EAA Eugene Chapter 1457

About Us

EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge.

Chapter members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, building seminars, and more, to build awareness in the community.

We hope you enjoy browsing our website where you will find information about building, restoring and flying airplanes, as well as learning about everything related to the joys of flying.

EAA Chapter 1457 meets the first Monday of each month at the Oregon Air and Space Museum. We often start at 18:00 hours with a pre-meeting dinner at a local restaurant, BBQ, or a dinner made by the Members of 1457, with the formal meeting called to order at 18:45 and generally 1 to 1 and a 1/2 hours. You may want to contact us due to occasional program or location changes.


If you are interested in flying, building or just love aviation, come join the fun! We are eager to see you at our next meeting!

EAA 1457 is a Gold Level Chapter

(These Pictures are from 2019)




EAA 1457
President: Wally Anderson
Contact: 541-913-0610 | wallyatsynergyair@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 1st Monday 6:45 PM
Oregon Air & Space Museum
90377 Boeing Drive
Eugene, OR 97402

EAA Chapters Gold
Programs: VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Flight Advisor
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