Oshkosh AirVenture 2024
Below is a group picture taken of chapters present at this year's event.
Some of our chapter members can be seen toward the right side above the 1279 banner.
(click for the full size image)
Kiah Brushett Begins Flight Training
Our 2024 Ray Aviation Scholarship winner, Kiah Brushett, has begun flight training at Flight Ventures Aviation Academy, all at Chapter 1279 wish him every success. Below, we see Kiah embarking on one of his training flights.
Junior Member Awarded EAA Scholarship
Dominican Air Force Recognizes Local Member
Chapter member Manny Vargas was recently honored by the Dominican Republic Air Force during the country's 75th Independence Day celebration. His kit plane, a Tucano replica, sporting the Dominican Republic's livery was displayed and flown in air shows over the multi-day festivities in February. In recognition of his positive representation of their people, Manny was presented with the Dominican Republic's Humanitarian Medal at a ceremony with military and foreign dignitaries in attendance. This all came about after Manny was contacted through the kit manufacturer by a representative of the DR's Air Force after they saw his plane in a YouTube video that was taken at Flabob Airport. They wanted to learn more about the plane, owner, and the story behind the paint design. After learning that Manny is a native of the Dominican Republic and his passion for aviation since childhood, they asked if he would join them during the festivities and allow them to exhibit his plane at the country's 75th Independence Day celebration. After working out all the arrangements Manny agreed, and the plane was ferried by a factory pilot to DR by hopping across the US to Miami, with a stop in the Bahamas, over Turks and Caicos, and finally to DR. The Air Force in DR performed
fly-bys with Manny's plane in formation with other military planes for
the crowds in attendance at the celebration. The DR brass was so impressed that a purchase of ten aircraft may be in the works to be used as trainers for their pilots.
Manny also started an online
group for other Tucano Aircraft owners and builders. If you or someone
you know owns or is building a Tucano, please feel free to share the
link: https://groups.io/g/TucanoReplicaOwner
For some really cool videos of the event, check out these YouTube videos: