EAA Chapter 501

Lincoln Park, New Jersey

About Us

EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge.

Chapter members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, building seminars, and more, to build awareness in the community.

Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 501, Inc. is a New Jersey State Non-Profit Corporation and is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. All or part of any donation or gift (such as cash, tools, parts, aviation projects or other assets) may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Check with your tax advisor.

EAA Chapter 501 2024 staff

President - Matthew Lamm, lamm.matthew@gmail.com

Vice President - Allan Feid, Jr., allanfeidjr@gmail.com

Secretary - position vacant

Treasurer - Don Provost, donprov@optonline.net

Board of Directors - Matt Lamm, Allan Feid, Don Provost, Allen F. Dunn, Ron Reinartz and Greg Dwyer.

Flight Advisor - Ron Reinartz, - ronaldreinartz@gmail.com 

Young Eagles Coordinator - Allen F. Dunn, flyingallen1@gmail.com
Young Eagles Work Shop Coordinator - Bob Menier - timbrijen@yahoo.com
Eagle Flights Coordinator - Mike Dzurny, deltamktg@aol.com
Fly-In Co-Chairmen - Barry Morse, barrymorse@optonline.net, and Nick Anzano, nick.anzano@protonmail.com
Membership Chairman - Paul Schulman - paulschulman1@verizon.net

Ray Aviation Scholarship Coordinator - David L. Jones, III - delj107@gmail.com

Airport Relations - Greg Dwyer, greg2sons@aol.com
Good and Welfare - Steve Vail, vails@wpunj.edu
Newsletter editor - Don Provost,donprov@optonline.net
Webmaster www.eaa501.org - Don Provost, donprov@optonline.net
Webmaster www.501.eaachapter.org - Don Provost, donprov@optonline.net  
Webmaster Facebook eaachapter501 - Nick Kida, nicholaskida1@gmail.com

  Become a Member  

CLICK to download a .PDF EAA Chapter 501 pen/pencil application form.

CLICK to download a .DOCX EAA Chapter 501 digital application form.


EAA 501
President: Matt Lamm
Contact: 302-598-1749 | lamm.matthew@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday 6:30 PM
Variable. Usually Lincoln Park Airport. Contact President
Lincoln Park Airport, 425 Beaverbrook Rd
Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

EAA Chapters Silver
Programs: Young Eagles, Flight Advisor, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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