EAA Eugene Chapter 1457

Archived Newsletters

April 2024 Minutes

1856 local

  Wally Anderson Opening

  Guys Please RSVP, fortunately we had enough food to go around.

  Wally Announced that EAA 1457 has achieved Gold Level Standard with Nationals

  Video Presentation

  Mike Busch - Savvy Aviation, "Savvy Cylinder Borescope Inspection"

  Here are the links







  Article By Savvy Aviation



 1927 local


  Ray Beverly

  Question of the Month (QOTM)

  What is the difference between torque and P-factor? Also what is gyroscopic precession?


1933 local

  Wally Anderson

  Announced that 1457 is a Gold Level Chapter

  Announced that Gary Ludeke from EAA 31, will be doing a presentation at the May meeting about the

Society of Experimental Test Pilots, and his experience with testing aircraft.

  Announced that a Top 10 USA Areobatic flyer is going to do a presentation at the May meeting.


1941 Local - End Of Meeting


March 2024


1842 local - opening of meeting.

-Wally not at meeting as he was at a redbird event doing a presentation.

-Report on the cleanup party to clean up space for the RV-14 project.

-About 25 parts on the RV-14 that need to be changed due to the parts being critical laser cut pieces.


Ray Beverly's talk about leadership, using his experience in the USAF flying the B-52.

He started off with a joke about B-52s, B-52s were designed in the order of, "well lets build a bomber with lots of bomb-bay room, oh yeah thats right we need wings and fuel not to mention engines, then "ohhhh damn" we need the crew, so therefore the crew got what was left", (which is a crew area that was quite small).

Outline of the talk.

There are 3 things to start with,

You have to lead, follow, or get out of the way. For leadership there are 4 things,

1 – Expertise 2 – Power of discipline (punish and reward) 3 – Charisma 4 – In a position to lead

Some of what leadership comprises needs to be learned, however most leadership traits need to be earned.

Then there is accredability.

– You work on a team, – THEREFORE Work with the team.

– Don't abuse your power or privillages

– Know what you are talking about (Know your stuff)



Joe May – VMC club.

2 questions (last months and this months)

1 – What are the 6 transformations of water? 2 – When doing turns around a point, what is the steepest bank, and what is the fastest ground speed?

[You have to come to the club to get the video, however QOTM (Question of the month) will be published. (Disclaimer: Nothing in this is supposed to be a direct quote, only edited notes.)]

End of meeting 1942 local.

-Jakin Messer


Ben Grubb recorded a video

B52 and Leadership by Ray



November 2023

November 6, 2023:

EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR97402

Pizza tonight:  15    Present for meeting: 19


  1. Dec 6 Christmas party with Creswell $10 per person
  2. Wally has RV14. Steve, Wally, Don are the first recruits for building
  3. Wally also has a tail section with no laser cut parts but it has been dropped and needs repair

Meeting Presentation: Joe May and VMC IMC

Joe May is leading up our VMC classes to be held after every monthly meeting.  The scenarios in the VMC class are all based on REAL flights

and we are to discuss as a group our response to the situation----One bummer is we do not know what the actual pilot did in his situation…

First quiz:  Joe Bob took off one freezing morning to visit friends at another airport.  After spending the day he did his pre-flight before

heading home to discover water in the gas.  WHAT HAPPENED?

ANSWER: the water was frozen in the gas that morning…. We did not discuss an alternate solution or potential hazard of that.

2nd quiz:  We watched a video that showed a pilots path on a sectional.  He took off in the clear and knew that morning fog would be covering

several airports along his path with the expectation that the fog would be gone at his destination by the time of his arrival….At this point he has

25 more minutes more till he will be able to get the AWOS at the next airport and if he can’t land for fuel the flight back will put him into his reserve …. What to do??

At the first watching of this I would probably go on to the next airport and risk being in the reserve if I had to turn back…

but after thinking on it---I only fly for fun and the added stress takes away the fun so maybe now I’d turn around.

Good stuff to think on!

Adjourn:        8pm.

May 2023

May 1, 2023

EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR97402

Present for Dogs: 17     Present for meeting: 18

Pre-meeting Costco dog feed 6pm great turnout!.


  1. Meuseum clean up day May 12 show up if you can
  2. Wayne E presents flyout strategy
  3. Suggestion of club build?


                Phil G. and Rich Ovellete CIVIL AIR PATROL

Civil Air Patrol: non military got civilians involved during WWII.

  1. SAR—Disaster relief
  2. Homeland security
  3. Drug interdiction



51 lives saved in 2022

24 lives saved in 2023 so far

Oregon Aircraft:

  1. 4 292 aircraft
  2. 2 cessna 172
  3. 1 cessna 206


                572 fixed repeaters. 154 tactical

5 crews per aircraft. Currently 18 pilots goal = 25 by September 2023. Instructor pilots = 8 goal = 12

FAA exemptions: flying time is paid for. Forest fire TFR exemptions

Uniform is similar to US Air Force


Adjourn:        8pm.

April 2023

EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR97402

Present for Tacos: 17     Present for meeting: 19

Pre-meeting Spag feed 6pm great turnout!.


  1. Wally recaps board meeting with club ideas. (bring a friend / former flyer)
  2. Wally announced Tasked Based Flight Testing is approved by FAA but waiting to get to FSDOs.  Make sure your program letter from your DAR makes this clear.
  3. Alan W is new Young Eagles coordinator


                Ray Beverly:  ENERGY = MC^2

Potential Energy = Altitude

Kinetic Energy     = Air Speed

Practice trading Kinetic Energy for Potential Energy in your airplane with Lazy 8’s. 

  1. Start at 3000’ @ 120kts(Kinetic) pull up 60degrees and start bank
  2. Top of bank @ 60knts and 60degree bank (Potential)
  3. Nose comes down recover your dive at 120knts and 3000’
  4. Repeat!

“Pitch to Throttle Interconect”  = YOU!

“Compaptible Energies” = High and Slow OR Low and Fast

                Compatible energies are adjusted with Pitch:

“Incompatible Energies” = High and Fast OR Low and Slow

                Incompatible energies are adjustted with Throttle

Most pilots land with too much energy.  The nose wheel is for turning NOT landing.  Shoot for a stall on evey touch down.

                Alan W: Designing your own Panel

Alan showed us 4 different Panels for a varitey of costs.

Stein Air has a $500 master electrical kit for all your crimping and connecting needs.

Garmin is Can BusDaisy chain splice must be less than 3” from each connector on each device.  Final connection is “Terminated”

Dynon uses 4 wire “Hub” .  All devices connect back to one box.  Each device has its own wire.

Handy Panel Hole Cutter “Fly Cutter” with a drill press.

Build your own panel at HangarFlying.com.  Then download full size PDF and take to print shop.

                Les’s Hummel Bird Update:

Bulk heads on on the Jig!

Follow Les’ build on our club site https://chapters.eaa.org/eaa1457/les-bird-build

4x4 sheet of aluminum $60----shipping $120!!!!

Going with MGL $425 but need hardwired

§ 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements.

(1) Airspeed indicator.

(2) Altimeter.

(3) Magnetic direction indicator.

(4) Tachometer for each engine.

(5) Oil pressure gauge for each engine using pressure system.

(6) Temperature gauge for each liquid-cooled engine.

(7) Oil temperature gauge for each air-cooled engine.

(8) Manifold pressure gauge for each altitude engine.

(9) Fuel gauge indicating the quantity of fuel in each tank.  Check  91.205 for more.

Adjourn:        8pm

March 2023

March 6, 2023
EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR 97402
Present for Spag: 9 Present for meeting: 13

Pre-meeting Spag feed 6pm.
Business: NA
Des Crooks 30 year ER Doctor:

1. Will To Survive.
a. Pattern Work: If you are practiced on your medical skills you can direct other to correct action. Competence imparts Will To Survive in others.
2. Shock and Awe---loss of control / Unusual Attitude
a. Heart Rate UP / Blood Pressure UP
b. Vision DOWN / Coordination DOWN
c. Be prepared for the Adrenaline to ruin you motor control. You won’t be able to control your hands very well. You won’t be able to see well, You won’t  be able to process things well.
a. The plane is full of gas
b. Your passengers may be injured BUT THEY NEED TO GET OUT REGARDLESS OF INJURY
i. Unlike car crashes when you can wait for the ambulance and they can protect the head/neck
c. RV7 ESCAPE TOOL---VERY cool starts a CRACK
i. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRvQxGl4kt4
d. Grab the fire extinguisher---you can’t get it once the plane is on fire
e. Get your medical kit—you can’t get it once the plane is on fire
a. Alert?
b. Respond to Voice?
c. Smack on Chest to get a response---DON’T assume they are a gonner!
5. A B C
a. Airway – Straight and cleared
b. Breathing?
c. Circulation – check for holes!
i. If you can feel pulse—that’s good
ii. If pulse is light and fast –they are losing blood somewhere! PLUG HOLE
1. Blood is at 5 PSI—takes good pressure to stop
iii. You have 1 ½ gallons of blood—50% loss = dead
1. DO NOT sit upright—takes pressure to get blood to brain
iv. Takes about 8 minutes of steady pressure to stop bleeding
a. Get a GREEN laser—can be seen to 30,000 feet!
b. Make sure your ELT is on!

Adjourn: 8pm.


February 2023

EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes

Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR 97402

Present for chili: 15     Present for meeting: 23

Pre-meeting Chili feed 6pm.


                Wally: Wally is working with the museum to carve out some permanent space for us.  They have a tentative 5 year agreement at $500/year.



                Rick Stewart:  Wally’s son in law Ryan introduced out guest speaker Rick Stewart.  Ryan is a cinematographer that has been working with Rick on some projects.  A recent movie Ryan worked on is Alaska Nets –Check out the preview here -----------https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzKZRlzp4Eg


                Rick Stewart: A native of Roseburg, Oregon, Rick Stewart has spent most of his life, in one capacity or another, in the great outdoors.  As the Founder and President of Survival Incorporated, Rick Stewart established himself as one of the nation’s foremost authorities on survival, survival equipment, and CBRNE defense.


Focus: Minimum requirements for survival:

The will to survive.  Women are generally better at this because they think more emotionally (must get back to family).  Men are more analytical (We are SOL).

    1. Fire: boil water, make smoke signal, provide warmth and sense of safety
    2. Shelter: Tarp to keep elements off, Tyvek Mylar.
    3. Rescue: be seen floating signal mirror
    4. Medical: surgical tube, sail needle, 50’ paracord (inside use as stitches), bandage
    5. Sustenance: food water.  40 days w/o food, 7 days w/o water, 3 min w/o air.
    6. Improvisation:  Use your imagination


    The kit:

    1. Blast Match
    2. Whistle (no pea)
    3. 50’ para cord
    4. Sleeping bag Tyvek outside Mylar inside
    5. Mosquito net
    6. Repellant
    7. Surgical hose
    8. Chain saw with reverse teeth!! (very cool)
    9. Vaseline balls
    10. Knife sharpener
    11. Plastic straw
    12. Pocket knife
    13. Larger knife
    14. Life straw

    Adjourn:        8pm.


    January 2023 

    EAA Chapter 1457 Regular Meeting Minutes

    Monday 7PM monthly meeting at Oregon Air and Space Museum, Eugene Airport 90377 Boeing Dr, Eugene, OR 97402

    Present: 15

    First meeting of the year began with Lasagna feed at 6pm. 14 present for that.


                    Awards: President Ben Grubb hands out service awards for 2022.  Paul Colvin retiring from Treasurer since the inception of the club. Carl Chieffo retiring from secretary after 2 years of great Covid support to Ben.  Ben Grubb retiring from president taking on secretary and treasurer roles.

                    Elections: Ben Grubb officially nominates Wally Anderson as president and he is voted in:

    President: Wally Anderson

    Vice Pres:  Alan Weider

    Sec/Treas: Ben Grubb

    Board:   Ray Beverly     Phil Groshong    Wayne Ekertson

                    Balance Sheet:  $8538.61.  We made $267 this year because of a $1000 infusion from the Albany club as it dissolved.  Thank those fellas if you see them.  Our club enjoys the fruits of the Ron Parker presidency that hosted EAA’s B-17 Aluminum Overcast a few years ago and we have been living off that ever since.


                    Wally Anderson : Wally presented a quick vision for the year including the concept of a healthy chapter being a 3 legged stool:

    1. Social
    2. Flight
    3. Educational

    Focusing on the educational Wally has hit the ground running with a Young Eagles education program. Starting with 6 kids and the program cost $20 each.  3 kids have already been picked with 3 more to go.  Wally is working with a previous employee who is part of a charter school that will provide the kids so far.

    1. March 5 : Structures led by Wally Anderson
    2. April 16: Electronics led by Les Wellington
    3. April 30: Metal led by Wally Anderson

                  Les Wellington:  Build A Hummel Bird (<--click link)

    Les recently sold his Sonex Waiex that took him 2 years to build and completed in 2019. Now he is on to the Hummel Bird.  This will be a plans build that he feels he will have complete by August!! He brought his first bulk head in.  He made full size copies of the plans and cut out the pattern and glued them to wood as Jigs.  The bent the aluminum around it.

    Plans: $295

    ½ VW: $7000 (13 months!)

    4’x4’ sheet of alum from Vans in Aurora: $95

    Estimated total: $16000.  Les will be updating us monthly.

                    Alan Weider: AoA (Angle of Attack) / TURN BACK (AoA: angle between the relative wind and the chord)

    Our very own Alan is part of a working group on AoA.  Alan opened his presentation with “Turnback”.  If you lost your engine on takeoff would you be able to turn back to the runway?  The simple answer is “ONLY IF YOUR CLIMB RATE IS GREATER THAN YOUR SINK RATE”.  For example if you usually climb at 800 ft/min and you know your sink rate at best glide is 600 ft/min.  Then you might make it back.  EAA supports the efforts of InFlight Metrics in relation to the Takeoff Advisor Project so go to:

    https://www.inflightmetrics.com/Turnback/    Get a plot of your aircraft data and turnback attempt.

    Alan continued with his AoA discussion and his own experience with his unit sending him a warning tone when the wind blew him past the centerline on final causing him to immediately decrease his bank and do a go-around.

    EAA discussion Angle of Attack Indicator

    Links to some do it yourself AoA:



    Adjourn:   8pm.



    April 22

    Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 1457

    April 2022 meeting minutes- Eugene, Oregon

    Meeting held live at the Eugene Air and Space Museum at KEUG.

    The amazing Ben (Turbo)Grubb, presiding. Meeting began at about 19:15 pst.

    Regular members present info missing, (my apologies) however,

    four new members- Malachi, John, Jon, and Ray joined us and introductions were made.

    Previous months' minutes were approved. A fascinating and entertaining presentation

    by Ray Beverly on the topic of Formation Flying was given.

    Thank you, Ray! Meeting adjourned at 20:39

    March 22

    EAA Chapter 1457 Eugene, Oregon

    Monthly meeting minutes- March, 2022
    Meeting held both ‘live’- in person at EASM and online via Zoom
    Members present; Alan, Charley, Don L., John, Wally,
    Ray, Ben, Ron, Wayne, Don H., Wayne, Bruce, Carl.
    Meeting began just after 19:00 Pacific time.
    Ray Beverly presented- “Fly the Plane”

    Ray reminds us to be prepared- Practice engine out-
    on downwind or at 5000’ (safe altitude).

    Alan gave us a very entertaining and informative presentation
    on his RV-9 project- including the history of the project as well
    as some of the hurdles and discoveries seeing this build through.

    Thank you Alan.

    The meeting was adjourned around 20:15

    Feburary 22

    EAA Chapter 1457 Eugene, Oregon
    Monthly Meeting Minutes, Monday, February 7, 2022
    Held at the Eugene Air and Space Museum

    New member Grant Johnson joined Micky, Les, Carl
    and Jerry Pryce- V.P. Independence EAA Chapt. as well as
    our own President, the Honorable Ben Grubb.
    The meeting began about 19:10 with a proposal to approve last

    month's minutes- which was seconded.

    I do want to include an omission from last month's minutes.
    I failed to mention that during January’s meeting we also spoke of
    including a couple of regional events that we may use as fy-out
    destinations for our members in the coming months of ;

    August 26-27th- the ‘Airshow of the Cascades’ in Madras, Or.
    And the annual WAAAM sponsored Hood River Fly-in

    Held September 10 & 11 this year.
    My most humble apologies for this omission.
    This month’s exciting and informative presentation was by President Ben

    (Turbo) himself- on vinyl applications for aircraft.
    This brief but educational hands- on demonstration of the simple and
    surprisingly easy (appearing) process to quickly apply seemingly any
    design to aircraft metal surfaces. Especially interesting was the quick and
    low cost and toxicity surface preparation and the easy to use knifeless
    tape. I am very impressed with this process and know other members are
    excited to try this application to their own aircraft as well.
    We will hopefully see Photos of Les’s aircraft transformed next meeting?

    Meeting adjourned sometime after 20:15

    January 22

    EAA Chapter 1457- Eugene, Oregon
    January 3, 2022 Monthly Meeting minutes
    Held at Eugene Air and Space Museum, Mahlon Sweet field.
    Meeting presided over by president Ben (Turbo) Grubb.
    Meeting began at 19:15 (following the board meeting) 10 present;
    Ron P., John K., Ben G., Ray B., Phil G., Wayne E., Alan W., Micky F.,
    myself- Carl C., and new member- Grant, an acquaintance of Ray B.
    viaThe Rotary Club. Members introduced themselves to Grant.
    Discussions included ideas and questions regarding the use of EAA
    National to recruit new members? Create an event to attract interest?
    According to recent phone contact with our recent former chapter
    president- Hannah Neil- is moving back to Oregon in May.
    Apparently she will be Flight-instructing for Steve Bolton?
    The subject of members volunteer monthly presentations was raised and

    so far, this is the schedule for the monthly meetings;

    February will be Ben Grubb doing a presentation/ demonstration on vinyl.
    Alan-March, Ray-April, May, June, July- open. August is the Madras
    fly-in, Ron and also the Hood River Fly-in are in September. Phil has
    October and Carl is currently scheduled for November- subject to change.
    It was also mentioned that our former members John and Deb Stahr are

    now flying out of Love field, Florida.

    Our meeting was moved and seconded adjourned at 19:55
    On a personal note- Carl became symptomatic of COVID 19 virus the
    following evening, after work. Coincidentally, my social distancing and
    mask wearing was pretty good that evening. Hopefully none of our other
    members became infected because of me. I assure you that I was
    unaware of being possibly contagious. Let's please not be careless in our
    group settings and continue to help our friends stay safe? Carl.

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