From National Weather Service: A storm cell is forming 20 miles northwest of Oshkosh. There is the potential for 25-30 mph wind gusts & rain. If this cell tracks towards Oshkosh, it could arrive around 4:30 to 4:40 p.m.
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Chandler EAA1445
Chandler, Arizona
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Members Airplanes
arlos airmaster -
Arlos Champ -
Arlos Headwind -
Bauman RV -
Bob after first flight of his RV8 -
Bob and his Kitfox -
Bob RV8 smoke on -
Bobs F18 -
Bobs RV8 Smoke 1 -
Bobs RV8 Smoke 2 -
Brads Conquest -
Brads Lancair -
Cecils and Kitfox -
Cecils Kitfox -
Cessna C-140 -
Darwin Barrie RV7 -
DeLevie Aerostar -
Griffith CJ6A -
Joseph Turalba Airplanes -
Kelly McMullen RV10 -
Ken Morris A36 -
Kevin Deutscher Bearhawk -
Kevins Bearhawk -
Kjerstad J3 -
Kyles RV -
Lambert RV 7A -
Landing Kitfox -
Marc Rougee C172 -
Martys Piper PA15/17 Vagabond -
Mikes T-51 -
Thorp T18 -
Muzzio RV8 -
Piper Cherokee -
Piper Cub -
Rods RV 9 -
Scotts Kitfox -
Sonex -
Still Starduster -
Swire Stits Playboy -
Tim Swire Playboy -
Scott Todd Onex -
Tom Snider Ercoupe -
Varga -
Yellow RV -
Zenith CH601HDS
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