EAA Eugene Chapter 1457

2024 Fly-Out Season

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This years flying season will have seven official fly-outs.  Starting Saturday, May 25th the fly-outs will be spaced out every third Saturday.  Here is a list of dates and the proposed destinations. 
Saturday 5/25/24 - Independence
Saturday 6/15/24 - Creswell EAA Breakfast & Grants Pass Airport Days 
Saturday 7/6/24 - Stark Twin Oaks EAA Breakfast
Saturday 7/27/24 - Hermiston EAA Breakfast
Saturday 8/17/24 - TBD
Saturday 9/7/24 - Hood River Fly In
Saturday 9/28/24 - TBD
To make the fly-outs even more fun, we are going to make it a competition... with prizes! 
Participation in the competition will be easy, simply send a photo related to the fly-out to the group at EAA1457@gmail.com or directly to Wayne E.
Points will be awarded to chapter members based on the following...  
 - The person submitting the photo will get two points.
 - Owners of planes, cars, or other modes of transportation in the photo will each get a point.
 - Chapter members whose faces are in a photo will each get a point.
 - Chapter members who are photographed while eating will be docked two points!
 - Three bonus points will be awarded to the submitter of the best photo.
 - Pilots will be given an extra point for each passenger they bring; no photo required.
 - Pilots who arrive late will be docked two points.  I'm talking to you Larry!
The points will be tallied up during the monthly EAA meetings.  The chapter members in attendance will review the photos and points will be awarded per the criteria mentioned above.  The three bonus points will be awarded at the will of the members in attendance.   The fly-out season winners will be announced at the October monthly meeting.  The members with the most points (top three) win! 

So far I have a $100 gift certificate sponsored by Aircraft Spruce.  I am hoping to get two more gift card sponsorships. 

Let's fly!


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