We love to fly, and all things related to aviation. And we enjoy the friendship of others with the same interests. Do you remember the excitement of your first flight? Where you were, and how old you were? Maybe who your pilot was?
We offer free first flights to hundreds of kids (ages 8-17) through the Young Eagles program. And we even give them their own log books. We will never forget the smiles on their faces!
Whether you fly, build, restore, or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, we invite you to join us at any of our activities. There is something for everyone!
Our chapter is named after the famed aviator and air race pilot of the 20s and 30s, John H. Livingston, who was born and raised in Cedar Falls. He inspired the famed novel Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Come see what we're all about.
Need more information? Please contact us at:
eaachapter227@gmail.com (319) 849-5661
Annual chapter dues are $15 for an individual, and $20 for a family membership.
Our chapter trailer has undergone a major facelift. It’s now sporting a wrap that makes it a rolling advertisement for our Young Eagle events. Thanks to John Dutcher for planning and coordinating the update, as well as doing the necessary work to prepare the trailer. Members Doug Mattson and Warren Brecheisen also helped get this accomplished. Also a big thanks goes to EAA for the wrap design and printing.