Chapter 44

Rochester NY

2021 Meeting Minutes

 April 13th EAA Chapter 44 Board of Directors Meeting Via Zoom - Meeting called to order

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac; Secretary Tammy Mullen, absent

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Rick Tandy, Steve North, Darrin Kenney, Frances England, Tom Henion

OTHERS PRESENT – Bob Nelligan-Barrett


Nothing new to report at this time


Nothing new to report at this time.


Financial reports had been distributed by email.

MOTION to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Darrin, seconded by Frank. Passed unanimously.


The secretary was absent. The minutes were taken by Tom Henion.


The ROTC at SUNY Brockport requested to use our SAC and grounds on May 21, 2021, for their Commissioning Ceremony. Frank gave them a tour of the facility. There will be 10 graduates: 100-150 total attendees. The ROTC will be the responsible party.

MOTION – The ROTC can use our facility if they disinfect prior to and after the ceremony. Chapter 44 must also be named on SUNY Brockport’s insurance policy and a copy must be provided to the chapter. A fee of $350 shall be paid to the chapter for the use of our facilities. The motion was made by Frances and seconded by Darrin. The motion passed unanimously.


Jeff Peters is stepping down as organizer of the camp due to other responsibilities. He is donating the kits obtained through EAA and will help with the camp in a lesser capacity. The camp is scheduled for the weekend of July 10-11. A volunteer is needed to take point. There will be a meeting 1-hour prior to the general meeting on April 20 for anyone interested in volunteering.

RAY SCHOLARSHIP – Frances England

The deadline for applications is April 30. One application has been received so far.

SAC 10TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

Bob discussed the event which would be a fly/drive in. He presented detailed information on possible advertising and food.

Motion – A motion was made allowing the purchase by Bob of easel boards for use at this event by Frances and seconded by Gail. The motion passed unanimously.

Bob then discussed the food options. He had obtained prices from several local stores. The meats being offered were narrowed down to hots, hamburgers, and chicken breasts. He will research further these 3 items and present this at the next board meeting. He is planning on an attendance of 100-150. It was discussed that there will be no freebies to volunteers since that cuts into any profit.

BART – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

The leading edge is on the wing. The meeting room will be cleaned up for the general meeting.


Presenters for general meetings was discussed. The April General Meeting will be in person and via Zoom. The June meeting may be the traditional Fly-in.

Frank brought up that the future of the scouts is still up in the air due to COVID

Food certification was discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 2043

9 February 2021 EAA Chapter 44 Board of Directors Meeting - Meeting called to order 7:14 pm

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac, Secretary Tammy Mullen

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Darrin Kenney, Rick Tandy, Tom Henion, Frances Englund, Steve North


Motion to accept January minutes by Frances, 2nd by Darrin.  Motion passed 9-0. 


PRESIDENT’S REPORTNothing new to report

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORTsee Aviation Explorers.

SECRETARY – absent, minutes recorded by Tom Henion

TREASURER’S REPORT – Monthly financial reports submitted in advance of meeting for board’s review.  Two new savings accounts created to track scholarship and BART; account owner’s dividend to be deposited into general fund.  Membership dues letters resulted in high rate of return on renewals with very few outstanding.

Motion to accept financial reports by Rick, 2nd by Tom.  Motion passed 9-0. 



Capital Campaign

Young Eagle

Aviation Explorers

BART – Wing coming along.  Storage area between seat and 1st bulkhead being designed by students with direction/oversight from project leaders.  On average 8-9 people attend each work session.  Discussion regarding cost/sale of plane tabled until more progress/expenses have been made.

Budget Oversight Committee -


Chapter By LawsNothing ready to be published/provided to the board at this time

EAA44 Aviation Scholarship – Discussion/reminder that aviation scholarship is available for youth who have an interest in aviation and have identified a need to include flight training, supplies, EAA aviation camp in Wisconsin, other items not identified but agreed upon by board.  Private donations have been accepted and the scholarship is growing.

Ray ScholarshipChapter application submitted; decision on eligibility expected by the end of February.


Young Eagles - Rallies to be held 15 May, 19 June, 17 July, 7 August and 11 September with consideration given to Covid as event dates approach.  Existing wait list from canceled 2020 events still in play.  Discussion/suggestions included scaling back size/attendance of monthly event to reduce number of peope; asking families to wait in vehicle until scheduled flight time; allowing YE and limited number of additional family members to attend; individual pilots arrange flights with YE’s on list outside of scheduled YE rallies.

Snow Plowing – Parking lot is being plowed as needed

SAC LibraryList to be created of books in board room, with pictures of spine, to post to Facebook and additional sites.  Books are free for anyone interested; shipping, if any, to be paid for by whomever wants the books.

Pilot Supplies - There are enough donated items in the SAC to create three pilot bags with starter items (E6B, headset, etc).  Bags may be borrowed by new pilots for flight training.  Anyone with items they no longer need/use and wish to donate please send them to the SAC.

Public Announcement SystemDiscussion of purchasing/installing a pa system and speakers, for indoor and outdoor use.  Ideas for use include outdoor movies, camp outs, announcements during events, YE rallies for parents to listen to pilots.  Gail to investigate if any funds were left over from the SAC build that were designated for acoustics which could be used towards the purchase of a sound system.

SAC Anniversary - 10th anniversary of the SAC building is June 2021 with the 12th of June set aside for a celebration.  Bob requested a committee be formed; Randy and Frank volunteered.  More committee members needed; chapter members will be emailed and asked for their help.  Ideas for the event included serving food vs food trucks; offer a YE flight through a drawing that day; previous YE’s talk about experience and progression of their careers because of; post YE video to our website; multiple “speakers” around SAC to speak on chapter programs; outdoor PA system for announcements (see public announcement system); tri-fold brochure; posterboards advertising YE, aviation camp, BART, VMC/IMC, list of previous guest speakers/topics with idea poster boards can be reused for other events promoting 44; BART on display with slideshow of progression; slideshow of activities/events covering the SAC build/last 10 years; flight simulators running and available to try.  Poster blast to community, articles in local newspapers, invite county/town dignitaries.  Solicit donations from local companies as well as aviation (Sporty’s, AOPA, Aircraft Spruce, etc).  Inform school districts.

February General Meeting – 16 February meeting will be held via Zoom by Frank, no guest speaker scheduled.

Newsletter - Chapter newsletters can be found at

Motion by Tom to adjourn, seconded by Frank.  Motion passed 8:56 pm


  • 19 January             General Meeting, presenter Gene Benson, “Cool Stuff They Might Not Have Taught You in Flight School”.
  • 15 May                   Young Eagle Rally
  • 12 June                  10th anniversary of the SAC building
  • 19 June                  Young Eagle Rally
  • 17 July                    Young Eagle Rally
  • 7 August                Young Eagle Rally
  • 11 September       Young Eagle Rally

Approved via email

  • 13 Feb 2021 Darrin Kenney
  • 14 Feb 2021 Richard Tandy

12 January 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Darrin Kenney, Rick Tandy, Tom Henion, Frances Englund, Steve North

NON-BOD MEMBERS PRESENT – Bob Nelligan-Barrett (BART), Bill Shaw (assistant Treasurer-in-training), Phil Hazen, Mike Clayton

ABSENT – Secretary Tammy Mullen


PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Nothing new to report

VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT – see Aviation Explorers

SECRETARY – absent, minutes recorded by Tom Henion

TREASURER’S REPORT – Monthly financial reports submitted in advance of meeting for board’s review.  Property taxes have been paid.  Two new savings accounts created separating scholarships and BART funds from the general fund.

Motion to accept financial reports by Rick, 2nd by Frank.  Motion passed 8-0. 



Capital Campaign

Young Eagle – Rallies to be held 15 May, 19 June, 17 July, 7 August and 11 September

Aviation Explorers – Explorers group has not started due to Covid-19

BART – An advertisement will be posted for the sale of extra wheels and tailwheels which were donated to the chapter for the Baby Ace and are not required to complete our aircraft.  The hardware is back on the wing.  The restoration team should be attaching the wings to the fuselage soon.

Budget Oversight Committee -


Chapter ByLaws –Discussion about our chapter bylaws and how to update them.  Frances started working on this several months ago.  Points of discussion included: keeping most of the same wording as our current bylaws; rewrite or keep the current structure; chapter bylaws must satisfy our 501(c)3 state requirements; conflict of interest and dissolution of the chapter should be included; who would have to approve the bylaws – Board of Directors or Chapter members; who is required to receive the approved/updated bylaws - EAA and/or New York State?


Chapter Insurance – Reminder that our chapter is required to notify EAA of every event or gathering that occurs at least thirty-days in advance, if possible.  This includes recurring events such as BART, meetings and SAC work groups.

Chapter Membership – Review of membership requirements by EAA highlighted every member of the chapter must be an EAA member.  Weekly, the EAA Roster Program compares the chapter roster to the EAA membership database to verify whether chapter members’ national dues are current.  Chapter may be required to use the Roster Program in the future.  How should chapter proceed knowing a potential loss of members may occur because additional dues are required by national.  Is there an existing problem with EAA insurance coverage with chapter members not current/dues-paying EAA members?

Ray Scholarship – Discussion as to whether the chapter should apply to be eligible, once more, to award a Ray Aviation Scholarship.  If eligible, the award would be up to the full amount as our 2020 scholar received.  The timeline for the chapter and candidate applications, as well as membership requirements of a potential candidate, were reviewed.  The chapter may apply for a scholarship without identifying a candidate. 

Chapter application due 31 January; candidate’s application due by October.  Reminder that Young Eagle flights provide the Young Eagle with a free EAA student membership and free access to Sporty’s Private Pilot ground school.  Frances, our current scholarship coordinator, volunteered to submit the chapter application with assistance from the board. 

Frances motioned the chapter apply for the Ray Aviation Scholarship.  Seconded by Rick and Frank.  Motion passed 8-0

Responsibilities held by Phil and “up-for-grabs” – The calendar needs to be filled-in ahead of time so members can plan accordingly.  Darrin thinks he has someone who is willing to take over most of Phil’s duties.  Further discussion needed by tabled until Randy speaks with Tammy.

SAC Anniversary - 10th anniversary of the SAC building is June 2021 with the 12th of June set aside for a get-together of some sort - fly-in, party – TBD. There are no updates from EAA on the Ford Tri-motor’s schedule

January General Meeting – 19th of January meeting will be held via Zoom with Gene Benson as the guest speaker presenting “Cool Stuff They Might Not Have Taught You in Flight School”.

Newsletter - Chapter newsletters can be found at

Motion by Rick to adjourn, seconded by Frances.  Motion passed 8:50 pm


19 January             General Meeting, presenter Gene Benson, “Cool Stuff They Might Not Have Taught You in Flight School”.

15 May                   Young Eagle Rally

12 June                  10th anniversary of the SAC building

19 Jun                     Young Eagle Rally

17 July                    Young Eagle Rally

7 August                Young Eagle Rally

11 September       Young Eagle Rally



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