Chapter 44

Rochester NY

2020 Meeting Minutes

8 December 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm

OFFICERS PRESENT President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac (exited 7:56 pm), Tammy Mullen, Secretary

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Darrin Kenney, Rick Tandy (exited 7:57), Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Frances Englund, Steve North; Mike Clayton absent

NON-BOD MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Nelligan-Barrett (BART), Craig Ritson (Newsletter & Website)

Motion to accept November meeting minutes.  Motion passed 7-0


PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Chapter renewal has been updated and paid



TREASURER’S REPORT– Monthly financial reports submitted in advance of meeting for board’s review.  Remaining balance of Ray Aviation Scholarship funds received; proceeds from sale of ultra-piet deposited minus PayPal service fees.  Alternatives to PayPal such as Venmo to be investigated.  Letter for 2021 dues ready to be mailed to Chapter 44 members.

Motion to accept financial reports and budget by Rick, 2nd by Tom.  Motion passed 8-0. 



Capital Campaign

Young Eagle

Aviation Explorers Boy Scout renewal for Explorer Post due by end-of-year.  Chapter format geared more towards in-person than via virtual.

Motion to postpone renewing Aviation Explorer Post by Frances, 2nd by Tom.  Motion passed

BART – New chapter member joined the team. 

Budget Oversight Committee -


Chapter Dues No increase in chapter dues for 2021; dues reminder letter to be mailed last week of December to Chapter 44 members. Dues are to be received by the end of March 2021.

Website - Chapter email addresses, based on domain name, may no longer work.  Further review necessary to ensure communication with the chapter continues. Request chapter website admin to join next meeting to discuss.


Chapter Donations – Phil managing annual donation email/letter; submitted to Craig for November newsletter.  All financial donations to EAA Chapter 44 are tax-deductible.

EAA Chapter Roster – Craig has requested access from national

Chapter Email -  When chapter’s domain name is not renewed the email address ( may not be accessible. 

Internet Renewal – With facility in use it would be beneficial to have available. 

Motion by Frances to continue internet subscription, 2nd by Darrin. Passed 8-0

December General Meeting – No December General meeting.

Snow Plowing – Reviewing options to ensure access to the SAC is maintained to include propane tank and emergency vehicles (if necessary).

The board acknowledges and thanks Phil Hazen for his thirty-seven-year consecutive years of service on the board of Chapter 44. 

Newsletter - Chapter newsletters can be found at

Motion by Frances to adjourn, seconded by Tom. Motion passed 8:03 pm

Board reconvened 8:14 pm

Motion by Phil to accept horizontal stabilizer and 2 elevator sections from Glasair, Darrin 2nd; 6 approved-0 abstained

Meeting ended 8:20 pm

10 November 2020 EAA Chapter 44 Board of Directors Meeting  Meeting called to order at 7:23 pm

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac (exited 7:56 pm), Tammy Mullen, Secretary

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Darrin Kenney, Rick Tandy, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Mike Clayton absent; Frances Englund joined 8 pm



PRESIDENT’S REPORT – see November General Meeting



TREASURER’S REPORT – Treasurer requested Ray Aviation Scholarship funds in chapter account be submitted to the Rochester Air Center to purchase flight hours. Motion by Phil, 2nd by Rick. Motion passed 7-0, 1 abstention.

Motion to approve treasurer and budget report by Frances; seconded by Rick/Tom. Passed 7-0


Building –

Capital Campaign

Young Eagle

Aviation Explorers – Explorer Post charter to be reviewed and renewed with Boy Scouts

BART – Restoration team close to varnishing second wing. Turtle deck being rebuilt.

Budget Oversight Committee -

By-Laws Committee – Suggestion made regarding spouses serving on board; definition of family plan to be addressed


Election – Ballots mailed with request they be postmarked by 11 November. Motion by Phil to move postmark date to 12 November, 2nd by Tom. All in favor. Ballots postmarked by 12 November will be counted on November 17th at 5 pm.


Pietenpol Ultra-Light Donation– Airplane picked up; pictures taken; ads to be placed

Chapter Dues – No increase in chapter dues for 2021; dues to be received by Treasurer thru end of March 2021

November General Meeting – November Zoom meeting scheduled for 7 pm on the 17th. Hybrid meeting with in-person option cancelled due to increase in Covid19 cases.

Website - Chapter email addresses, based on domain name, may no longer work. Further review necessary to ensure communication with the chapter continues. Request chapter website admin to join next meeting to discuss.

Newsletter - Chapter newsletters can be found at

December 2020 will be Phil Hazen’s last board meeting. We thank Phil for his many years of service to EAA and Chapter 44!!

Motion by Rick to adjourn, seconded by Frances Motion passed 8:32 pm

Approval via email of the minutes are as follows: Phil Hazen, Frances Englund, Darrin Kenney, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy,

Frank Grossman

General Meeting 17 November 2020

During the November 17th general meeting election results were announced with the following members elected by Chapter 44 general membership to the board: Frances Englund, Gail Isaac, Darrin Kenney, Tammy Mullen and Steve North.

Following the general meeting, the board entered into session at 7:50 pm, the following board members present: Randy Spurr, Frank Grossman, Tammy Mullen, Tom Henion, Phil Hazen, Frances Englund, Darrin Kenney and Gail Isaac, absent was Steve North. A motion was made by Frances Englund, 2nd by Tom Henion, that current officers maintain current positions. Motion passed 8-0.

Meeting ended 8:23 pm

13 October 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac, Tammy Mullen

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Rick Tandy, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Frances Englund; Darrin Kenney 8-8:30



SEPTEMBER MINUTES - Approved via email 5 – 0; 2 abstentions



VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT - Difficulty with projector displaying on HDMI, problem not resolved with new cable or different computer.  Responds to remote transmitter.

SECRETARY – nothing to report

TREASURER’S REPORT – Profit and Loss detail budget report submitted to the Board. 

The first delivery of propane is scheduled for end of November.  The company will check tanks every two weeks and will adjust to demand as needed.

Motion to approve treasurer and budget report by Frances; seconded by Rick/Tom.  Passed 7-0


Building – nothing presented

Capital Campaign – nothing presented

Young Eagle – nothing presented

Aviation Explorers – Frank reported the Boy Scouts would like to know when the Chapter plans to start the Explorers group.  One option is to hold virtual meetings. Suggestion made to contact the parents and gauge comfort-level in starting the program in-person. 

BART – Progress is slow.  Students assigned task of designing turtle deck and storage compartment with oversight.

Budget Oversight Committee - There may be an issue with the Hangar Fund reported number (budget report error, not Treasurer error.  Tammy to address later). 

By-Laws Committee – BOD provided current Chapter by-laws and template by national for review.  Board received, email, the August 2019 approved Motion to Amend Membership Categories for EAA44.  Consideration to be given for electronic meetings, electronic voting and scenarios which the Chapter has found itself in since Covid19 that are not covered in existing by-laws. 


Election – Discussion of procedures for November; Board/Chapter finds itself in a unique position due to Covid19.  Five positions on the Board open for election.  Paper ballot will be mailed to members.

Ford Tri-Motor Update – Bob NB sent a message to Kristy Busse to get an update on a visit to Chapter 44 summer of 2021.  Would like to see other celebratory activities take place to recognize the chapter’s history. 

10th Anniversary of the SAC – Bob NB emailed the board asking their opinion about publishing a series in the Chapter newsletter on the last ten years of the SAC.


Pietenpol Ultra-Light Donation– Bob NB submitted pictures to the Board via email of the ultra-light, review of what equipment is on the plane, dimensions, and what is needed to complete the project. If accepted, where does the Chapter store it? 

Motion by Frances to accept the donation, seconded by Frank & Tom.  Vote approved 7-0, 1 abstain

Building Improvement – During the 19 September outdoor get-together at the SAC it was identified that external electrical outlets and computer hookups could be added to the North, East and South walls of the building for future use. 

Young Eagles Day Camp Webinar –New program is similar to day-camp offered by Chapter 44 in the past.  Kit offered through national to prepare for program.   Suggestion of emailing the Chapter members, including a link to the webinar from 24 September describing the program, discussed.  The webinar is available in EAA archives

October General Meeting – Zoom meeting to be held 7 pm via Zoom 20 October 2020.  Randy suggested a live speaker for November with an in-person meeting.  Frances asked if Zoom could be added for those that do not wish to attend. Camera needed, laptop, someone may need to monitor the Zoom for those at home to have their comments, concerns, questions addressed during the meeting. 

Members to be asked during 20 October general meeting if they would like to be a candidate for the November Board election. Nominations will take place during the October general meeting.  Election results will be announced during November general meeting.

Newsletter - Chapter newsletters can be found at  Thanks for the great job, Craig Ritson keeping our members, and our audience, up to date with Chapter 44!

Motion by Frances to adjourn, seconded by Frank & Rick.  Motion passed 7-0, 9:04 pm

8 September 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.  Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm

OFFICERS PRESENT – President Randy Spurr, VP Frank Grossman, Treasurer Gail Isaac; absent Tammy Mullen

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT – Darrin Kenney, Rick Tandy, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion; absent Frances Englund


AUGUST MINUTES – Motion to approve by Rick Tandy

Seconded by Tom Henion

Approved 5 – 0 with one abstention

Discussion on the September General meeting and a Saturday Fly-in picnic: General meeting (9/15) in-person, Zoom, or cancel. The Fly-in picnic would be held outdoors on 9/19 from 1100 to 1600 with a rain date of the following Saturday. The SAC would be closed except for the restrooms. Food and drink will not be provided by the Chapter and each member will be responsible for their own food and drink. A PDF would be sent out for the Fly-in. It was noted that Chapter 46 is having a pig roast. A motion was made that the General Meeting would be cancelled, and the Fly-in picnic will be held, as noted above, by Rick and seconded by Frank. The motion passed 6-0.

Bellanca/Aeronca Club Fly-in (2021): The club is not covered by EAA insurance and they do not have insurance for the fly-in. Randy will tell them that we will not be able to host their fly-in.

A new Wi-Fi box was installed at the SAC. It’s 5G and it performs much better than the original. He is not sure if the old one will be retained. There’s the possibility that one could be used for general use and the other for presenters. More to follow once setup and testing is complete.

Aviation Explorers: Frank would like to start the Aviation Explorers. 5 have signed up and up to 15 total are welcome. Much of the time will be on the simulators. Disinfection of the areas used takes 1 to 2 hours. Concerns were voiced about the extra explorers (#6 to 15) and a COVID spike when schools open or at the holidays. The suggestion was given to limiting the group size to the 5 signed up. Frank decided to wait for the schools to open and see how things go prior to starting the program.

SECRETARY – absent – Minutes were taken by Tom Henion

TREASURER’S REPORT – Gail put the idea on the table that the VMC Club alternate monthly with the IMC club.
Due to Covid and minimal activity the finances are like last month. Gail volunteered to do some of the treasurer’s work, like the running around, if someone else does the books. (50/50)

BART REPORT – They are currently working on the second wing. The Bart group seems to be getting smaller.
Bob brought up the fact that they have 2 sets of brand-new Cleveland wheels and brakes that are possibly 40 years old. He was unsure if the paperwork was with the wheels and brakes. There are also several tailwheels. He wondered if we should sell what we don’t need. One set of wheels and brakes goes for $3000 at Aircraft Spruce. He wondered if anyone in the club had any experience selling items like this and what should we price these items at. Rick is going to check with his son to see if he can find anything out on the subject.

Bob received a CD-ROM from the FAA registry. It lists all the previous owners of N75H. EAA 44 is the 13th owner of our Baby Ace. It appears that N75H is the second oldest Baby Ace flying. The oldest Baby Ace flying is only 6 days older than ours. There is the possibility that the older Baby Ace may not be currently flying.

Bob is going to check on how liability and risk management change when someone makes a deposit towards the purchase of the Baby Ace prior to completion.

FORD TRIMOTOR VISIT – Bob is going to check and see where we are on the schedule. We were on the list for June 2021, but he didn’t know if that’s going to change with the backlog.

SNOWPLOWING – We need someone to do the snow plowing this winter. Last winter we only needed to have the snow plowed once and it cost $50 for the one time. Fire protection was one reason that we need the plowing. Darrin will get some quotes.

YOUNG EAGLES DAY CAMP WEBINAR – There was a webinar covering Young Eagle workshops on September 24th. They are getting ready for hopefully a COVID free summer 2021. This is a new program for Young Eagles.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONS – There will be 5 positions up for election this year. Phil will be retiring from the BOD. The slate of candidates should be set by the October General Meeting and the election is at the November General Meeting. There was a discussion on how the vote would take place, but nothing was decided.

PRESENTER AT THE OCTOBER GENERAL MEETING – Rick has a gentleman whose father was shot down in a B-17 during World War II. He tells about how they got shot down and how the crew survived. It is unsure how this meeting will be conducted.

NEW RATING – Randy recently passed his Instrument check ride. Congratulations!

CLOSING – There was a motion to close the meeting at 2022 by Darrin and seconded by Rick. The motion passed 6-0

11 August 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.    Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm

OFFICERS present: Frank Grossmann, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary; absent Randy Spurr, President

DIRECTORS present: Mike Clayton, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; absent Darrin Kenney

Non-board members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett – BART project manager

PRESIDENT – Randy Spurr

VICE-PRESIDENT – Frank Grossmann

July meeting minutes approved by majority vote via email.

See Aviation Explorer Post

SECRETARY – Tammy Mullen.   Nothing to report.

TREASURER – Gail Isaac

Chapter financial standing reported during meeting.  Board discussed and agreed to allow secretary to assist treasurer with bookkeeping only.  Reminder that Gail is stepping back as treasurer next year. 


BART – Wing is progressing with the addition of compression struts, drag/anti-drag wires, hardware.  Test-fit landing gear to fuselage; discovered fuselage is distorted.  Earl and Bob scheduled time to meet and fix during the week.  Bob contacted the FAA about date of manufacture.  Representative from FAA registration branch found information that identifies 1956 as date of manufacture; FAA N-registration database updated.  Still uncertain if chapter’s Baby Ace is the oldest; Bob will continue to follow up. FAA sending Bob disk with documentation they have on N75H.

Budget Oversight Committee – no budget presented

Building – no report presented

By-Laws Committee – no report presented 

Capital Campaign – no report presented

Ray Aviation Scholarship – Scholar has soloed.  Documentation and paperwork submitted to national.

Website – Craig working with national to have existing website address ( redirect to new website hosted by national

Young Eagles – Elise Isler suggested cancelling September’s Rally, closing out 2020 with no Young Eagle flights flown.  Some members of the chapter have taken youth up outside of the event.  Difficulty in registering the flights through EAA’s online portal voiced.  BOD to ask Elise Isler, YE coordinator, to write up procedures for pilots to register/submit qualifying flights by paper.

Motion by Frances to cancel September Young Eagle Rally, seconded by Rick.  Motion passed 7-0


BOD Meetings - duration of meetings discussed.  BOD in agreement to adhere to agenda and keep meetings to one hour.  BOD prefers agenda announced one week prior to meeting for additions verses impromptu additions.  Due to schedules meeting dates/times are sometimes difficult for all to be in attendance.  Secretary volunteered to collect schedules and confirm date/time for all.

Monthly Meeting – August monthly meeting to be held via Zoom 18 August 2020 at 6:30, format to be “hangar talk”, moderated by Frank Grossmann 

EAA44 Get-Together - Frances suggested a get-together on the 19th of September. Board in favor of Frances as event organizer, details to follow.  Randy can send an email; Bob will make a poster/flyer for general members. 

Chapter Calendar – Bob asked board if they want to sell chapter calendars; he’s willing to design/create.  No decision made

Newsletter – Newsletter being released too late/too close to announce some activities.  Tammy will email Craig.


Aviation Explorer Post – Aviation Explorers continues to be on hold; will be reviewed month-to-month.

Newsletter – Chapter newsletters can be found at

Information about Chapter 44 can be found at              

The website   will be retired; time TBD.

Motion to adjourn by Mike, seconded by Rick.  Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm

16 July 2020 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes.  Meeting called to order at 8:04 am

OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossmann, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary

DIRECTORS present: Mike Clayton, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Darrin Kenney; Rick Tandy

Non-board members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett – BART project manager; Craig Ritson – Website and Newsletter

PRESIDENT – Randy Spurr

Confirmed June meeting minutes approved by majority vote. 

Discussion of when to open chapter for in-person meetings.  Review of food webinar (presented by EAA national in June) led the Board of Directors (BOD) to review options for allowing food and/or drink to be available for chapter gatherings. Agreed no food or drink for first in-person meeting because it would mean removing masks. 

Motion by Frances for July in-person, outdoor meeting with no food or drink served, brought or consumed by attendees with meeting to be held outside the Sport Aviation Center (SAC) at 7 pm, seconded by Darrin.  Vote split 4-4. 

Discussion continued with Mike asking what we would accomplish by holding an in-person meeting without a program and is the chapter providing an environment/opportunity to put members at risk of contracting Covid.  Frances pointed out some members are not tech-savvy or do not have computer equipment and would be unable to attend virtual meeting. 

Randy suggested surveying chapter members to get their opinion on holding an in-person meeting for August, guest speaker info, head count if interested, thoughts of members verses yes/no questions. Mike suggested playing a YouTube video in lieu of guest speaker.  Board agreed for survey to be sent; Randy facilitated in an email to chapter members on 16 July 2020:

Hope you are staying well. At this month’s board meeting we decided we would conduct our general meeting at the SAC in August! I would like to ask if you would be attending or not. We respect your decision not to in light of the COVID19 virus, but we are trying to gauge what the total number of attendees might be. If enough people plan on attending we will try to obtain a speaker. If the total is small we can just have a social get together. I would also be interested to know of your concerns or ideas to make the meeting more safe. Our July meeting will be via ZOOM and I will be sending out an invitation out for that soon.

Secretary’s Note:  respondents to survey showed more in favor of NOT holding an in-person general meeting. 


Vote amended to hold July meeting via Zoom. Motion passed 8-0


See Aviation Explorer Post

SECRETARY – Tammy Mullen

Nothing to report.

TREASURER – Gail Isaac

Financial reports for July will be combined and available for the August meeting.  Money received by the Chapter from the Ray Foundation in support of the Ray Aviation Scholar. 

Motion by Frances, seconded by Phil to accept treasurer reports.  Motion passed 8-0


BART – Progress on the second wing is faster than the first.  Bob said it would take more than a day to assemble, measure, develop a plan of work and shopping list/budget, and then disassemble. Bob understands BART’s use of the great room cannot conflict with other Chapter activities (which may only be in-person General Meetings at this point). If necessary, the test fit will fit between two general meetings. Bob will notify the BOD when they are ready to do the test fit assembly.

Once together BART will be able to determine what parts can be sold so needed parts can be purchased with the proceeds.  A member purchased wheels from the existing BART.  After the test fit the fuselage will be sent out for painting. 

If someone were to purchase the Baby Ace before it is finished would that place the chapter in a contractual situation creating additional liability?  Would it violate any rules if the chapter is under contract to finish the plane for a buyer? Randy said he would contact national to get their take on that scenario.

Bob asked what the BOD would like to receive financially for the airplane.  Mike said it would depend on what the chapter has invested into the project with consideration given in the sale for seed money for the next project.  Rick and Mike said getting youth involved has a value to it whether a profit is made on the sale or not.

Budget Oversight Committee – no treasurer reports for July, no budget presented

Building –no report presented

By-Laws Committee – no report presented 

Capital Campaign – no report presented

Explorers - EAA44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) – Post in a ‘holding pattern’.  Two youth have signed up for Aviation Explorer’s with 3 potential to have signed up before Covid.  While a Zoom meeting is an option Frank does not think it will be interesting enough to hold.

Ray Aviation Scholarship – Frances said it was fun for members of the BOD to get together at the 8 July BART session and surprise the scholar.  The first installment from national was received almost a month of the scholarship was awarded; the Rochester Air Center agreed to wait for payment.  The scholar’s June progress report for flight expenses, activity, and participation was presented to the BOD.  A review of the award was given:  40% upon notification, 40% after solo, 20% after written 

Website –  Craig working with national to have existing website address ( redirect to new website hosted by national but it has yet to happen.  Phil asked Craig if PayPal could be set up on the new website (  Tammy asked if EAA national would allow PayPal to be set up they are hosting the site. 

It is important to note that is NOT being updated and is NOT current.  All members should use the new website

Young Eagles –Elise Isler suggested cancelling Young Eagle rally for August 

Frances motioned to cancel the August Young Eagles event, Mike seconded.  Vote passed 8-0


Chapter Member Update – Bob mentioned the accomplishments of one of the Chapter’s youth who soloed in a glider at the Finger Lakes Soaring club.  One youth currently in flight training with another planning to train through the Chapter’s Flying Club.

Monthly Meeting – July monthly meeting to be held via Zoom on 21 July 2020 at 6:30, format to be “hangar talk”, moderated by Frank Grossmann 

Librarian Update – Bob has been reviewing/purging books from the SAC library which are out-of-date or duplicates; purged books are on the conference room table.  Bob suggested an eBay sale or silent auction though unsure if anyone will want them because they are not current.  Bob suggested consideration be given to donating the books that can’t be sold to the youth of the chapter.  Bob asked if the chapter should have an eBay account for the sale and purchase of not only the books but for parts, too.

Anonymous donations of hand tools have been found in the shop.  Bob is asking that Kevin or someone else look at, and determine, what to do with the tools.  Bob suggesting someone contact Heidi Paris from her hangar sale to see what is left and if there are tools our chapter could purchase using the EAA Tool Crib program


Newsletter – Chapter newsletters can be found at  Information about Chapter 44 can be found at         The website   will be retired; time TBD.

Young Eagles – Aviore glider purchase as agreed upon at last month’s meeting is greenlit.  Receipt for plaque will not be submitted.  Discussion about exorbitant shipping costs and impact to glider order. 

The BOD entered executive session at 10:00 am; returned to open session and adjourned at 11:00 am

Minutes transcribed and presented via email to the BOD by secretary, Tammy Mullen, on 3 August 2020 for review.

June 10th 2020 -Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 9:32 am

OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossman, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary DIRECTORS present: Mike Clayton, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; absent Darrin Kenney

Non-board members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett – BART project manager

PRESIDENT – Randy Spurr Confirmed May meeting minutes approved by majority vote.


Frank Grossman Scholarship Fund created in May renamed to EAA Chapter 44 Scholarship Fund. Frank reiterated money is for students with interest in aviation – college courses, flying, certifications or endorsements, not for EAA operating expenses.

SECRETARY – Tammy Mullen  Nothing to report.

TREASURER – Gail Isaacs

Financial reports distributed via email.

Scrap Metal Drive – see Old Business Scrap Metal Drive

Young Eagle (YE) credits/money - see New Business Young Eagles

Motion by Frances, seconded by Phil to accept treasurer reports. Motion passed 8-0


BART – Bob requested BOD’s permission to re-start BART. Randy asked Bob to familiarize himself with state guidelines and safety protocol.

Motion by Frank for BART to re-start, seconded by Mike. Motion passed 5 in favor, 1 no; Frances and Rick left meeting before vote.

Budget Oversight Committee – budget provided pre-meeting via email

Building – An inquiry to purchase additional gravel for entrance/driveway and parking lot was made; reported $1,100 for gravel and another $1,100 to distribute in area. Stone needed every few years but not necessary for parking lot at this time though entrance/driveway in need of attention.

By-Laws Committee – no report presented Capital Campaign – no report presented

Explorers - EAA44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) – no report presented

Ray Aviation Scholarship - Candidate identified by BOD confirmed eligible, applied/awarded Ray Aviation Foundation Scholarship - the first for Chapter 44. Frances notified 5 Jun 2020 and thus notified scholarship recipient. Returned agreement to national with confirmation from national all paperwork received and completed.

Frances informed BOD any project the SAC has can be applied towards two-hour per month volunteer requirement for scholarship recipient to include BART and newsletter articles.

Scholarship winner thanked BOD during meeting for their nomination and support for the scholarship.

Frances reminded the board that any contact to the recipient by any member of EAA Chapter 44 should also include one or both of his parents. BOD acknowledged and thanked Frances for her continuing efforts in managing the program on behalf of the chapter.

Young Eagles –no report presented


Young Eagles – Status of July event to be discussed with Elise Isler; Covid19 still an issue in New York. Bob asked if guidelines have been released by EAA national. General guidelines can be found online articles/2020-03-general-guidance-to-young-eagles-rallies-chapter-events-regarding-coronavirus

BOD reviewed Elise’s request to purchase two packages of Aviore Gliders and submit, along with plaque receipt, reimbursement with balance donated to EAA national’s YE program. Tom suggested the donation of the money be held until November in case another expenditure for YE arises. BOD concurred.

Motion by Frances for two packages of Aviore Gliders & plaque update expenditure, seconded by Mike. Motion passed 7, 1 abstain.

Hangar - Discussion of hangar funds, size, design plans and future needs.

Monthly Meeting – June monthly meeting to be held via Zoom on 15 June 2020, format to be “hangar talk”.

Food Service Webinar – Several BOD members attended EAA national’s 9 June webinar on Food Safety with the emphasis on re-opening and social gatherings that include food. While general guidelines were presented, national recommended each chapter check current county and state health department guidelines.

National is suggesting a phased opening for chapters, requires behavior modification – no buffet line, members cannot serve themselves. Bob suggested phasing in activities, following guidelines, small groups of not more than ten. BART and VMC could meet.


AOPA – 2020 AOPA Fly-In scheduled for 11-12 September at Greater Rochester International has been cancelled

Newsletter – Chapter newsletters can be found at Information about Chapter 44 can be found at or The latter site to be retired, time TBD

Pop Can Recycling Gail said pop cans can be dropped off at the SAC, at her house or turn in the pop cans and make a monetary donation for deposit by the Chapter. As of now pop can recycling is only source of income to Chapter 44.

Scrap Metal Drive – Members are encouraged to collect metal and bring it to the Sport Aviation Center (SAC) the last week of September, 28 Sep thru 1 Oct. All donations will be driven to Metalico the 2nd of October. Bob suggested Gail write an article explaining the drive for the chapter newsletter.

For more details on what can be scrapped and recycled to include how to prep the donation see Metalico’s website:

Motion by Tom to adjourn, seconded by Mike. Motion unanimously carried 10:27 11:37 am

May 12th 2020 - EAA 44 BOD of Directors Meeting Minutes  Meeting called to order at 9:07 am

OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossman, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary DIRECTORS present: Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; absent Darrin Kenney, Mike Clayton

Non-board members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett – BART project manager, Craig Ritson – Newsletter Editor & Webmaster pro tem

PRESIDENT – Randy Spurr

Approval of April’s meeting minutes by majority vote addressed.



Frank donated money to create a scholarship whose purpose it is to encourage and assist kids to take ground school, their first flight,

lessons at the Rochester Air Center (RAC) or attend EAA’s Air Academy though not limited to those aviation events named.


The Board of Directors (BOD) unanimously thanked Frank for his generosity. Frances asked if the funds are to be restricted to students who win Ray Aviation Scholarship; Frank said it is not restricted as such.

Frances asked the BOD to contribute ideas and structure around Frank’s gift and suggested the BOD advertise the scholarship within Chapter 44. The hope is that once the scholarship becomes public, the more members within the chapter know about it, they may want to contribute to it.


SECRETARY – Tammy Mullen Nothing to report


TREASURER – Gail Isaacs Financial reports distributed via .

Gail asked for a volunteer to take responsibility for the Sport Aviation Center’s (SAC) purchase of pop and water to include stocking the refrigerator. Personal credit card to be used and will be reimbursed by the treasurer upon submission of receipt. Tom Henion volunteered.

EAA Chapter 44 received a donation from Frank Grossman – see Vice President

Reminder by Gail to continue to save pop cans and bottles as this is an income source for the chapter.

Motion to accept treasurer report by Rick Tandy, seconded by Phil Hazen. Motion passed 7-0


Building – no report presented

Capital Campaign – no report presented

Explorers - EAA44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) – program on hold during state guidelines due to Covid19. Program will open in phase 4; timeframe TBD

Young Eagles – see Treasurer

BART – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

June work sessions cancelled due to Covid 19 with eye on starting in phase 4; no money spent in the last month. Bob researching to learn more about the history of the airplane and its builder, Squeak Hepler.

Fuselage was ready to be sent off to paint when the pandemic closed group gatherings. Fuselage in need of sanding to remove surface rust before it goes to Jeff LeChausse for painting. Rick volunteered to help sand the fuselage. Bob will talk with Earl Luce and Jeff LeChausse to formulate a plan. Students participating in BART are still wanted to assist with the painting.

Rick asked about the type of paint to be used. It was explained the paint was ordered on advice of Jeff LeChausse, colors are red and white. Specific brand was not mentioned.

Budget Oversight Committee – Two board members were unable to unable the budget report via the Google Drive link provided. Budget report reviewed. Tammy asked if Board would prefer the pdf as an email attachment verses a link; responses to the positive.

By-Laws Committee – no report presented


Young Eagles – cancellation of June rally inevitable due to Covid 19; BOD in favor. July TBD.


Monthly Meeting – Frances is concerned by the lack of two-way communication with the Chapter 44 members; BOD concurred. May monthly meeting will be an opportunity for chapter 44 members to hear what the Board has been working on during this time. Randy will put something together and asked that Board to forward information to him for the informal meeting. Frances asked that the Ray Aviation Scholarship be announced.

Meeting to be held 19 May 2020 at 7:30 pm, format to be “hangar talk”. Zoom link to be forwarded by Randy Spurr to all members. Rick updated the board on Brian Glore, the June guest speaker scheduled before the Covid 19 pandemic. Rick will update Brian with the chapter’s plans for giving his presentation in June by Zoom.

Flyover - Warplane museum will hold a flyover on the 23rd of May in the area. Frances suggested chapter members be notified via email in case they were not aware. Randy said he would look into putting something on the Facebook page.



AOPA – As of May BOD meeting the 2020 AOPA Fly-In scheduled for 11-12 September has not been cancelled


Ray Aviation Scholarship - The scholarship committee is recommending an application received be accepted for the 2020 year. The candidate has been very active in the chapter, has written a strong personal essay and a letter of recommendation was received in support of the application. Frances said there are no reservations on behalf of the scholarship committee to recommend the candidate apply for the Ray Aviation Scholarship.

There are scholarships within the Flying Club that could be applied toward anyone wanting to learn to fly. The BOD for the Flying Club to create guidelines to ensure person receiving the scholarship/enrollment fee is someone who will be dedicated, committed and can follow through. The Flying Club has two scholarships set aside for two students though the Club it is at the maximum number of members. Randy Spurr or Norm Isler would step down to give space to an interested candidate.

Bob suggested the chapter support the potential Ray Aviation Scholarship winner and other candidate(s), mentoring them equally. Randy and Frances identified the lack of a committee or youth ambassador that represents the chapter and would work with incoming youths in their efforts to fly.

Understanding the candidate wishes to apply for the Ray Aviation Scholarship in May for a June decision, Frances encouraged the board to vote ‘yes’ in support of the eligible applicant. Frances will work in tandem with the parents and eligible candidate throughout the process. Randy asked for a motion to accept the committee’s recommendation to forward the candidate to the national application.

Motion by Phil Hazen, seconded by Rick Tandy. Vote approved 6-0. 1 abstention.

Link Trainer – Frank updated the Board on the status of the file cabinet and items related. All has been moved from the SAC and are storage with Frank.

Newsletter – Craig received the previously published chapter newsletters, digitizing and adding them to the new website. Craig asked for contributions from the Board and encourages members of the chapter for the same. Bob suggested sending emails to the membership to ask for their input in the form of articles.

Frances inquired about sending out request to members asking how they have been contributing in the prevention of the Covid-19 virus. Frances to write an article about a member of the Ninety-Nines who has been making hospital gowns. Has anyone been flying to transport materials or items is another question to address and write about.

Articles due to Craig by the first Tuesday of each month. Frances offered to send the William Flying Club’s newsletter to Craig which includes articles about flyout’s and other items that might be of interest to chapter 44 that could be added to our chapter newsletter.

Scrap Metal Drive – Metalico only accepting metal from commercial sources; private/residential donations on hold for now. Chapter 44 eyeing a metal drive in September.

Website – in one month the old website address will map over to the new website without needing to know the new web address. In the schedule of events Craig added a Google account with email so others can make changes to the schedule.

Motion to adjoin by Phil Hazen, seconded by Frank Grossman. Motion unanimously carried 10:27 am


21 Jun 2020        Proposed Father’s Day activity

11 Jul 2020         Young Eagles

8 Aug 2020         Young Eagles

11-12 Sep 2020 AOPA Fly-In at KROC

19 Sep 2020       Young Eagles

April 7th 2020 - EAA 44 BOD of Directors Official April Meeting Minutes

Virtual meeting via Zoom, due to Covid-19 pandemic and government stay-at-home orders, called to order at 9:05 OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossman, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary

DIRECTORS present: Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; Darrin Kenney; absent Mike Clayton

Non-BOD members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett

A motion to approve March meeting minutes by Frances Englund, seconded by Tom Henion. Motion unanimous 7-0, of all BOD Members and Directors present with voting privileges; Frank Grossman arrived after the motion and vote.

Treasurer reports submitted for review. Gail reminded the board 7 months remaining to find her replacement.

Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Frances Englund, seconded by Rick Tandy. Motion passed 7-0.


BART For safety of participants, the restoration project is paused until social distancing guidelines, government regulations, allow.

Budget Oversight Committee – budget presented and reviewed. Motion to accept budget report by Frances Englund, seconded by Rick Tandy. Motion passed 7-0.

Building & Grounds– no report presented

By-Laws Committee – no update

Capital Campaign – no report presented Explorers - EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP)

Young Eagles –2 May flights are cancelled. Remaining dates are as follows: 6 Jun, 11 Jul, 8 Aug, 19 Sep. Further cancellations will be considered based on Department of Health guidelines.


Ray Aviation Scholarship – The chapter application is a pre-qualification process to the national application. Committee created to vet candidates; scholarship coordinator excluded from committee with defined role as directed by EAA national already established to include coordination of the materials, documents, and communication. Frances reiterated candidates should be known by the chapter and have been active in the chapter.

Question asked if candidate is required to participate in the chapter moving forward or just consideration to past participation. Tom Henion read Scholar Responsibilities paragraph which explains chapter volunteer service to include future service of two hours per month providing suggestions for volunteer opportunities. Criteria for national mirrors chapter pre-qualification with candidate proving they were a member of the chapter, actively involved in the chapter as well as documented participation in EAA programs such as Young Eagles (YE) and Sporty’s ground school.

Frances highlighted requirements of candidate on bottom of application

VOTE: All in favor of committee verses board for pre-qualification - 6 in favor, 2 abstain

VOTE: Committee makes recommendation to board and board takes action 7 in favor, 1 abstain.

As long as an application is submitted to national by the end of the month a decision will be announced around the 10th of the month following. If a chapter candidate is approved, scholarship money provided to chapter via ACH deposit.

EAA national stated accommodations would be put in place but no specifics given. Concern expressed due to the one-year completion deadline, shorter ‘flying season’ in Rochester. Once the decision is announced by national around the 10th of the month, that is when the one-year countdown starts.

Last date chapter can submit application to national is 30 Sep for decision in Oct. Darrin suggested starting vetting process and after candidate is selected inform national of current events in Rochester (pandemic status) to see if they wouldn’t ‘reset the clock’ until government guidelines would allow training due to the pandemic.  Board agreed to move forward with application process, requiring a candidate submit their application in May for a Jun 10th decision.

MCC Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) – due to pandemic MCC requested on-line meetings. Chapter felt it didn’t have resources to make that happen. Chapter postponed opportunity and will revisit in fall if possible.


SAC Building – Discussion during board meeting about the care and keeping of SAC during inactivity – thermostat, furnace – while building is not in use.

Scrap Metal Drive - Gail announced the scrap metal drive has been cancelled until fall; will turn in the items she has collected so far

Type-Club Meeting – Randy received correspondence from the Bellanca Champion Flying Club. They are looking for a place to host their fly-in national meeting. Randy asked the board for their opinion on offering the SAC for their national meeting. What would chapter 44 charge for use of SAC? Darrin and board agree it would be a good exposure for the chapter as well as local businesses in the town, visibility for Ledgedale.

Aviore Glider –To be discussed further at May’s meeting.

History/Preservation of Records – Phil asked how the chapter is preserving chapter records in both paper and digital form. Randy suggested exploring the creation of a cloud account, google drive, to store stuff; will look into it.

Newsletter – Phil taking labels and cd with previous newsletters to Craig Ritson for addition to chapter’s BETA website through EAA national. Website at

Link Trainer – Bob suggested changing focus of restoring Link Trainer from analog to digital. Bob made inquiries with RIT student, once on BART and is in aero club at RIT. Would there be anyone at RIT who would be interested in taking device and upgrading it to digital, using robotics and aero clubs and experience on campus; consider Link Trainer a class project. Frank offered to continue to house Link Trainer and take on additional equipment, file cabinet, desk.

Meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 10:50 am with motion by Phil Hazen, seconded by Frank Grossman.


21 Jun 2020 Proposed Father’s Day activity

11 Jul 2020 Young Eagles

8 Aug 2020 Young Eagles

11-12 Sep 2020 AOPA Fly-In at KROC

19 Sep 2020 Young Eagles

March 10th 2020 EAA 44 BOD of Directors Official March Meeting Minutes. Meeting called to order at 7:01

OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossman, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary DIRECTORS present: Mike Clayton, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; Darrin Kenney

Non-BOD members: Jeff Peters; Craig Ritson – Newsletter Editor

A motion to approve February meeting minutes by Mike Clayton, seconded by Tom Henion and Phil Hazen. Motion unanimous 8-0, of all BOD Members and Directors present; Darrin Kenney arrived after the motion and vote

PRESIDENT – Randy Spurr

Review of 17 March 2020 monthly meeting meal (corned beef and cabbage) by Kyle and Tammy Mullen. No formal presentation scheduled. Casual business meeting will be conducted.

VICE PRESIDENT REPORT – Frank Grossman See Explorers - EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) committee report

SECRETARY – Tammy Mullen Nothing to report

TREASURER – Gail Isaac

Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Frances Englund, seconded by Frank Grossman and Mike Clayton. Motion passed 9-0. 

Updated membership list for Phil with respect to dues paid. See – scrap metal drive - New Business

Gail read her letter of resignation as treasurer which will become effective 31 December 2020. Gail’s announcement will allow for training of her replacement.


BART – Bob Nelligan-Barrett was not present, report submitted and read in absentia: “Not much to report on BART this month. We have changed streams on the covering and paint process moving from the Stewart System to poly fiber.”

Budget Oversight Committee – 2020 budget presented and reviewed. Concern expressed for the shortfall and lack of a balanced budget.

Motion to accept budget report by Mike Clayton, seconded by Tom Henion. Motion passed 9-0. 

Building & Grounds– no report presented By-Laws Committee – no update

Capital Campaign – no report presented

Explorers - EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) – Several youths and parents attended the 20 Feb 2020 joining event which resulted in new members with more anticipated. Students joining throughout the year will pay pro-rated amount.

Young Eagles – Amended dates to the program, published in the January newsletter, are as follows: 2 May, 6 Jun, 11 Jul, 8 Aug, 19 Sep. See Calendar Items Discussed


Ray Aviation Scholarship – With the chapter’s approval by national, discussion about the application process at the chapter level ensued.

Question raised about whether flight instruction could be done in-house through the chapter’s flying club. Frances clarified that instruction would/could not be done by the chapter. Phil reminded BOD that the Flying Club airplane is available to rent for training and there is money set aside within the flying club to assist with room in the schedule to use the airplane. Al Rogan, Jim Martin and Whit Beckitt are three CFI’s named (during the meeting) that could assist with training through the Brockport Flying Club.

Craig pointed out the scholarship will not completely cover the private pilot license (ppl) expenses. Frances explained the parent portion of the application would provide a financial picture, requiring the parent(s) to acknowledge they understand the additional financial responsibility. Written test is not covered but should be reimbursed if ground school was taken through Sporty’s as a benefit of participating in EAA’s Young Eagles program.

Frank suggested putting together a checklist for the candidate to explain what they need to have in order to apply with Mike disagreeing saying everything is in the scholarship documents and to let the candidate figure it out. Members of the BOD agreed.

Frances looking for timeline with Craig saying ASAP with the BOD in agreement based on the unpredictable weather of ROC, ability to commit, no school during the summer, opportunity to work on license.

Mike reminded BOD applicant can’t apply until all requirements are met. Darrin asked about a scholarship deadline for the chapter with respect to national but there is none; chapter will not lose money if they do not choose a candidate immediately.


MCC Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) –Jeff Peters addressed the BOD, introducing the CSTEP program offering the Sport Aviation Center (SAC) an opportunity to participate by providing six programs to youth. Program suggested schedule by Jeff would start at 11 am and run until 1:30 pm on the following Saturdays: 28 March, 4 April, 11 April, 18 April (also SAC work day), 25 April & 9 May. Dates may be flexible.

Discussion to move SAC participation in the CSTEP program to the fall of 2020 based on the short notice and coronavirus pandemic (schools may close). Transportation, supervision and lunch will be provided by Monroe Community College (MCC). Unknown number of advisors to be provided by MCC.

How many advisors are required to be on-hand between MCC and EAA 44 needs to be addressed? Jeff to get clarification on phone call. Other items of concern are: needs of students participating, Certificate of Insurance, Hold Harmless certificate, contract agreement review. Per-student fees discussed.

Motion by Frank Grossman to approve Jeff to set $500 per student with minimum of ten and clarification of student to advisor ratio/faculty involvement on behalf of MCC, Certificate of Insurance, Hold Harmless Certificate, seconded by Frances Englund and Rick Tandy. Motion passed 7-0, 2 abstained.

Scrap Metal Drive – Gail Isaac heading collection; Kyle and Tammy Mullen providing trailer/transportation of metal. 20 – 24 April drop-off at SAC; to be delivered to Metalico 25 April

Website – Craig showcased EAA’s new website platform, which is hosted by national, emphasized size/space of website not an issue. Craig offered to set up and run Chapter 44’s website for a few months until someone else volunteers to take it over. The new website can track the number of visitors; our current web address can be kept.

Craig pulled pdf versions of Chapter 44 newsletters from existing website and uploaded to new website. Phil explained older newsletters removed from existing website due to contact information of members (prior to privacy issues). Craig asked Phil to send him older pdf’s and will strip privacy information, post the newsletters to the new website.

Phil asked about forwarding capabilities - if an email were to be sent to a BOD member, whose personal email is masked in the general chapter email, will it be forwarded to the intended recipient. Response was positive in that it can be set up that way.

Craig asked that we review our chapter’s website at Craig visited around sixty EAA websites and of those most did not post minutes and contained more content.

Newsletter - Craig expressed a “problem” with The Flyer newsletter in that the meeting minutes are too long, forcing many of the submissions to be excluded. Craig suggested not publishing the minutes in the newsletter, putting them on the website only.

Darrin Kenney made a motion to move the minutes to the website vice printing them in the newsletter, seconded by Frances Englund, Motion passed 9-0.

Chapter 44 newsletters can be found on the BETA website at

April Presentation - Rick attended a presentation by Brian Glor who spoke of his father’s experience during WWII after his B17 was shot down over Greece. Rick wanted to know if BOD would be interested in having Brian as our 21 April presenter. Response was positive and unanimous.

Link Trainer –Discussion whether the chapter should keep it or donate. Frances asked if the chapter wants to get rid of it. Phil explained the equipment is part of our collection of items, stating things within the SAC/Chapter 44 equate to a museum. Phil does not believe it will be fiscally reasonable to repair and get the link trainer in working condition. Randy suggested tabling the discussion until the April meeting, BOD agreed.

Financial -Betty Ann (not a chapter member yet but her sister Joan is) has offered to investigate grants for the chapter. Mike to assist her with the information she needs/filling out paperwork.

AOPA Fly-In – Tammy asked if Chapter 44 could sell items at the 11-12 September event. Randy attended organizational meeting and we can set up a tent for no charge. Phil suggested giving away a free membership to entice people to check us out, join the membership. During organizational meeting AOPA wanted to know what we might want to sell to prevent conflict with what AOPA/other vendors might sell.

Future Hangar – Rick has a hangar, steel girder, 30x40 drive-thru in Batavia which will be torn down. Rick asked for details of Chapter 44’s ‘footprint’ hangar plans (Mike provided chapter 44 approved size may be 63 x 63 but review needed to confirm). Rick talked with mechanic about trying to buy what is being torn down but there may be issues with grant money. Rick offered to call AOPA and EAA to inquire about steps that would allow Chapter 44 to procure some of the demolished hangar ‘bits’. No objections by the BOD to investigate how our chapter might acquire some of Rick’s hangar to incorporate into our hangar build.

Flying Club – Mentioned during meeting (see Ray Aviation Scholarship – Old Business) club now at capacity (ten members). Money is available to assist youths to learn to fly

Randy asked Craig to inquire as to whether Gaines Valley Aviation Airport would be interested in hosting our meeting again though a specific month was not mentioned. Craig said he would inquire

Randy going to Chapter 46 meeting (Lancaster, New York) and invited members of the BOD to join; starts at 7 pm.

Motion by Mike Clayton to adjourn, seconded by Darrin Kenney. Motion unanimously carried 9:40 pm

February 11th 2020 EAA 44 Board of Directors Official February Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:10

OFFICERS present: Randy Spurr, President; Frank Grossman, Vice President; Gail Isaac, Treasurer; Tammy Mullen, Secretary DIRECTORS present: Mike Clayton, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy; Darrin Kenney not present

Non-board members: Bob Nelligan-Barrett – BART project manager

President – Randy Spurr

Reminder - the 18 February 2020 monthly meeting meal by Jeff Peters, program by Kyle Mullen titled ‘Bogey Dope, lessons from behind the radar scope’.

One-day Chapter Leadership Boot Camp 7 March 2020 in Hartford, Connecticut. Randy offered to attend with any BOD member(s) interested in going. Mike Clayton highly recommended the Oshkosh three-day boot camp.

Chapter 44 received a letter and banner from EAA national congratulating Chapter 44 for reaching Silver Chapter Recognition level. Silver requires meeting eight of ten established criteria (details on criteria resources/managing-your-chapter/Chapter-Recognition ). Congratulatory letter from national published in chapter 44 newsletter, The Flyer.

Vice President – Frank Grossman See Explorers - EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) committee report

Secretary – Tammy Mullen - Nothing to report

Treasurer – Gail Isaac - Financial reports distributed and reviewed by BOD.

Motion to accept treasurer’s report by Mike Clayton, seconded by Tom Henion. Motion passed 8-0.

Committee Reports

Building & Grounds– Kevin Arganbright submitted, via email, the building report. SAC work days are the Saturday before the general meeting starting at 10 am.

Capital Campaign – no report presented

Explorers - EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) - for 14-20-year-olds. Joining meeting rescheduled from 6 February 2020 due to weather. New date is 20 February 2020 with 5:30 pm pizza, 6 pm joining meeting, 7-9 pm Flight Simulator Group. As of BOD meeting five students have shown interest. First meeting will take place 27 February starting at 6 pm with a presentation by Jeff Peters titled “Why A Plane Flies”, followed by the Flight Simulator Group. Explorer program will continue once a month on the 4th Thursday of the month from 6 until 7 followed by the Flight Simulator Group.

Randy announced he would attend joining meeting. Randy spoke with Jennifer Hanrahan (Marketing and Public Relations for the Greater Rochester International Airport) about small tours of the airport – the underground areas of the airport, etc. Explorer program structure is to hold events at the SAC as well as take a ‘field trip’ every two or three months to off-site venues such as the control tower, aviation maintenance facilities, KROC fire department and the airport itself. Frank is open to places and job positions relating to aviation that would benefit, and be of interest, to young explorers.

The program is open to anyone who would like to present or has a program for the group. Randy volunteered (topic TBD); will reach out to the contact who conducted the control tower tour. Tom Henion volunteered to give an airline presentation.

Responsibility is on the explorer representative, John Sheible, to work program information into local schools and inform Frank if someone signed up/will be attending.

Phil asked if there were requirements to attend off-site events and if parents could attend the programs. Frank said parents can participate. Parents to provide transportation to the off-site locations on evenings explorers do not meet at the SAC. For off-site meetings group will meet at event NOT leave from SAC.

Young Eagles – Amended dates to the program published in the January newsletter: 2 May, 6 Jun, 11 Jul, 8 Aug, 19 Sep. See Calendar Items Discussed

BART – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

Detailed financial report for BART created by Gail, submitted with monthly treasurer’s reports to BOD. Bob highlighted project income over expenses to the positive. Right wing completed and hanging on SAC southwest wall. Starting to cover tail feathers. Discussion planned regarding type of system to be used to cover the plane. Concerns about the smell from said systems; may interfere with activities and programs at the SAC.

Bob to explore new ways to increase participation in the project, as well as construction speed, with goal to take finished plane to AirVenture 2021. Darrin Kenney working on locating an engine.

Budget Oversight Committee – Due to work commitments Darrin Kenney will temporarily step back from the budget per an email sent to the BOD on 9 February 2020. Tammy volunteered to manage until Darrin’s return; Darrin will be copied in.

By-Laws Committee – no update

Old Business

Ray Aviation Scholarship – Frances acknowledged BOD’s contributions towards the submitted application to national.

Brockport Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet – attended by Rick and Tom. Date when Chamber of Commerce will hold their open house at SAC addressed, still TBD.

New Business

Smile.Amazon.Com – a potential revenue stream identified by Phil would allow for members and non-members to make purchases through with EAA 44 as the beneficiary. “Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice” 

Ray Aviation Scholarship – If the chapter receives approval BOD asked for their continued support and assistance in the process to include drafting criteria to select candidate with consideration given to Ray Foundation scholarship requirements.

Frances identified items scholarship will/won’t cover. An estimate could be written up to explain out-of-pocket expenses required of the potential recipient. Frances suggested we petition chapter for equipment/items that could be donated or loaned to the scholarship recipient.

Phil asked Norm Isler to put together a list of flight instructors in Western New York area for the website.

Publicity - Tammy asked if an article could be written/published in the Suburban News identifying projects and programs EAA 44 is involved in to include AOPA, YE, Explorers, BART, VMC. Opportunity to include our need for donations of time and add Frances suggested a new article on a monthly basis; Phil suggested quarterly ‘canned’ article. Randy to follow up with Suburban News.

Revenue -Phil suggested BOD start discussing revenue sources to include grant writing. BOD agreed any grant writing should be approved by the board before submission.

Monthly Meeting Schedule - Rick and Tom addressed altering the monthly meeting schedule to shorten dinner and start the business meeting at 7 vs 7:30 to end the evening’s events closer to 9 pm and not much longer thereafter. Tammy suggested running a slide show during dinner to provide calendar events, website url, chapter information and ‘silence cell phone’ request; and offered to create slide show from submissions by chapter members.

Flight Simulator – Phil asked if the flight simulators could be made available before monthly meetings for members/visitors to try

Science Fair – Science Exploration Night at St. John Fisher 14 May 2020 from 7 – 9 pm; Jeff Peters and Frank will represent EAA 44. Jeff is planning an all-day flight simulator competition, date TBD

Flying Club – (addressed after meeting adjournment) The flying club is up and working, the online reservation system is active. Club currently has eight members, max is ten.

Motion by Mike Clayton to adjourn, seconded by Tom Henion. Motion unanimously carried 8:44 pm

17 Feb 2020        “BOGEY DOPE-Lessons From The Radar Scope” by Kyle Mullen. Food provided by Jeff Peters.

20 Feb 2020        5:30 pizza at SAC; Aviation Explorer Post Kickoff and Joining informational meeting 6 – 7 pm

20 Feb 2020        Flight Simulation Group, 7-9 pm

27 Feb 2020        EAA 44 Aviation Explorers Post first meeting, 6-7 pm

27 Feb 2020        Flight Simulation Group, 7-9 pm

18 Mar 2020       presentation “ “ . Food provided by Tammy & Kyle Mullen

March 2020         Member application for Ray Aviation Scholarship to be submitted

10 Mar 2020       Board of Directors Meeting

17 Mar 2020       presentation TBD, Food corned beef and cabbage

14 May 2020       St. John Fisher Science Exploration Night, 7-9 pm

2 May 2020         Young Eagles

6 Jun 2020           Young Eagles

21 Jun 2020         Proposed Father’s Day activity

4-11 July 2020    International Vintage Sailplane Meet at Harris Hill, Elmira

11 Jul 2020          Young Eagles

8 Aug 2020          Young Eagles

11-12 Sep 2020  AOPA Fly-In at KROC

19 Sep 2020        Young Eagles

Adjourn, seconded by Frances Englund. Motion unanimously carried 9:03 pm

January 14th 2020 EAA Chapter 44 Board of Directors January Meeting

The Board of Directors meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM at the EAA 44 SAC.

Board Members Attendance:  Randy Spurr, Frank Grossman, Mike Clayton, Darrin Kenney, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Tammy Mullen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy.  Other Attendees: Bob Nelligan-Barrett, BART Team Leader. 

President Report – Randy Spurr

A motion to approve December meeting minutes identified two Board of Director (BOD) members who did not receive them.  Mike Clayton motioned to approve December minutes, seconded by Rick Tandy. Motion passed 7 of 8 present, 1 abstention. Frances Englund voted approval for December meeting minutes in absentia via email prior to BOD meeting held on 14 Jan 2020 (email dated 19 Jan 2020 at 8:08 pm informing secretary of prior vote)

Vice President Report – Frank Grossman

Sale of Airplane -Sold “as is” 2-seat airplane which included detached motor, fuselage & frame.  Proceeds donated to Baby Ace Restoration Project (BART).

Scholarship Fund - Frank suggested creating a scholarship/fund to support YE’s who complete ground school, providing an hour or two of flight school beyond YE flight/ground school introduction.  Scholarship NOT to be funded from EAA 44 but through donations by members/non-member resources. Frank offered to donate personal money towards program; suggested follow-on first flight take place at Ledgedale through the EAA 44 flying club. Phil suggested money could be used to send kids to AirVenture; Darrin-ground school supplies; Mike-AirVenture school.

Secretary Report – Tammy Mullen

Nothing to report.

Treasurer Report – Gail Isaac

Financial reports distributed via email.  Frank asked about guidelines for starting to build the hangar.  Phil stated EAA 44 guidelines are when all money is available for the next phase of build/project then the expenditure is made.  The goal is to carry no loans.  Motion to accept treasurer report by Tom Henion, seconded by Rick Tandy. Motion passed 9-0.

Committee Reports

Building – no report presented.

Capital Campaign – no report presented.

Explorers – EAA 44 Aviation Explorer Post (AEP) – For 14-20-year-olds. Kickoff and Joining meeting 6 February 2020 from 6-7 pm; pizza preceding at 5:30. John Scheible, scout liaison, to take care of advertising.  First meeting of AEP 27 Feb 2020 from 6-7 pm.  Unlike previous AEP (1x/wk for 8 wks), current AEP scheduled for last Thursday of every month without projected end. Simulator Group following Kickoff from 7 until 9 pm.

AEP through Seneca Waterways Explorer Scouts (subset of Boy Scouts).  Adult advisors to AEP named during BOD meeting include Randy, Frank & wife and Frances with more expected.

Advisors required to complete youth training program.  Current Young Eagles (YE) youth training program/certification does not apply.  No limit to number of adult advisors from EAA 44. Minimum of two adult advisors required to attend each monthly meeting.  Frank to create schedule with speaker/details and field trips to aviation locations outside of Sport Aviation Center (SAC) - control tower, Boshart maintenance facility, KROC youth tours (Randy spoke with asst manager of KROC), airport fire department, hands-on activities.  Tim Henion offered airline.

Young Eagles – Request from Elise Isler, YE Coordinator, for expenditure approval to update YE plaque which has names and total number of flights for each pilot participating in YE programMotion by Frances Englund for expenditure, seconded by Mike Clayton. Motion carried 9-0.

Budget Oversight & By-Laws – Darrin Kenney volunteered during December meeting to maintain the budget spreadsheet/report. Upon review of previous budget reports, it was discovered income for BART was not reported though expenses were, creating a deficit for the project. Corrections will be presented at next BOD meeting.

Baby Ace Restoration Team – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

Detailed financial report for BART created by Gail, submitted to Bob for review and reported to BOD by Bob.

BART’s Next Steps

  1. Prime/paint fuselage by end-of-month
  2. Expenses a. fabric b. cables/control cables
  3. Engine – two options a. Earl Luce and Vet Thomas anticipate large expense to build working core to include boring of cylinders, accessory parts (carburetor, intake, exhaust, magnetos, oil cooler, etc.)
    1. Look for completed, working engine with estimated purchase cost equal to rebuilding core
    2. Sell existing core and apply funds towards project. Anticipated profit of core may be applied to purchase of working engine
  4. Propeller a. new propeller expense estimates discussed to include mounting hardware/additional parts V. Long-Range plan a. line up buyer for completed plane who will purchase after a condition inspection by an A&P b. develop Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH) to include weight and balance, operating limitations
  5. Donations for specific items requested in January 2020 newsletter, page 5

By-Laws Committee - Subcommittee needed to update the EAA 44 by-laws. Discussion about status and need to reinvigorate the process for completion.

Old Business

Ford Tri-Motor/10th Anniversary of SAC - Kristin Busse, EAA Air Tours Manager (EAA National Oshkosh) has added EAA 44 to the Ford Tri-Motor 2021 to her list of potential tour stops for 2021 at the request of the BOD; availability based upon maintenance schedule of planes.  Confirmation of our request for Father’s Day weekend (19-20 Jun 2021) will come after Airventure 2020.

New Business

Ray Aviation Scholarship - Review and discussion of EAA 44’s qualifications and eligibility; EAA 44 application to participate in program due by 31 Jan 2020. Discussion ensued of EAA 44 applicant criteria; guidelines to be developed and may highlight essays, volunteer time, active and involved member of EAA 44. Applicant submission by Mar 2020 with the understanding awardees are chosen by national.

Bob proposed a Scholarship Coordinator position be created for EAA 44 to include not only the Ray Aviation Scholarship but other aviation-related scholarships/grants (Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship, AOPA).  Coordinator to serve as mentor and navigate applicant through various processes/requirements.

Frances volunteered to become scholarship coordinator and emphasized ‘with active support’ from BOD.  Darrin Kenney motioned for EAA 44 to move forward with its application for the Ray Aviation Scholarship and to accept Frances Englund’s offer as EAA 44 scholarship coordinator. Motion seconded by Mike Clayton, passed 9-0.

Brockport Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet - Randy, unable to attend banquet, asked for volunteer(s) to represent EAA 44.  Banquet at Salmon Creek Country Club, 30 Jan 2020, 6 pm. Tickets to be purchased by attendees. Rick and Mike volunteered if their schedules allow.  Randy reminded BOD the Brockport Chamber of Commerce will hold their open house at SAC during summer 2020.

Revenue -Phil suggested BOD start discussing revenue sources to bridge gap. Gail identified two sisters who wish to join and have already volunteered to work on grants and fundraising for EAA 44.

Frank spoke with Ledgedale Airpark manager, Gretchen Pennington, to allow EAA 44 to hold an event during scheduled drag races; Gretchen may be open to discussing further - TBD. Frank suggested selling guest memberships so our facilities could be used during drag racing events.

Bob suggested EAA 44 hold open house to recruit new members; could be coupled with drag racing event. Also suggested consideration be given to a Father’s Day 2020 activity. There is competition with other local chapters or clubs offering Father’s Day Sunday Fly-in breakfasts. Saturday will let us avoid that conflict but still make it a Father’s Day Weekend event

AOPA 2020 Fly-In at KROC - Volunteers needed for AOPA Fly-In 11-12 Sep 2020. On-line sign-up for the event will open in February. EAA National will have their virtual reality trailer/trainer at the event and volunteers from EAA 44 are needed.

Bonnie Beckett - Whit Beckett’s wife, Bonnie, passed away 4 Jan 2020. Obituary made available during BOD meeting for those who hadn’t see it.  Sympathy card to be purchased by Randy.

Rochester Ultrasport Fun Flyers - Frank brought to BOD’s attention Norm Groves of Rochester Ultrasport Fun Flyers (RUFF/ from Spencerport, is looking for a meeting location on 25 Jan 2020.  Time of meeting and number of participants unknown.  Fee-for-use revenue stream of the SAC identified during RUFF discussion not only for RUFF 25 Jan event but all future, non-chapter events; no further discussion on revenue.  Motion by Frank Grossman for the Rochester Ultra-sport Fun Flyers to have use of the building on the 25th of Jan, with Frank present as a BOD representative. Frances Englund seconded. Motion passed 9-0.

Food Donations - Phil highlighted new chapter members Phil and Cathy Carpenter’s efforts to have Wegmans sponsor EAA 44 events through food donations. Answer to inquiry TBD.

Website - Request to BOD by Phil for event information/details to keep website updated on current events.  Motion by Darrin Kenney to adjourn, seconded by Frances Englund. Motion unanimously carried 9:03 pm

December 2019The regular Board of Directors meeting was called to order by President Randy Spurr at 7:07 PM at the EAA 44 SAC.

Board Members Attendance:  Randy Spurr, Frank Grossman, Jim Weinkauf, Norm Isler, Mike Clayton, Darrin Kenney, Frances Englund, Phil Hazen, Kevin Arganbright.  Other Attendees: G. Isaac, Treasurer; Bob Nelligan-Barrett, Editor & BART Leader.  Board Members Elect: Tammy Mullen, Tom Henion, Rick Tandy.  Approval of September Minutes:  Approved 5-0, 4 abstentions

President’s Report

January General Meeting food Randy Spurr (beef stew) presenter, N. Isler “Non-Towered Airport Operations”.  February General Meeting food T. Mullen, presenter, Kyle Mullen.

Expressed thanks to outgoing members, Norm Isler, Kevin Arganbright and Jim Weinkauf for their service. 

On behalf of the Board, Gail Isaac presented Jim Weinkauf with a “The Lawn Ranger” T-shirt gift, to express the Chapter’s appreciation for Jim’s dedicated work to maintain the lawn and plow the snow for several years. 

President Spurr welcomed newly elected members Tammy Mullen, Tom Henion and Rick Tandy and congratulated re-elected members Phil Hazen and Frank Grossmann.  Plea to general membership to increase support and volunteerism for the chapter will be a Presidential focus for 2020.   Your Chapter 44 NEEDS YOU!!!  

Vice President

Aviation Explorer Post (ages 14 to 20) discussion with the leader shooting for a late January/early February start of the program with simulators.

Secretary – Motion by D. Kenney Second N. Isler to appoint T. Mullen as 2020 Secretary.  Motion carried 9-0

Treasurer’s Report & Financials

Gail shared that the SAC ran out of propane and reports we are using propane at a faster rate than previous years, likely due to increased use of the facility and earlier start to winter.  Gail shared a quick reference statement of the major bills (needs) to operate the chapter.

Norm presented the updated Budget Performance Report, Revenues are on budget target, Expenses are trending higher than anticipated.  As the fiscal year draws to a close there will be some reconciling of the reports to reflect accrued items (incurred but not cash transacted yet). Motion by D. Kenney, Second M. Clayton to approve financial reports, motion carried  9 – 0

Facility – Kevin Arganbright.  No report

Capital Campaign – Randy Spurr.  No report

Explorers – Shooting for a late January/early February start of the program with simulators.

Young Eagles – Proposed 2020 Dates five dates this year May 16, Jun 13, Jul 11, Aug 8, Sep 19.  NOTE Sep 19 replaces the original Sep 11 date due to AOPA KROC Fly-In.   Randy will update the Ledgedale Airport Manager.

Budget Oversight & By-Laws – Norm Isler

Tracking and report reviewed and discussed – see financials above.  By-Laws Norm working on updates and will have time to finish when he says “Bye” to the Board, and he will give us the “Laws” in the first quarter of 2020.

Motion by M. Clayton, Second F. Grossman for D. Kenney to prepare the Budget Performance Report.

Baby Ace Restoration Team – Bob Nelligan-Barrett

Bob presented financial revenue/expense detail of the project from inception through November 2019.  Project Status – finishing wing structure work and test fit and concentrating on the boot cowl

New Business

Newsletter – Bob working with Craig on transition, both writing the next Newsletter and seeing how the printing and assembly process works.  The Board thanked Bob for his many years of dedicated service and the huge undertaking a Newsletter is for one person.

National EAA has expressed to the Chapter its interest in returning the Ford Tri-motor to the area in 2021.  The last time the Trimotor was here was 2016 and it was very successful from a community public relations standpoint and financially beneficial to the chapter.  Motion by N. Isler, Second M. Clayton that the Board continue to pursue working with National to make this happen.

Bob requested the Board consider re-trying to host a Sat (Father’s Day weekend) Fly-in/Drive-in Breakfast in Jun 2020.

Norm reported that approximately 450 planes are anticipated at the AOPA Regional Fly-In to be held at the Rochester Airport (KROC) on Sep 11 and 12, 2020. Vendors, seminars, static displays and other attractions and festivities are planned.

Board Appointment of Officers:

The Board of Directors unanimously voted to appoint the following people to the slate of officers.

President – Randy Spurr, Vice President – Frank Grossmann, Secretary – Tammy Mullen, Treasurer – Gail Isaac

Motion M. Clayton second K. Arganbright to adjourn at 8:32pm.  Motion carried 9-0. 

Respectfully Submitted: Darrin T. Kenney, Secretary


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