Chapter 770

Springfield, IL

Flying Start Events

Flying Start June 5, 2021


Thanks to everyone who was able to come out Saturday to help out with our first Flying Start event.  I will boldly call it a success because I believe there are 2 people who are very serious about getting their pilots license within the next year, and a couple more who likely will in the future, but may take more time to get there.  There was also another person who was unable to attend, but I've been in touch with him and he plans to join us at the flyout Thursday.  I will connect him with a good match for his Eagle flight after we meet him Thursday.  And there were a few more folks who showed up that were interested in joining the chapter, so overall, I think we did very well.  Thank you all!


Thank you to Mitch Whitley who gave such great insight for not only our guests, but I believe all of us, with his knowledge and sheer presence.  It was an honor to have him, not only as a CFI spokesman, but as a military pilot and a member of a military family with a long history of service to our country.  Thank you Mitch!
A special thanks to Beth and the entire crew at Stellar Aviation for providing us the beautiful facilities.  They are always there for us.  Thank you so much!
And our surprise guest, Dr. Susan Shea, who came out to support our efforts on behalf of the entire SAA Board and Mark Hanna (who had kids sports events to attend).  She was actually able to get our friends from Channel 20 out to share our story with the public and was taking lots of pictures too!  Thank you Susan for this and all the things you do "in the background" for GA!  (If you'd like to share a few of your favorite photos from the event, please do so with a Reply All to this email.)  Thanks again!!
Thanks to Jim, John and Jason Templeton who brought 3 different aircraft to display on the ramp, showing the diversity of aircraft available to a potential pilot.
And for the refreshments, thank you Eric and Parris Fromm.  It was nice to have refreshments on such a warm day!  Thank you!
PIlots who donated their time, effort and aircraft were Jaime Rabins, Don Schwanke, Terry Blome and Scott Winningham.  Each of them flew an Eagle participant.  And we were even able to accommodate a couple of Young Eagles too!  Thank you guys!!


Marty Towsley and Chis Bildilli had their planes on standby but we had adequate support.  Thank you two as well.  I know you would have had your planes there in a heartbeat had we needed them.
And last but not least, the others who helped set up, greet people, move tables and chairs, answer questions, take pictures, etc, etc.
Dan Kerns (who also brought his Powered Parachute - did you ever get it home, Dan?), Jim Bildilli, RIck Nelson and Cliff Pool.
Thank you all so much!  
John Salz
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