments can be made to Raquel Lincoln, EAA 63 Chapter Treasurer, via cheque, cash, or E-Payment.  To arrange payments or review your membership status, please contact Raquel directly via:

Email:      -or-
Telephone:       204-345-3750  -or-
Canada Post:   51 Bluemeadow Road, Winnipeg, Mb. R3Y 0J5

Thank you in advance for your continued support.

The Executive and general membership of Chapter 63 look forward to another exciting year of aviation related activities that everyone can participate in once the COVID-19 situation subsides.

Sincerely and stay safe in these challenging times,

Tom Stoyka
President, EAA Chapter 63


April 1, 2020 

Young Eagles Flights - Lyncrest Airport. Flights are for youth ages 8 to 17 only. For more info about Young Eagles Flights visit Contact to schedule a flight. Due to Covid-19 we have postponed this event. We will provide an updated date once it is safe to do so.


Sept 12th, 2020 

Young Eagles Flights - at Lyncrest Airport, Rain date Sep 13, 2020. Flights are for youth ages 8 to 17 only. For more info about Young Eagles Flights visit Contact to schedule a flight.




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