Chandler EAA1445

Chandler, Arizona

Tool Crib for Chapter Members



Tool Crib for Chapter Members


 Mike Still, a member of Chapter 1445, passed away in January 2022. Mike, a lifetime member of the EAA, served as the president of Chapter 1445 from 2007-2011. Mike was not only a pilot, but was an award winning builder of a number of airplanes. Over the years, he accumulated many tools and a collection of aircraft hardware. Mike was a technical advisor and a mentor to many other builders. He not only shared his knowledge but loaned his tools to other builders with the comment, “Don’t buy that. You are only going to use it a few times. You are welcome to borrow mine.” Mike owned two hangars at the airport. Mike’s son Jon now owns those hangars and to honor his father, Jon is allowing Chapter 1445 to occupy one of the hangars. He is also allowing chapter members to use the tools in the hangar. The rest of this document defines the procedures the chapter will enforce to honor Jon’s wishes, but to also ensure that the tools are secured and maintained.


The tools are intended for the exclusive use of EAA Chapter 1445 members who are active and paid up on their dues. The tools are for use on the member’s personal Experimental or Certified aircraft. The tools are not to be used in any commercial context. They shall not be loaned, shared, or rented to non-members, nor used by members to provide a commercial service to non-members. The tools shall remain the responsibility of Chapter 1445. A tool committee shall be formed to evaluate the tools to determine which pieces of equipment must remain in the hangar due to size, weight and complexity. The committee will also designate chapter members qualified to operate complex equipment and supervise members using that equipment. A number of the smaller tools can be taken to other locations where construction or maintenance is being performed.  Borrowing members removing tools from the hangar are responsible for transit to their aircraft location and back to the hangar. Except for normal wear and tear or tool malfunction, replacement or repair following loss or damage shall be the responsibility of the borrowing member. To keep track of the tools being checked out, a member of the tool committee will meet the borrower and fill out a check out/ sign in sheet. For high end tools such as the aircraft scales, a member of the tool committee will accompany the borrower, oversee the operation and ensure return of the tool.

As mentioned in the introduction, Mike accumulated a collection of aircraft hardware. The collection contains many sizes of aircraft nuts, bolts, screws, washers, and fasteners. These consumables may be accessed as a “last resort”. If you can purchase the hardware from another source such as Aircraft Spruce, please do so. If you need the hardware immediately or have trouble finding what you need, check with a member of the tool committee to see if it is in Mike’s collection. If it is, we ask that you make a generous donation to the chapter.

Tool Committee Members

If you wish to borrow a tool or use equipment in the EAA hangar, please contact one of the tool committee members listed below for assistance.

Name Phone Number E-mail


The tools listed below are meant to give members a view of what is currently available for use. We will continue to add tools to this list as we get donations and as members volunteer the use of tools that they are willing to share.


Aircraft scales. The Roadrunner Scales consist of three scales, each one with a capacity of 2,500 pounds. Due to the value of the scales, a tool crib committee person will supervise the weighing of all aircraft and be responsible for transporting the scales to and from the weighing location. We will weigh aircraft belonging to members of Chapter 1445 based at CHD at no charge. For 1445 members needing weighing whose aircraft are based at other airports around the valley, we will ask for a $25.00 donation to cover travel expenses. We will weigh airplanes belonging to other  EAA chapter members around the valley for a donation of $50.00.  

Metal brake and Metal bender.

12 ton press.

English wheel and metal forming tool.

Sanders, drill press, grinding wheel.

Air compressor.