EAA 1457, May 6th, 2024, Meeting Minutes
1843 local the meeting was called to order by Wally Anderson.
1851 local Gary Ludeke of EAA 31 gave a presentation about the Society of Experimental Test Pilots
1930 announcement that sometime next month we will be having an open hangar to get sell or auction some items off that are no longer needed.
Wayne E. Announced the 2024 fly-out season
For more info go to the flyout webpage. here
1936 Joe May did the VMC lessons this week there were a bunch of questions
(Questions are edited to the best of my note taking skills lol)
How does the placement CG affect flight characteristics?
Ray Beverly asked
Where is the most efficient place for the CG?
Back to Joe May
You are going to go on a flight however you will be landing at legal night time. One of your non-pilot friends wants to go on that flight with you. You have
logged 2 touch and goes during legal night time, and logged 2 full stop landings. Can you take your friend on that flight?
(No you can not, according to the FARs you have to have logged 3 landings to a full stop in the previous 90 days if you will be acting as PIC
on a flight with passengers)
You are flying a SR-22, but you have only logged 4 touch and goes in an light twin piston aircraft (I can't remember what Joe said it was) in the last 90
days. Can you be the PIC on the SR-22 on a day flight and carry passengers?
(No you can not, as the FARs state that the landings must be in the Category and Class of aircraft in which you will be PIC)
If you are 39 and you get your 3rd class medical on your 39th birthday, how long is it legal for?
(60 Calendar months, as you got your medical before you turned 40)
Next Meeting in June
Solomon Singer will be doing a presentation.
There will be Lasagna for dinner.
And the hangar sale will be June or July.
You can find the Archived Minutes here