EAA Chapter 1467

Home of the "Tree Top Flyers"

Contact Us


The above photo was taken at American Dream Sky Ranch (SC18) on New Year's Eve on 12/31/2023. Note the pristine P-40 Warhawk in the background.

Note: Unfortunately, due to scammers and bogus callers, we've had to block direct calls to the number below, but if you are a legitimate caller interested in our chapter, leave a message, and we will return your call as soon as possible. Thank you.


EAA 1467
President: Eddie Brennan
Contact: 321-747-3344 | contact@eaa1467.org
Meetings: Every 3rd Sunday 1:00 PM
Gilbert International Airpark (SC45)
332 Downwind Leg Road
Gilbert, SC 29054

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