From National Weather Service: A storm cell is forming 20 miles northwest of Oshkosh. There is the potential for 25-30 mph wind gusts & rain. If this cell tracks towards Oshkosh, it could arrive around 4:30 to 4:40 p.m.
Pot Luck Dinner 6:30 pm - bring a dish to share
Meeting 7:30 pm
Guest Speaker - Don Wilson
Air Force One crew chief for 3 Presidents
Atlantic Aviation
Orlando Executive Airport
400 Herndon Ave
Orlando, FL 32803 See the map here
Special Events & Activities
Young Eagles Rallies
EAA 74 holds several Young Eagles Rallies every year with free airplane rides for kids age 8-17. Check our Young Eagles page to register for upcoming rallies
Orlando Youth Aviation Center
For kids age 10-17, the OYAC presents "Introduction to Aviation", an 8-week course that is offered 3 times each year. Check the OYAC page
for class information and registration.
Private Pilot Ground School
The chapter offers a Private Pilot Ground School taught by an experienced ground instructor and certified flight instructor. For more information, go to the Ground School page.
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