Most Recent Meeting Activity



EAA Chapter 1445

at the 67th Annual 

Cactus Fly In

  The 67th annual Cactus Fly In was held at the Casa Grande Municipal Airport on March 8, 2025.  Members volunteered at for multiple tasks.  I didn't catch members volunteering at the ticket booth.  The weather was great and everyone had a great time.  Below is a short video to document the event.  I apologize to our members who I didn't photo.



Chandler Arizona Innovation Fair


  EAA Chapter 1445 had a 2 booths at the Chandler Arizona Innovation Fair on February 22, 2025.  The volunteers were kept busy answering the public's questions about EAA, building airplanes, and flying.  Eleven kids built the EAA aluminum phone holder during the event.  A big thanks goes out to Cecil Orozco for trailering his beautiful Kitfox to be displayed at the fair.  It was the center of the booth.  A big thanks goes out to all of our Chapter members that volunteered  to man the booths and also to prepare and clean up for the event.  Below is a short YouTube video that documents the event.



February Meeting

  On February 15, 2025, EAA Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at the Chandler Municipal Airport Terminal.  Thirty plus members and guests attended the meeting.  Several guests attended including 3 ASU students, a recent engineering graduate from ASU, a girl that was interested in getting into aviation, and a man that was interested in getting his PPL and building and airplane.  Current Chapter officers were attending a local EAA Leadership Boot Camp, so Scott Todd was tasked with leading the meeting.  Todd gave a presentation on the history and current status of flight sim'ing.  Click here to view Scott's presentation click FlightSims1.  Four flight sims were setup to give the attendees a taste of what is available.  There were 2 different generations of Microsoft Flight Simulation, a RC model simulation, and a space simulation that let attendees experience some of the aspects of orbiting the earth.  Attendees were treated to pizza after the presentation.  While they ate pizza they were able to fly the sims and discuss sim'ing equipment and whether its useful for training and keeping current.




January Young Eagles

  On January 26, 2025, EAA Chapter 1445 held its first Young Eagle's event of the year at Chandler Municipal Airport (KCHD).  Four pilots flew 9 Young Eagles.  It was a cloudy and cold (for Arizona), but pilots, Young Eagles, and ground support volunteers had a great morning.  The cool temps contributed to better airplane performance and the stable air lead to some really smooth flights.


January Monthly Meeting

  Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at our hangar on January 18, 2025.  Members and guests met at the hangar and held a short business meeting.  After the business meeting, members traveled to Mac Transtrum's hangar where he shared his experiences building his beautiful scratched built GB Model R Sportster.  After being awed by Mac and his GB, members traveled back to the Chapter's hangar to enjoy some pizza.

Below is a YouTube video that documents the event including photos of the GB.


Mac and his GeeBee smile



January, 2025

Saturday at KCHD


If you can’t be flying, you might as well sit, watch planes takeoff, and talk about flying.


RV14A Tech


Five tech counselors flew their aircraft to AK Chin (A39) to give a close final inspection of Jory Jones’s RV14A before his DAR airworthiness inspection. Rick Drown, Chuck Buchholz, Kelly McMullen, Marty Goldfarb, and Bob Meyer scrutinized every detail. Jory is well prepared. Good luck to him!



EAA Chapter 1445

Annual Christmas Party


  On December 14, 2024, Chapter 1445 held its annual Christmas party at Millar Airfield.  More than 50 members and guests attended.  Everyone enjoyed a beautiful winter day in Arizona, a lot of socialization, a great potluck, and a gift exchange.  A big thanks goes out to Chuck Millar for hosting our Chapter at his private airstrip.  Please enjoy the YouTube video below that documents the event.


EAA Chapter 1445

2024 Activities

Coolidge December Pancake Breakfast

A group Chapter 1445 members attended the December Coolidge fly-in Pancake breakfast.  The breakfast is held on the first Saturday of the month.  It is not held during the summer, due to it being held outside.  It was a cool morning and there was a slight breeze so attendees had to eat their breakfast quickly as it cooled off quickly.  The highlight of the fly-in is walking the ramp and looking at the interesting airplanes that are display.



November Young Eagles


EAA Chapter 1445 held its second Young Event in a one month period.  Ejoy the Youtube video below that documents the event.




Casa Grande Impromptu Fly-Out

  On November 11, 2024 a contingent of Chapter 1445 members decide to fly to Casa Grande to try out the new cafe that recently opened.  From their smiles it looks like everyone enjoyed themselves



November Monthly Meeting

  On November 16, 2024 EAA Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at the Chandler Municipal Airport.  The event was attended by 50 + members and guests.  Everyone seemed to enjoy a nice cool autumn day, a lot of hangar flying, and hamburgers and brats. 

  The business meeting was also the annual election meeting.  The officers and directors for 2024 are:  Rod Kjerstad - President, Hank Caple - Vice President, Joe Granado - Secretary, Mark Weiss - Treasurer,  Directors are Ric Drown, Daulbert, and Marty Goldfarb.

  The program consisted of presentations from Scott Todd - Chapter Hangar Status, Dale Whelan - Aircraft Engines, Jame Graham - RV4 Engine Out Event, and Kevin Deutscher - Bearhawk Building Experience.

  Enjoy the following video that documents the event.


Veteran's Day 2024

  On November 10, 2024, several chapter members flew and drove to Millar Field to help Chuck Millar parade many of his museum vehicles onto Maricopa. We parked at Bashas and had a lot of visitors come by and view the collection. It was a fun event and Chuck even served us burgers afterwards.
Millar Parade.jpg

  Many of Chandler EAA Chapter 1445 members have served our country and we are all thankful for their contributions to our country.  Please recognize a veteran on Veteran's Day and thank them for their service.

October YE Event

  EAA Chapter 1445 held a Young Event at Chandler Municipal Airport (KCHD).  Eleven Young Eagles were flown by 4 volunteer pilots.  Thanks to the volunteer pilots and the ground support volunteers that made the event successful.  Below is a short YouTube video that documents the event.


October Monthly Meeting

  EAA Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at Ak Chin Regional Airport (A39), on October 19, 2024.  Forty plus members and guests attended. Michael Moore gave a presentation on Top Aces, a firm that uses retired fighter pilots and F16's obtained from Israel to act aggressors to train Air Force Pilots.  Joe Granado gave presentation on his experiences purchasing a brand new Cessna 206.  After the formal presentations members and guests were treated to burgers and brats cooked by chef Rick.  

  A big thanks goes out to Tim Costello, Manager of Ak Chin Regional, for allowing Chapter 1445 to hold its meeting at the airport.

  A really short YouTube video below documents the event.

Marana Flyout


  Six Chapter members enjoyed breakfast at the cafe at Marana Regional (KAVQ) on October 17, 2024.  The winds were a bit gusty (200 @18 G 23KT) so we got some good cross wind practice.  Traffic was using runway12, so the wind was almost a direct crosswind.  On the flight down we had a 25 KT head wind which made the flight a little longer, but on the flight home the head wind was now a tail wind.




















Sedona Fly-out

Six members enjoyed breakfast in Sedona at our September flyout. We created the monthly flyout to get more of our members a reason to fly their airplanes. Especially in the summer it’s easy to let the airplane become non-current. Try to participate in every flyout you can. We have one planned for each month.


sez breakfast.jfif

September Monthly Meeting

  EAA Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting on Saturday September 23, 2024 in the Chandler Municipal Airport Terminal building.  Hank Caple led the meeting because Rod was out of town attending a J3 cub meeting. 


   Fifty members and guests were enjoyed a presentation by Ryan Reeves, Chandler Airport Manager.  Ryan discussed airport history, recent capital programs, some future capital programs, how he uses ADS-B data to manage the airport, and interesting side stories about wild life on the airport.  After the formal meeting Ryan stayed around and was kept busy answering questions from the attendees.


  After the formal meeting the attendees were treated to pizza and a lot of "hangar flying."



October's meeting will be held at Ak-Chin Airport (A39) on Saturday October 19th.  There will be a presentation on an aviation topic, hamburgers grill by Rick, and some more "hangar flying.  Save the date in your calendar and plan on flying or driving out.  Weather should be pleasant finally.

Kevin's First Flight

If you see Kevin Deutscher please congratulate him on the first flight of his Bearhawk on September 10th at 7:30 AM.  Kevin long time member of the Chapter and been an EAA member since the 80's.  The flight was observed by members of the chapter and Kevin's friends.  Kevin flew for 15 laps around the patter and several laps around Memorial field for a total of 1.6 hours.  He flew at 3K feet and 120 kts.  He performed one stall at 38 kts.  Kevin used the EAA Tech Counselor and Flight Advisor services provided by the Chapter.  It took 23 years of dedicated building to finish his immaculate Bearhawk.  Note the "first flight smile" after completing the flight.  The flight was flawless and to quote Kevin, "the plane is still reusable."  We are looking forward to having Kevin and his Bearhawk participate in future flyouts.




August FlyOut

Last month's flyout was postponed by a few days but Bob Meyer and Arlo Watkins decided to fly to Seligman on the original schedule. Looks like they had a good day.


August 2024 Meeting

Chapter 1445 held its first monthly meeting after AirVenture on August 17, 2024 in the Chandler Municipal Airport Terminal building.  Forty five members and guests attended the meeting.

  • Joe Granado gave a short talk on his experience buying his new Cessna 206. 
  • Three members (Bob, Rod, and Hank) that were lucky enough to fly in to AirVenture recapped their trips. 
  • John Cooke who has been a member of EAA since being discharged from the Air Force in 1959, gave a short history of his membership and the planes (Glassair, RV-8, RV-12) that he has built over the years.

  After the presentation attendees stuck around for some hangar flying and pizza.





Ray Scholar

The Ray Scholar for EAA Chapter 1445 for 2024 is Micah Norris.  Micah is 18 years old.  He presently has completed ground school, has his 3rd class medical, student pilot license, and has 35 hours in his logbook.  The plan is to mentor Micah to successfully obtain his private pilot license.  Micah has also become a member of Chapter 1445 and will be an active member of the Chapter.  In the future, progress reports will be posted on the website on the progress Micah is making.


Airventure 2024

  A short video from Bob Meyer documenting his and Rod Kjerstad's trip to AirVenture 2024




Sunrise at Airventure


Annual group photo of the lucky members of Chapter 1445 that were able to attend Airventure 2024.


Prop Cover

  Cecil has finished making prop hangars for member of Chapter 1445 that are leaving for Airventure this week.  Cecil did a really nice job.  Below are a couple of photos of the cover on Bob Meyer's RV-8.



Mogollon Rim Fly-Out 

  EAA Chapter 1445 held a fly-out on July 13, 2024 in place of its regular monthly meeting.  The event coincided with a Fly-in/Pancake Breakfast, being held at the Mogollon Rim private airport (AZ82) and was hosted by EAA Chapter 1044.  Since the elevation of AZ82 is 6,658 msl, it gave our members a chance to escape the desert heat for a couple of hours.

















Wright Brothers Award

  On July 10, 2024, Marty Goldfarb was awarded the Wright Brothers Award by the FAA for 50 years of continuous flying.  Please congratulate Marty when you see hi

m.  Marty joined an exclusive club.


June 15, 2024 Meeting

  On June 15, 2024 Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at the Chandler Municipal Airport.  Thirty eight members and guests attended the meeting.  Dylan Gauthier, Manager of Chandler Airport Air Traffic Control tower led a lively discussion on how ATC at Chandler control air operations at KCHD.  From the participation in the discussion, the attendees must of enjoyed in talking to a controller face to face.

  After the formal meeting, the members were treated to pizza, cookies, and soft drinks.  Everyone enjoyed hangar flying that took place as they ate their lunch.



First Airplane

  Our 2 youngest members, (John and Joseph Turalba) obtained their first Airplane project this week.  Fellow member Ken Spruell is presently moving to Illinois.  Ken had this project and did not want to move it, so he donated it to John and Joseph.  This should be a project for John and Joseph to get some experience and make some memories.




Titan T-51

On May 21, 2024, Mike Still's T-51 left the Chandler Municipal Airport for its new home in Pennsylvania.  Mike was one of our first Presidents.  He passed away 4 years ago.  His son John inherited the airplane.  So it was a sad and a happy day.  Sad to see the plane leave KCHD, but happy that it is finally shipped to John who will enjoy flying his father's pride and joy for many years.


Annual May Workshop Meeting

  On May 18m 2024, EAA Chapter 1445 held its annual workshop meeting at Millar Airport (2AZ4).  Forty members and guest attended the event where they were treated to a day of hangar flying, hamburgers and brats, and a demonstration on how to change a tireand tube on a small aircraft wheel.  A big thank you goes out to Chuck Millar for letting Chapter 1445 for using his facilities for our meeting.  Below are some photos of the event and a short YouTube video.  Enjoy





May Young Eagles

  On May 4, 2024 (Star Wars Day), Chapter 1445 held a successful Young Event at Chandler Municipal Airport (KCHD).  Six pilots flew 13 Young Eagles.  The volunteer pilots were supported by 15 ground support volunteers.  We want to give a huge shout out to Youth volunteers who helped entertain Young Eagles who were waiting for their flight.  Pleasevisit our Young Eagles page ( to watch a YouTube video documenting the event.

Homebuilt F14 Flight Training

  Chapter member Bob Elis's grandson, Noah, age 4 received his flight training in recently completed F14 pedal plane.  Another inspired future pilot.



April Monthly Meeting

  Chapter 1445 held it April meeting at the Chandler Municipal Airport on April 20 2024.  Members flew and drove in to attend the meeting.  Everyone enjoyed a hangar flying session prior to the formal meeting.  Rod called the meeting to order and introduced Hank Caple as the Chapter's new Vice President.  Hank volunteered for the position and was approved by the Board of Directors.  Cecil gave a presentation on maintenance and checks required by ELT manufacturers. Most builders install an ELT and aren't aware of the requirements to maintain them. After the meeting, the members enjoyed pizza and more hangar flying.  The Chapter's May annual workshop meeting will be held at Millar's airport (2AZ4).  This is one of the Chapter's most popular meeting.






Fly Mart 2024

On April 6, 2024 EAA Chapter 1445 held it's second annual fly mart.  A big thanks to Chandler Aviation for providing Chapter 1445 with a hangar to hold the event.  East Valley Institute of Technology provided a metal working activity and a flight simulator to entertain kids that attended the event.  Boy Scout Troop 282 sold coffee and pastries to attendees.  The coffee was big hit since it was cold in the hangar.  



March Monthly Meeting


EAA Chapter 1445 held its monthly meeting at the Eloy, Arizona Airport (E60).  Twenty five members either flew or drove to Eloy to attend the meeting and the great Arizona spring weather.  The rare ground fog in the area delayed some of the flyers for 30 minutes.  Below is a short video of the highlights of the meeting.  Enjoy!




February Monthy Meeting

  On February 17, 2024, EAA Chapter 1445 held its regular monthly meeting in the terminal building at the Chandler Municipal Airport.  Ernie Copeland member of the FAA FAST team from the Scottsdale FSDO, gave a presentation on owner/operator aircraft maintenance.  Thirty plus members attended the presentation.  Everyone enjoyed pizza and socialization after the meeting.




  Arlo Watkin has become the Chapter's first rotorcraft owner.  Now all he has to do is learn how to fly it.  Good luck Arlo.


January 27, 2024 Young Eagles

  On January 27, 2024 Chapter 1445 held its first Young Eagle event of 2024.  Six pilots flew 12 Young Eagles.  See YouTube video below.


January Monthly Meeting

  EAA Chapter 1445's regular monthly meeting conflicted with the City of Chandler's Aviation Day celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Chandler Municipal Airport.  So the Chapter adapted and setup a table at the event and displayed 8 member aircraft that made their first flights at KCHD.  The Aviation Day celebration was a successful event for the City of Chandler and for Chapter 1445.  Chapter signed up 5 new members, approved updated bylaws, and introduced itself to the attendees of the event.  Members manning the Chapter's table fielded many questions about experimental aircraft and how parents can introduce their kids to aviation.  Enjoy the short video documenting the event.





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