From National Weather Service: A storm cell is forming 20 miles northwest of Oshkosh. There is the potential for 25-30 mph wind gusts & rain. If this cell tracks towards Oshkosh, it could arrive around 4:30 to 4:40 p.m.
Based at Orlando Executive Airport (ORL) in sunny Central Florida, EAA Chapter 74 is a group of airplane people who are enthusiastic about recreational general aviation and sharing the joys of flight with others.
Chapter Meeting & Pot Luck Dinner Pot Luck - 6:30 pm (bring a dish to share)
Meeting - 7:30 pm Jan 21
Guest Speaker: Eric Burris
WESH 2 Meterologist & Private Pilot "Weather & Aviating"
“Introduction to Aviation” Class For Ages 12-17 A class series to teach interested youth about all aspects of aviation and give them hands-on experience with flight.
Register Now for Winter 2026 Class Spring 2025 is full. Waitlist for Fall 2025
EAA 74 is affiliated with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), an international organization of individuals with a wide range of aviation interests and backgrounds. Our members include pilots and non-pilots with interests ranging from flying to building experimental homebuilt kit aircraft to gliders to ultralights to radio-controlled planes.
All of us at Chapter 74 are proud to have been recognized by EAA as a 2022 Gold Level Chapter for meeting 10 out of 10 of the criteria required to receive this award. Throughout the year, our members enjoy sharing their love of aviation.
Everyone with an interest in aviation is welcome to become a member of EAA 74. Please join us.
Youth Aviation Programs
EAA 74 is committed to the future of aviation by sharing our knowledge and love of flight with the youth of Central Florida.
The Chapter also sponsors the Orlando Youth Aviation Center teaching kids age 12 through 17 about the various elements of flight. Get class information.
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